Chapter 294
Maxis hair stood on end, and she instinctively grabbed Riftans forearm. The terrifying outlines of the monsters were visible even at such a great distance. Their hulking forms were encased in blackened iron armor, and they wore horned steel helmets. Each time they took a step, the ma.s.sive axes slung over their shoulders glinted in the sun.
Her throat felt constricted. Barely managing to suck in a breath, she strove to quell her terror. Carefully a.s.sessing whatever was hidden beneath the black burlaps on their wagons, she surmised that the trolls were transporting monsters they had hunted. Some of the wagons were laden with bizarre apparatuses, which she a.s.sumed were tools to harvest their game.
Ulyseon was lying flat on his stomach nearby. He asked in a low voice, Should we follow them?
Riftan turned his head questioningly to Kuahel. When the Temple Knight gave him a nod, he turned to his two subordinates and warned, We must move as quietly as possible.
The knights slowly rose to their feet as the band of trolls grew distant. Maxi clumsily followed suit and tried to stop her legs from shaking. She pulled her hood over her head and slipped after Riftan, her heart racing wildly. She feared that at any moment now, the monsters would discover their presence. Though her feet moved forward, her chest shriveled in dread with every step.
Noticing her bleak expression, Elliot approached and whispered rea.s.suringly, Please do not worry, my lady. We will protect you.
Maxi forced a smile. Riftan turned to look at her over his shoulder and furrowed his brow. Realizing he was concerned about her, she steeled herself as she climbed the slope.
As they neared the summit, Kuahel abruptly stopped in his tracks. I want everyone to wait here.
With that, he leaped onto a boulder to survey the other side. Maxi sank to the ground to take advantage of the short break. She sprinkled a pinch of salt into her mouth and flushed it down with water, ice-cold despite the leather wrapped around the flask.
After taking a few more sips, wincing at the iciness stabbing her brain, she looked down the steep mountain path they had taken. Snow-tipped summits and frosty valleys buffeted by gales filled her vision. Maxi took in the desolate landscape with a faraway look.
Max, Sidina whispered. Come over here.
Maxi tore her eyes away. Sidina was waving at her from a gap between two oblique rocks leaning against each other. Narrowing her eyes, Maxi crept into the narrow crevice. The first thing she saw was a precipitous cliff. Beyond it was a glittering snowfield upon which sprawled a vast city.
She stared, her mouth agape. She could not believe her eyes. The walled city was evenly packed with tight cl.u.s.ters of finely-built square houses. In the center stood a ma.s.sive, square fortress and a castle tower as tall as those in Nornui. For a moment, she was utterly floored by how advanced it seemed.
We finally found it, muttered Ulyseon, who had walked up behind them without them noticing.
His face was set in sheer determination, an expression Maxi had never seen on him before.
After keenly a.s.sessing the large fortress, Ulyseon turned his gaze to her and said tensely, Let us head over there, my lady. Sir Riftan should inform us of our next move.
Maxi and Sidina followed the young knight to where Riftan was standing. Having seen the monster base as well, he was deliberating with Kuahel with a grim expression. Both men fell silent when the group cautiously approached. The grave atmosphere made Maxi narrow her eyes.
W-What is it? Is there a problem?
The mages barely paid attention to the occasional expletive that floated over as they scooped snow for the bread and jerky stew. After adding a generous amount of liquid to bulk up their dwindling rations, the stew practically tasted like water. Even so, the meal tasted like a sumptuous feast to Maxi, who was ravenous after a days march.
Wrapped in a thick blanket, she sipped the watery stew from an empty beer vessel. Before she knew it, darkness had descended around them.
Looking up from his food at Elliot, Ulyseon asked with a hint of urgency,
Shouldnt we investigate the city right now?
The older knight shook his head. Everyone will be tired from the climb. Better to rest for the night and scout around first.
Delaying will only tire us out more. With rations running low, wouldnt it be better to get this over with as quickly as possible so we can return Our lives are on the line, so we must act with caution.
Ulyseon opened his mouth to argue, but he was interrupted by Kuahel and Riftan returning to the tents, their argument apparently concluded. Though both men appeared discontented, they seemed to have reached a compromise.
Have you decided on how to divide the party? Ruth asked as he folded the parchment in his hand and shoved it into his bag.
We have decided that Calypse and two paladins will take a few mages to investigate the city.
And who will those mages be? quizzed Albern.
Riftan, who had plopped down in front of the fire, raised a finger to point at Albern before slowly moving his finger to Geoffrey and Sidina, respectively. The three of you will come with me.
The remaining two will come with me to reconnoiter the terrain around the city, Kuahel said with obvious dissatisfaction.
After vacantly looking back and forth between the two mens faces, Maxi shot to her feet when it dawned on her that she was one of the remaining two.
W-Why am I not included in the group investigating the city? she protested loudly.
The decision had taken her completely by surprise. Until now, she had firmly believed that she would be in the same group as Riftan.
Earth-based tracing spells can search wider areas than their wind counterparts!
That is precisely why we need you to survey the terrain around the city, Kuahel replied in his characteristically indifferent manner. He removed his gauntlet and placed it on the ground. We require your ability to map the vast area surrounding the city. The Remdragon Knights mage was selected for that reason, too, after I was informed of his earth magic capabilities.
Ruth shrugged to express his nonchalance with the decision.
Ulyseon, who had listened in silence until now, muttered with a confused expression, Then, who shall I go with? Am I to escort her ladys.h.i.+p as her guard or accompany Sir Riftan?
You are to come with me, Riftan said woodenly as he filled his flask with stew. Charon, I want you to go with the Holy Sword