Ultimate Star Card Master - Chapter 784

Chapter 784

Chapter 784 Cut it

Seeing the rapidly expanding flames that broke the shackles of the forbidden gods, Su Yuan frowned.

"The star power gap is too big!"

The most important thing for a star card master is star power. As long as the star power is strong enough, it can even break all rules.

But this is the first time that Su Yuan encountered a situation where the shackles of the gods were forcibly broken.

At this moment, the turbulent Ziyan was no longer restrained, roaring soaring into the sky, and turned into a huge and majestic Ziyan Buddha statue in a blink of an eye!

Su Yuan suddenly felt familiar, and suddenly remembered.

"Isn't this one of the Buddha statues in Huoyun City?"

"So I made a statue for myself!" Wei Qingyun behind him also curled his lips, but his eyes were full of solemnity.

Because the energy fluctuations on this huge Buddha statue are too amazing!

As soon as the Buddha statue appeared, with palms together, a strong wave suddenly swayed.

Su Yuan and Luo Bing's eyes froze, starlight surrounded their bodies, and ice covered their bodies. The two immediately launched defenses and retreated!

The next moment, a huge purple fire lotus bloomed from the outside of the Buddha statue, and the terrifying flames swept out and immediately sent Su Yuan and Luo Bingtong flying!


There was a slight burning sound, and Su Yuan had already developed multiple burns on his body when he unfolded the Starry Sky Super Body.

But Luo Bingtong is much better than Su Yuan, not only has higher defensive aptitude, but also has a black ice body protection.

But at this moment, the Buddha statue suddenly raised its left hand and threw it at Luo Bingtong who was in front of him.

Luo Bingtong's eyes lit up with golden light, and time accelerated to dodge at a high speed.

However, a mysterious golden mark lit up in the Buddha's palm, Ren Luo Bingtong flew around, but the purple flame Buddha's palm was always covering the top of his head!

A mysterious force locks on, there is no way to avoid it!

Luo Bingtong reacted quickly, holding the long knife upside down and directly inserted it into the void under his feet.

In an instant, the cold light flickered, the frost surged, and the four-pillar ice prison barrier rose out of thin air to block the purple flame Buddha palm!

With a "boom", the Buddha's palm was pressed down.

The four pillars of the ice prison crumbled layer by layer, only slowing down the speed by a few points!

Su Yuan was about to help when he saw this, but suddenly felt something, and his eyes moved slightly.

I saw Luo Bingtong's blue eyes suddenly burst into golden light, and in an instant, a layer of blue field suddenly opened up by itself!

Up and down in all directions, the burning purple flame Buddha palm, Su Yuan, Wei Qingyun nearby, and Lu Feng, Xu Hengjiang and others outside...

Everything in the four directions stopped as if frozen.

Time Paused!

In the blue field, Luo Bingtong's eyes flickered coldly, and suddenly turned into a white streak and shot in front of the huge body of the Purple Flame Buddha Statue, piercing his chest with a knife!

"Ice die..."

Accompanied by Luo Bingtong's soft, waxy and cool voice, the infinite ice rushed from the knife in all directions like blooming ice flowers, freezing the entire Ziyan Buddha statue into an ice sculpture in a blink of an eye!

"Sky Burial!"

In the cold ice, white light flourished, and then, the huge body of the Ziyan Buddha statue appeared countless shocking cracks like broken glass.

The sound of "Ka Ka" sounded, and the purple flame Buddha statue suddenly shattered into thousands of ice crystals frozen with purple flames, scattered in the void!

Legendary skill, celestial burial.

Using the power of ice to completely infiltrate the frozen opponent, and then as a whole, use the power of controlling the ice to chop it into countless pieces. This is one of the strongest killing moves in Luo Bingtong's hands!

Luo Bingtong's complexion paled slightly, and at this moment, the time-stop domain dissipated, and the world resumed its operation.

