Ultimate Star Card Master - Chapter 782

Chapter 782

Chapter 782 Brother

Cao Yuanzheng stepped on the foot, and the flames burst and rushed to the sky.

"Lu Feng, Shen Yuan... Coastal forces have invaded our central region, so it's time for you all to take action!"

Cao Yuanzheng spoke loudly, and the voice immediately echoed throughout the arena.

Lu Feng and others outside the field looked at each other, and after looking at Su Yuan who was high in the sky, they flew out one after another after a moment of hesitation!

Everyone was astonished by Su Yuan's performance, but they would not be directly intimidated. As a scorching sun master, everyone could see that Su Yuan was exhausted and in extremely poor condition at this time.

And everyone is very clear that many powerful skills, especially the perverted skills that made everyone go out of control just now, are by no means reusable in a short period of time.

If Cao Yuanzheng is really beheaded, forget it, Ximo will change his surname from now on.

But at this moment, Cao Yuanzheng's body was burning with purple flames, and after turning into an energy body, the aura on his body was stronger than before!

Plus Lin Yong and Wei Qingyun...

Many people versus few people, strong versus weak, acquaintances versus strangers, it's easy to see how to choose.

In the blink of an eye, including Lu Feng and others, seven more scorching suns flew into the field from the high platforms in the east, west and south!

Moreover, Lu Feng and the owner of the Shen family are both masters of the Chongyang Realm, but they don't have the legendary skills like the masters of the four major gangs.

To be on the safe side, everyone has already launched their best defense skills.

Fire Shield, Giant Rock Armor, Fire Resisting Ring...All kinds of epic skills that are perfect and even transform the environment are surrounded by everyone!

Facing so many opponents, Luo Bingtong's little face didn't change a bit, but took another step forward to block the exhausted Su Yuan.

Su Yuan narrowed his eyes slightly, and said coldly: "Why, you just killed one, and now you're coming to die again?"

Lu Feng and the others suddenly felt a chill in their hearts.

Although Su Yuan's face was pale at the moment, the power just now was still in front of his eyes, which still made everyone feel a little frightened.

Su Yuan swept across the crowd: "However, it is indeed the style of a big faction. It is really good at using many against few."

Cao Yuanzheng said indifferently: "Of course, if there are allied Taoist friends, it is natural to use them!"

"You're right..." Su Yuan nodded, and suddenly said with a smile, "There are people, and we really need them!"

"Huh?" Cao Yuanzheng narrowed his eyes slightly, faintly aware that something was wrong.

"I still have some people here... Qing Ming!"

Su Yuan raised his hand, and the phantom of the Qingming Realm fell, and in a flash of silver light, a series of figures with strong aura appeared outside him.

Yang Gan and Ning Zhong of Haiwang Gang;

Xiang Qing from Shuiyun League;

Xu Hengjiang and Jing Chenghui of Storm League;

Luo Jun of the Huangqi Gang;

And Murphy who is on standby on Hitomi Island!

Su Yuan was also surrounded by seven scorching suns all of a sudden!

"Palace Master Su!" Yang Gan, Xu Hengjiang and others said in unison.


The expressions of Lu Feng and the others changed.

"Sure enough, he used space magic to bring people here!"

"Can you bring so many Scorching Sun levels, and even Chongyang? Could it be that the legendary skills are not enough!"

When Su Yuan released Jiang Yang and Ning Su casually, Lu Feng and others had guessed.

But carrying two Huiyue grades that have drained their star power, and carrying so many Scorching Sun grades are two completely different concepts!

As for how everyone came here...

Su Yuan did not take the Qingming Realm directly from Yuantong Island when he set off.

The reason why the Qingming Realm was placed on Yuantong Island at the beginning was because with the help of the power of the soul, Su Yuan has been able to achieve ultrlong-distance teleportation.

First, it can recall the Qingming world to its side;

Second, you can teleport yourself to the Underworld!

