Under the Oak Tree - Chapter 385 - 146

Chapter 385 - 146

385 Chapter 146

The sensation of her supple flesh in his hand was marvelous beyond words. After indulging in her soft breast, he removed her remaining armor and pulled up her loose tunic. For a moment, it felt as though the air had been sucked from his lungs.

Her skin s.h.i.+mmered like pearl even in the shade, and her swollen bosom was a delicate pink. After regarding her in awe, he cupped the bottom of her firm breast and took her taut nipple into his mouth.

His heart felt close to exploding. Holding her writhing body, Riftan sucked on the soft flesh. His wife responded by clasping at his hair, alternating between pulling him closer and pus.h.i.+ng him away.

He relentlessly nibbled and licked her sensitive nipple before looking up at her face. Her gray eyes, reminiscent of gla.s.s beads, were wet and misty with desire.

An electrifying shudder ran down his spine at how she writhed in pleasure in his arms. The feeling was exquisite.

He lowered his head to resume teasing her swollen nipple, stopping only when she was close to reaching her peak. Deprived of her climax, Maximilian let out a disgruntled groan, glaring at him with teary eyes. The sight was breathtakingly enthralling.

Pressing himself against her soft body, he drove his tongue into her warm, wet mouth. Knowing that her inner wall would be as hot and wet made his member bulge painfully out of his trousers. He was close to losing his mind from the desire to tear apart his clothes and embed himself inside her.

He barely managed to pry his lips from hers and press his forehead against the coa.r.s.e wooden column. Though he burned with desire, he knew he would not be able to stop himself if they continued.

"This was not my intention."

Giving her a stiff smile, he lowered her bunched-up tunic. Maximilian shuddered as if the brush of the fabric was enough to stimulate her erect nipple. Though his throat felt constricted, Riftan managed to kiss his disgruntled wife's cheek.

"See what happens when you keep saying adorable things?"

"I-I was being serious. You, however..." she said, glowering at him resentfully.

Letting out a groan, Riftan hoisted her up and set her atop a pile of lumber.

"You are too greedy," he said, wrapping his arms around her small, quivering body. He pressed his cheek to hers. "You want to be many things at once, to excel from the outset. But you must remember that you've only just taken your first steps."

"Th-That may be true compared to you... but I have also gained plenty of experience by now," she replied stubbornly.

Riftan furrowed his brow. Her anxiousness had the edge of someone on the run, and it filled him with trepidation that she might do something reckless again.

He pinned her with a cold look. "Most of your experience so far has been sacrificing yourself for others, but I will no longer allow that."

A hint of defiance rose on her face, and Riftan guessed that his commanding tone must have miffed her. He suppressed a groan, adding placatingly, "You must learn to accept your limits as well. You cannot do everything alone. Not only do you have me and the knights, who would happily serve you, but you also have Ruth to a.s.sist you with your duties as a mage. I need you to stop thinking that accepting help is shameful."

Maximilian flushed. "I-I never-"

She cut herself off, appearing to reflect on her past actions.

A bitter smile curled Riftan's lips. His wife seemed to be completely unaware of the extent of her pride. She would rather die than show weakness. To her, being pitied or taking orders was demeaning. It was astonis.h.i.+ng that she had managed to maintain a n.o.ble's pride despite the years of abuse from her father.

Brus.h.i.+ng his fingers through her hair, Riftan said appeasingly, "You say you want to help when you refuse to accept any. Is that not a contradiction? It's no shame for a mage to receive the knights' protection. As a member of the order, you must learn to work with others."

Unable to think of a retort, Maximilian pressed her lips into a thin line. Though not pleased, she seemed to understand his point. With a sigh of relief, he rubbed his lips on her cheek.

"We should head back to camp now."


When he tried to rise, Maximilian grabbed his arm. Riftan swallowed back a groan. His bulging manhood was pinned beneath her soft thigh as she clung closer still.

Riftan pushed her away slightly, managing to choke out, "A snowstorm is coming. We should head back before-"

"I don't want to. I want to stay here with you... a little longer."

Clasping him close, she gazed up at him, her eyes s.h.i.+ning with desire. Riftan had to summon the last of his self-control.

"We can't."

"Why not?"

"G.o.ddammit, you know well why. We can't until this war is"

"Y-You can pull out at the end."

Riftan's head spun at the vivid memory her words evoked. He squeezed his eyes shut. How could he possibly tell her that he would likely climax the moment he entered her?

Swearing under his breath, he untied the straps of her trousers. He quickly washed his hand with water from his flask, then slid his fingers inside her undergarment. . Her pubic hair was wet. When he discovered the swollen nub beneath it and began to stoke,

Maximilian threw her head back. He felt her thighs tense around his hand.

A fire burned in his throat. Firmly supporting her with one arm, he slipped his fingers between her folds.

When he gently rubbed her soft inner wall, he felt it spasm slightly. She rocked her hips as if to invite him even deeper, making a sound close to a sob.

"R-Riftan... I want you."

He looked down at her with quivering eyes. He had nearly come there and then. Clenching his jaw, he pulled her trembling body close and began to apply more pressure to his strokes.

"Next time. We will do it however many times you wish, so be content with this for now."

"N-No. You were the one... who started it."

"Yes, I know, and I'm sorry."

Maximilian pounded on his chest with her fists until the mounting pleasure made her wrap her arms around his neck. Holding the back of her head with one hand, Riftan peppered kisses on her temple, forehead, and cheek. Before long, she clamped around his fingers, and her body began to convulse.

He could not hold back any longer.

He hastily loosened his trousers. Leaning forward, he fervently sucked her lips while roughly moving his hand up and down his throbbing member. Release came soon after.

He rested his forehead on the crown of her head, his chest heaving. His mind hovered somewhere between satisfaction and wanting more until reason slowly returned.

Extracting a handkerchief from his coat, he used it to wipe between her legs. He then helped her straighten her clothes before pulling up his own trousers. Maximilian meekly leaned against him as he did so before slowly rising.

He studied her, his eyes full of worry. "Are you all right?"

"Y-Yes," she replied hoa.r.s.ely.

Holding her chin with his thumb and index finger, he searched her face to see if she was being truthful before plucking her breastplate off the floor. After helping her secure it, he picked up his gauntlet and led her out of the shed.

Already, the sky was an ink blue, and a fierce snowstorm raged around them. He wrapped her inside his cloak and led her out of the lumber camp. When he noticed her wobbly gait, he swooped her up to carry her in his arms.

Despite the frigid cold, her body against his was as hot as flame. It was like sipping salt water after a desperate struggle through the desert. The desire he impulsively tried to sate from time to time during the campaign only served to aggravate his thirst. He brooded over this fact as he hastened toward the camp.

If he failed to end this war within a few months, he might very well lose his mind.

A few days later, the coalition army reached the northeastern part of the duchy. Maxi stood atop a hill and gazed down at the city.

The duchy's soldiers had set up camp outside the city's gray walls, and about a thousand of them were currently laying siege. Mounted knights bellowed orders from the rear. When some of them noticed that reinforcement had arrived, they promptly came galloping up the hill.

"We thank you for coming! We have waited weeks for aid."

Riftan, who had been observing the fighting, said curtly, "Things do not look good."

"We have been trying to scale the wall with siege ladders, but we are only losing soldiers," said a knight with a thick black beard. "Why don't we continue this discussion at the main camp? Sir Derek will give you a full report."