"What's the situation?!" Wei Qingyun, Lu Feng and others felt a blur before their eyes, and the situation changed drastically.

The ice crystals filled the sky, and the powerful enemies collapsed. This kind of scene was like a dream, and everyone was a little stunned.

After all, for others, the time suspension is equivalent to taking a short period of time from their life.

And Su Yuan looked at the thousands of disintegrated ice crystals in front of him, and already roughly understood what happened.

"Bing Tong, really amazing..."

Su Yuan marveled at Luo Bingtong's powerful soul power and lethality, but soon remembered something.

"One mind clean!"

Su Yuan's eyes froze, and his pupils suddenly lit up like a substance, and he looked up at the thousands of scattered ice crystals.

In an instant, countless information poured in.

Within two seconds, Su Yuan noticed something, and his eyes fell on a certain ice crystal behind Luo Bingtong.

But there was a bit of golden light in the purple flames, but there was a golden bead lit up!

Immediately, all the frozen purple flames in the thousands of ice crystals suddenly burst into flames, melting the ice one after another, and all gathered towards the golden light!


The flames surged, and in a blink of an eye they re-condensed into a purple flame Buddha statue!

The Buddha statue at this moment seems to be a bit dimmer than before, but it is still astonishingly powerful.


The Buddha statue opened its mouth and let out a roar, the Buddha seal in its palm lit up, locked onto Luo Bingtong and slapped it, as if extremely annoyed at his exploding body.

Luo Bingtong's small face turned slightly pale, and she spent a series of time-outs and celestial burials, consuming a huge amount of star power.

Facing the unavoidable Purple Flame Buddha Palm, Luo Bingtong immediately raised her hand and released Wanhua Xuanbing to try to resist.

At this moment, the Buddha's palm that was about to fall suddenly stopped.


Luo Bingtong turned her head to look, but saw that Su Yuan had teleported to the front, standing in front of the huge Buddha face of the Buddha statue.

The whole body's breath is full again, and the silver light in his eyes is shining, and he is facing the Ziyan Buddha statue without any shyness!

"Infinite Moments!"

Compared to expanding the field on a large scale, the instantaneous speed of a single target is faster.

There seemed to be a bit of panic on the face of the Ziyan Buddha statue, before it could make any movement, the next moment, the infinitely stretched blue sky was reflected in its eyes again!

The Buddha statue froze all over, and even the purple flame Buddha palm that hit Luo Bingtong stopped because of this.

Su Yuan lifted the demon sword, and his eyes fell on the Buddha statue.

There are usually three ways to kill an energy body.

First, most energy bodies have a small number of weaknesses, which can be killed by targeting the weaknesses.

Second, some energy bodies have no fatal weakness and can be continuously regenerated through the core. At this time, it is necessary to find the core and defeat it, such as the demon soul.

Third, the most difficult and rarest, is the energy body that has neither weakness nor core.

This kind of energy body is extremely difficult to kill, and can only be dealt with by consuming, sealing or other methods depending on the situation.

Su Yuan has never seen the last kind of energy body, but the regeneration ability of the Twelve Star Angel Scorpio is similar to this.

Obviously, the Ziyan Buddha statue at this moment belongs to the second type, with a core energy body.

As for its core, it is the golden round bead the size of a pearl, or "relic"!

At this moment, with the rebirth of the Ziyan Buddha statue, the relic was once again hidden in the body of the Buddha statue.

The energy of the Buddha statue itself is terrifying, and it is extremely difficult to find the relic as the core, unless it is completely smashed again!

But Su Yuan is different... With a clean mind, any effective information related to the battle will be clearly fed back in his heart!

Thousands of frozen purple flames gathered in one place to form a purple flame giant Buddha again, and the position of the flame where the relic is...

Suddenly, Su Yuan's eyes swelled with energy, the divine light on the sword lit up, and suddenly he stabbed at the lower dantian of the Buddha statue's abdomen!