The phantom of the Qingming Realm that descended just now represented that Su Yuan had recalled the Qingming Realm.

Mo Fei, Yang Gan and the others had already waited in the Qingming Realm as ordered.

So, there is the current scene.


More than a dozen scorching sun-level star powers from both sides collided with each other, and the terrifying coercion squeezed the air so much that there were continuous hissing sounds.

Cao Yuanzheng narrowed his eyes slightly, faintly feeling that Lu Feng and the others showed some hesitation again.

"Do it!"

Cao Yuanzheng let out a low shout, Lu Feng and the others hesitated for a moment, then flew out according to the words!

Su Yuan said softly: "Come on, stop them."

"Yes, Palace Mistress!"

Yang Gan and others flew out together, each looking for an opponent to catch and fight!

In the distance, Lin Yong, who drew back and opened the fire pool of the thunder and earth, also moved. When he raised his hand, the thunder and fire stirred the earth and bombarded Su Yuan and Luo Bingtong intertwined.

At this moment, a delicate figure stopped between the two sides, raised his hand to spread out a layer of dark barrier, and actually swallowed all the terrifying power of heavenly thunder and earth fire.

Lin Yong was startled: "What!"

The eight siren's touches swung away from the body, and he smiled softly: "Big guy, let me deal with you!"

The battle of Qunyang suddenly started, and the terrifying energy overflowed at will would collapse mountains and destroy cities.

At this moment, apart from Su Yuan, Luo Bingtong and Cao Yuanzheng, there is another scorching sun master who has not made a move.

Cao Yuan turned to look at Wei Qingyun who was still far away, and said coldly: "Guangzhu Wei, are you still not making a move?"

"But according to the leader's order, let's do it!"

Wei Qingyun raised the jug again and took a sip before flying up, holding the Chilian long sword, and poured the unfinished wine in the jug on the long sword.

Then he shook the long sword, layers of scarlet runes lit up on the sword, and an extremely hot wave suddenly flooded the blade!

"Sword repair!"

Su Yuan's pupils shrank, and suddenly felt a strong sense of crisis, which was more than twice as strong as the threat posed by Zhou Yi's fusion light cannon before!

As soon as the starlight shines, Su Yuan launched the Immortal Starry SkyChange again, but the starlight of the body guard is still a little dim at this moment.

Luo Bingtong was also aware of the crisis, and raised his hand to release a large amount of Myriad Transformation Ice to form a puck to protect himself and Su Yuan in it.

In the blink of an eye, Wei Qingyun's drunken eyes burst out with sharp and scorching light.

"Chilian Tianhong, cut!"

As if the blazing sun in the sky was passed on to the sword, in an instant, the whole world suddenly darkened.

Immediately, there was a rainbow-like scarlet training sword light that jumped tens of thousands of meters away in an instant!

The next moment, the sky was bright again.

Looking up, everything that the sword light passed was burned, and a shocking crimson gully cut the entire Huoyun City open!

In the arena, Lu Feng, Xu Hengjiang... all the masters on both sides stared wide-eyed, and they were all shocked!

However, this is not just shocking because of the terrifying lethality of this sword...

At this moment, after the sword strike, the ball of mysterious ice that Su Yuan and Luo Bingtong were on was not damaged at all;

Cao Yuanzheng, who had turned into a purple flame energy body, had a red sword mark slashing diagonally like the sun!

"Wei Qingyun?!" Cao Yuan had bursts of astonishment on his face, and turned to look at Wei Qingyun, "You...!"

Before he finished speaking, Cao Yuanzheng's body was suddenly broken in half along the red sword marks, and burst into a purple flame with a "bang"!

Lin Yong quickly came back to his senses after being horrified, and shouted loudly: "Wei Qingyun, what are you doing!"

And Wei Qingyun's figure flickered, and he turned into a red light and blocked between Su Yuan and Lin Yong and others.

