Ultimate Scheming System - Chapter 1666

Chapter 1666

Chapter 1666

After morning.

Xuanyuan Wanrong left several important ministers such as the Minister of the Ministry of household to meet in the imperial study.

Several old ministers of the Ministry of household stood rigidly in the imperial study, winking at each other.

What did the queen call us in?

I don't know. We haven't done anything wrong lately

You must have offended the queen!

Several people looked at each other and didn't know what would happen next.

After a while, Xuanyuan Wanrong said faintly, "you are the ministers of the humerus of the eastern Tang Dynasty. You have worked hard for many years."

what the f.u.c.k!

Several old ministers felt trembling and terrified when they heard the speech.

In general, if such words thank you for your hard work and high achievements, the next moment is to break the cup and rush out a pile of knives and axes!

"This... The empress has been praised too much. It's all what the old minister should do." The most stable Minister of the Ministry of household took the lead in opening his mouth and said, "the old minister can also contribute more strength to the eastern Tang Dynasty. May the prosperous age of the eastern Tang Dynasty be immortal!"

Other ministers also reacted one after another and echoed.

"Yes, I think there are still many ideas I haven't done."

"The old minister can work for another ten years!"

For fear that Xuanyuan Wanrong didn't understand their value, they all competed to express themselves.

Xuanyuan Wanrong picked up the tea cup, took a sip, and said faintly, "your thoughts are understood by the palace, but you can't light the border war. Do you understand?"

These words flashed through the minister's mind like lightning.

The ministers looked at each other and immediately understood.

I see. I just told them not to help the emperor.

But you are not allowed to give money or soldiers.

The hearts of all are filled with sorrow.

Although I know that the empress and the emperor are t.i.t for tat, I didn't expect the opposition to this extent.

However, the empress had been in power before the eastern Tang Dynasty. If they were to listen to the emperor's arrangement, I'm afraid they would not be at ease.

"Two adults of the Ministry of industry and the Ministry of war, I heard that the emperor went to your place recently?" Xuanyuan Wanrong suddenly said.

The Minister of war and the Minister of industry looked at each other and saw the fear in each other's eyes.

Although Xu lacked to find them is indeed a serious matter, they still couldn't help feeling empty at this time.

No matter how the emperor fights with the empress, it is also a household ch.o.r.e of the heavenly family.

The husband and wife quarrel at the head of the bed and at the end of the bed. They get involved. If they reconcile one day, they will be unlucky at that time.

So without hesitation, they sold Xu que on the back hand and told them all the things Xu que had done with them recently.

After hearing this, Xuanyuan Wanrong didn't say much and held back the crowd.

Hearing the speech, the old ministers, like being pardoned, left the imperial study one after another.

"40 stone grain per mu, with one enemy of 100 elite soldiers... Hum, it's fantastic!"

Xuanyuan Wanrong recalled the ministers' words and snorted coldly.

What Xu lacked did was nothing if he was an immortal.

However, there is a lack of aura here and it is impossible to cultivate immortals. It is undoubtedly difficult to go to heaven if you want to do these two things.

Although the Minister of the Ministry of industry and the Minister of the Ministry of war clearly stated that Xu Ke did have results.

But Xuanyuan Wanrong didn't believe it at all, just as they were cheated by Xu Weimeng.

Joke, that guy is best at cheating. It's not easy to cheat two mortals!


At this time, Xu que, who was regarded as a liar by Xuanyuan Wanrong, was drinking and having fun with a group of dandies.

Although there is a generation difference between the two groups, Xu Kuang's name as a waste has long been spread. In addition, he basically comes to hang out with these guys when he is free these days. The other party has long regarded Xu Kuang as a fellow.

Think about it, even the emperor's majesty wandered around the brothel with them and said how glorious it was!

At this time, after three rounds of wine, Meiji sang and danced. At present, the people were already drunk and hugged together to say some drunken words.

"Brother Kuang, if you want me to say, you might as well move out of the palace!" A dandy said dimly, "what's the matter with you staying in the Palace this day and being angry with a woman!"

That is to say, this place is a closed place. In addition, we are all our own people and know the root and bottom, so we dare to speak like this.

If it had been put outside, it would have been imprisoned for disobedience.

Xu que didn't care. Holding a wine jar, he said dimly, "I'm angry too, but I don't have money! All the money in the palace is in the charge of that woman. If I come out, I'm afraid I'll go to your house to eat and drink... "

The dandy was excited. After waking up most of the time, he said with a smile, "brother short, don't joke. How dare we take you in."

Being able to be a dandy shows that they are sober at home despite their lack of power.

A mindless dandy has long died.

If they really take them in, they won't be able to cut off more heads when the empress comes back to settle accounts in the autumn! Xu Wei didn't expect these losers to really take him in. Instead, he sat up straight and said in an excited tone: "I want to understand. I want to revive my husband's gang! I wonder if you guys can help me! " When the dandies heard the speech, they suddenly came to their senses. The emperor is going to fight with the queen. How can such peerless gossip be without them“ Brother Ke, as long as you speak, we will support it to the end! "“ you 're right! There is no reason for a woman to be an emperor. Support me! "“ It is inc.u.mbent upon you to revive your husband's gang! "“ Brother Ke, tell me what you want to do! " Xu lacked a successful smile on the corner of his mouth, and Lang said, "it's just the so-called man has no money and his waist is not hard, so I decided that I want to make money! I want to open a restaurant! " As soon as the dandies heard this, they all felt fierce. Some of them felt that this was nonsense. They suddenly thought that their father had to sneak around and save a small Treasury when he went out to visit the brothel. Yes, men have money and confidence! The emperor is worthy of being the emperor. One word reveals the secret of revitalizing the husband's gang“ So I decided to do business in the imperial city! At that time, I hope you brothers will patronize more! " Xu que put on a big brother's appearance and said proudly, "when I regain power and revitalize my husband's Gang, I need your benefits!" The dandies are satisfied with this. When Xu que rises again in the future, isn't he able to help the dragon“ I support you! "“ My brother's business is our business! "“ I'm willing to sponsor the missing brother three hundred Liang! "“ I sponsor a thousand Liang! " With the strength of the wine, the dandies took out silver tickets one after another to support Xu que. Soon, tens of thousands of silver notes piled up on the table. Although these silver tickets are not a small number for dandies. But what is this money when you can see the emperor fighting with the queen? Seeing this scene, Xu's mouth aroused a successful smile. Hum, silly people, I've been making concessions for so many days. I've been hanging out with you every day, listening to music and hanging out for so long, so that's this moment! If you are fooled by me, don't you have to pay out? This wave, the start-up funds are in hand