Accompanied by a substantial domineering golden light, Su Yuan immediately felt a strong resistance from the sword.


This relic was extremely hard, blocking the demon knife firmly, the spiritual power in Su Yuan's sea of knowledge suddenly dropped at an astonishing speed.

However, at this time, feeling the state in his body, Su Yuan seemed to have a feeling.

The silver light in his eyes suddenly dissipated, and Su Yuan actually lifted Yixin Wuchen directly.

Looking at the relic in front of him, Su Yuan didn't care about the consumption of mental power at all, only a strong belief surged in his heart...

That's breaking the bead!

"Too vain!"

Su Yuan's eyes were burning, and his spiritual power plummeted even more crazily like a torrent breaking a dike, while the demon sword "buzzed" with the supreme sword intent and rushed straight into the sky!


Within two breaths, accompanied by a crisp sound, the sword light flashed, and the golden relic suddenly shattered!

The Purple Flame Buddha statue was shocked, and the purple flames inside the huge Buddha's body suddenly became disordered, twisted for a while, and then exploded!

With a thought in his mind, Su Yuan immediately deployed immeasurable power to protect his whole body.

After Zi Yan dispersed, only Ma Wei, who was pierced by a sword, remained in place.

Ma Wei's eyes were dark, his face was as white as paper, and his eyes were full of astonishment and disbelief.

"How...how? It's just...Early Sun Realm...!" Ma Wei looked at Su Yuan fixedly, as if he was extremely unwilling.

Su Yuan asked: "Ma Wei, are you related to the Bodhi Gate?"

Feeling the body that was gradually collapsing, Ma Wei knew that there was no hope of surviving, but a sneer rose in his eyes when he looked at Su Yuan.

"Bodhi...salvation of the world, there have been countless practitioners walking in the world...and I am not the only one?

Sooner or later, you will all be purified...haha...ah! "

Su Yuan's eyes turned cold, and Taixu's sword energy raged out from the sword, smashing Ma Wei's purple flame body completely with a scream!

"Bodhi Gate..."

Su Yuan put away the long knife, looked at the purple sparks scattered in front of his eyes, and narrowed his eyes slightly.


Lv Feng, the owner of the Shen family and others in the distance watched countless purple sparks passing by Su Yuan's body. At this moment, their emotions were ups and downs, and they felt extremely unreal.

"Early Yang Realm, can it really kill Sanyang...?!"

Whether it was Su Yuan who finally killed Ma Wei, or Luo Bingtong who used Time Ting and Ice to crush the Purple Flame Buddha Statue.

The strength of the two of them has far exceeded the cognition of Lu Feng, the owner of the Shen family and others.

In the eyes of Lu Feng and others, even if he is Chongyang, let alone two people, even if four or five go together, they may not be opponents of the Three Yang Realm!

"Sure enough, Palace Master Su has won!"

Yang Gan, Xu Hengjiang and others under the command of Qingming Palace are all looking bright and excited!

Before, Su Yuan gave the order to "stop" other people.

Yang Qian and others also knew what Su Yuan meant, so they didn't really want to fight with the scorching sun masters in the central region.

But Lu Feng and the others understood after just a short fight. They were surprised by Su Yuan's killing methods before, so they were naturally happy and relaxed.

So the two sides, Zhuoyang, knew that the key to the victory was Ma Wei and Su Yuan, so they didn't use their full strength.

Ma Wei's means are not limited, but at this moment, he is indeed dead, so Lu Feng, Yang Gan and others naturally stopped their actions immediately.

At this moment, the surrounding star power suddenly surged and gathered towards the high sky ahead!

"Huh? This is?!" Everyone looked up in unison, with bursts of surprise in their eyes.

I saw that the vast star power gathered more and more violently in one place to form a star power vortex, and the center of this star power vortex was Su Yuan standing in the sky!

Only this chapter today...

(end of this chapter)