"At the teacher's order..." Wei Qingyun held the Chilian long sword in his hand, looked at Lin Yong and the others, and smiled, "Come and protect the younger brother."


Lin Yong and the others were startled, then suddenly realized something, turned their heads to look at Yang Yifeng in the distance, only to see the little old man smiling cheerfully.

How can there be any drinking friends who meet each other late, and how can there be any bosom friends who hit it off...

Chiyang faction leader Wei Qingyun is Yang Yifeng's former student!

Su Yuan was also very surprised. He never expected that the leader of one of the four majestic gangs in West Desert is actually a student of his teacher?

In other words, he is his fellow apprentice!

The teacher never told me about this.

But thinking about it carefully, as a former king-level master, it doesn't seem too much for the teacher to have a student at the Double Sun Realm...

This sudden change directly made everyone in the field feel a little overwhelmed.

And at this moment, thousands of gray and white air suddenly rose from the place where the purple flame exploded just now!


Everyone in the field distanced themselves.

But Su Yuan's pupils shrank: "Killing Purdue Technique?!"

I am very familiar with this gray and white aura, it is the same skill as myself, the killing and purdue technique from the Western Bodhi Gate!

The Vulcan League is actually related to the Western Continent?

But seeing the gray-white killing aura roaring and weaving into a cocoon, the gray cocoon was cut open in a blink of an eye, and Cao Yuan, who was burning with purple flames, walked out of it intact!

"Leader Cao!"

Lin Yong, Lu Feng and others were surprised, but also secretly relieved.

Cao Yuanzheng's face was full of coldness and violence, and he stared at Wei Qingyun closely.

"Wei Qingyun, you are fine...!"

The killing intent in his eyes soared, and with a "boom", a large number of purple flames surged out from Cao Yuanzheng's body!

In an instant, the flames were overwhelming, and the aura on Cao Yuanzheng kept rising, climbing, and climbing at an astonishing speed!

In the blink of an eye, this aura has surpassed the limit of Chongyang, and a terrifying star power far surpassing anyone in the field exploded!

"Three Sun Realm?!"

Looking at the figure in the towering purple flames, everyone was shocked!

Su Yuan also had a serious look on his face. Unexpectedly, Cao Yuanzheng was actually a master of the Sanyang Realm who had hidden his cultivation!

Because of the Xingmai Earth Qi, it is very difficult to practice for a long time in the Western Desert to the Sanyang Realm.

According to the information from the Sky Survey Division, there are no three-yang masters in the entire Western Desert, otherwise Su Yuan, who has just been promoted to Burning Sun, would not be sent here.

Soon, Ziyan suddenly retreated, and Cao Yuanzheng reappeared in the eyes of everyone.

I saw that Cao Yuanzheng's image changed drastically at this moment.

It was no longer a hunchbacked old man, but a rather handsome and burly middle-aged man with an indifferent complexion.

This is not the ability to change the age of the Diamond family that Su Yuan met in Black Rock City before, but two completely different people!

Seeing this person, Lin Yong, Lu Feng and other people in the central region were shocked, and even Wei Qingyun's expression changed as well.

"Mawei leader?!"

Ma Wei, actually Ma Wei?

The burly middle-aged man in front of him is Ma Wei, the left leader of the Vulcan League who was seriously injured decades ago!

Everyone looked at the familiar but unfamiliar Ma Wei, their eyes were full of disbelief!

Ma Wei, who has been seriously injured and retreated for a long time, has disappeared for many years, and everyone thought he was dead, unexpectedly appears here at this moment?

Moreover, it has reached the Sanyang state!

"Where is President Cao?" Everyone suddenly thought.

Could it be that for so many years, it has always been Ma Wei who has been active before everyone?

So... where is the real Cao Yuanzheng?

Recalling the "flesh body" that was separated from the corpse under Su Yuan's sword, an inexplicable chill suddenly rose from the hearts of Lin Yong, Lu Feng and others...

(end of this chapter)