Ultimate Star Card Master - Chapter 765

Chapter 765

Chapter 765 Invite someone

After Su Yuan and Ashilia synchronized the current situation again, they asked Ashilia to call Murphy.


Su Yuan asked with a smile: "Mo Fei, how are you doing?"

Mur Fei said excitedly: "Recently, we have recruited a lot of Huiyue class, and two of them are not bad, and they can last ten rounds under my hands!"

Mo Fei's method of testing the strength of others is simple and rude, whether he can last three rounds, five rounds, or ten rounds under his hands.

"Oh? That's really okay."

If he can last ten rounds under Murphy's hands, if he really continues to fight, he can basically have twenty or thirty rounds. He is considered a master among the Yuanyue class.

Su Yuan sized Mo Fei up and down, nodded slightly, but he was almost settled.

Su Yuan flipped his hands and took out two pill boxes and handed them to Mo Fei: "Mo Fei, you don't need to worry about the outside affairs, you take these two pills, go back to the Qingming Realm and try to break through the scorching sun."

After taking it, Mo Fei saw the two Rilling Pills, and his body trembled slightly.

"This...Master, is this Sun Panacea?!"

Mo Fei looked at the two pills in his hand, and naturally knew how precious they were.

Even Miss Bingtong, the master only gave two sun elixir!

Su Yuan said: "Your accumulation of Yuanyue level has not yet reached its limit, one is for improving cultivation and the other is for breakthrough.

It doesn't matter if it's not enough. By then, there should be a new Riling Pill. "

"Enough!" Mo Fei quickly knelt down and said, "Thank you, Master, Mo Fei will definitely use these two sun elixir to break through!"

Su Yuan helped him up, and said with a smile: "From now on, don't just kneel down, now you are my imperial beast, not my servant.

Furthermore, as a legendary unicorn, you have unlimited potential in the future, no one can make you kneel down easily, even me, understand? "

Mo Fei's heart trembled slightly, he looked up at Su Yuan, then stood up and bowed: "Yes, master! Mo Fei understands!"

Su Yuan nodded, then began to think.

Fuchi Hitomi Island is still under construction, so there is no need to rush to see it.

With Bingtong and Antonis there, Su Yuan felt at ease.

"Let's go back to the Green Underworld first."

With a flash of silver light all over his body, Su Yuan took Mo Fei back to the Qingming Realm.

Mo Fei began to retreat, while Su Yuan also took a Sun Spirit Pill and began to refine it...

Dayan, the imperial capital.

Yaopo came out of Yanting, and had handed over the information written by Su Yuan to Xuntian Division, and obtained some current trends of Dayan and even the Eastern Continent from the division.

But this time back, Yaopo is not just for this matter...

At this moment, Yaopo identified the direction, and then jumped to the south of the imperial capital.

Didu College, in a certain coffee shop.

"Huh? It's Teacher Yang Aoshan!"

"Look, Teacher Yang is here for coffee?"

Amid some low-pitched discussions, Yang Aoshan walked into the coffee shop, and soon saw Yaoyao sitting in the corner, with a bit of joy on her face.

Yaopo got up and greeted: "Teacher Yang."

"Hello." Yang Aoshan responded politely, and asked in a low voice after sitting down, "He...where is he?"

Yaopo took a look, and almost half of the students in the coffee shop looked at this side curiously.

Can't help but sigh, Yang Aoshan's popularity is really not low...

Yaopo raised his hand, and an invisible star power barrier rose up, directly blocking the sound.

"The main body is now in the West Desert."

"Western Desert..." Yang Aoshan had never been to the Western Desert, and in her impression it was a sandy land scorching hot sun, "Is there a mission for him to go to the Western Desert?"

Yaopo nodded: "Please keep Teacher Yang secret about the next thing to say."

Yang Aoshan said seriously: "Well, please tell me, I will never spread the word."

Yaopo slowly said: "Now that the land and the beast are combined, I don't know how long it will last, the north and the gray world are huge threats.

In order to be able to deal with these two threats wholeheartedly in the future, we must first eliminate other unstable factors while taking advantage of the relatively stable gap.

Therefore, as early as a few months ago, Ontology received a mission and went to the West Desert. "

Yang Aoshan thought about it and said: "So it is like this, I have heard from other teachers, it seems that Dayan has made a lot of moves in the Central Five Regions recently..."

"That's right, but that's the responsibility of the other Sky Survey Department colleagues."

"Then Su Yuan went to the West Desert, is it...?"

Yaopo said in a concentrated voice: "Rectify the entire western desert, and cut off the hidden dangers in the west."

"Rectify the entire Western Desert?" Yang Aoshan was startled, and quickly asked, "Then, how is he now? As far as I know, Western Desert seems to be a mess of fish and dragons, very chaotic!"

Yaopo smiled and said: "Mr. Yang, don't worry, you also know the ability of the ontology. Now that the ontology has established forces and unified the big and small sea gangs along the coast of the western desert, it can be regarded as the first step completed."

"Really..." Yang Aoshan breathed a sigh of relief, and then admired, "In a few months, a part of the forces have been integrated, Su Yuan is really amazing..."

Yaopo continued: "However, the foundation of the coastal sea gang is very poor, and the power of the main body is also under construction. Now is the time when there is a shortage of manpower, especially talents in the four arts.

Ontology sent me back just to ask Mr. Yang if you are willing to go to West Desert to assist one or two. "

"I would like to..."

Yang Aoshan was about to respond when she heard the words, but after thinking for a while, she pursed her lips and lowered her head to stare at the table.

Holding his hands tightly on the table, the feet wrapped in black silk and short boots under the table were rubbing shyly, as if they were quite entangled.

For Yang Aoshan, the West Desert is far away, strange, and chaotic... But this is not something Yang Aoshan is entangled with.

What Yang Aoshan was struggling with was, should she go?

Before, according to Teacher Yang Yifeng, it seemed that he already had a very close person.

But thinking of that silver-eyed young man, Yang Aoshan felt that she had become irrational...

Soon, Yang Aoshan took a deep breath, nodded and smiled pretending to be calm: "Of course, I am happy to help...if he needs it."

Friends, colleagues? Anything is fine, in short, I really want to go, just find an identity and an excuse.

Yang Aoshan, Yang Aoshan, you are almost thirty, why are you more irrational than your young students?

"Then I would like to thank Teacher Yang." Yaopo smiled.

Yang Aoshan asked: "But I belong to Imperial College, and the above is Yanting Education Department..."

Yaopo smiled and said: "I have already initiated a collaborative application with the department in advance, as long as you are willing to go."

Since she decided to go, Yang Aoshan also completely relaxed, with a look of anticipation in her eyes: "Then shall we go to West Desert now?"

Yaopo said: "Before that, I have to invite another expert..."

Two days later, Yaodu.

In front of the gate with the three-character plaque of "Situ Mansion", the demon gently knocked on the gate of the mansion.

Accompanied by quite light footsteps, a moment later, a girl with a green wood hairpin and a daisy dress opened the door.

Situ Qingyin saw Yao Po and Yang Aoshan outside, her eyes could not help but raise a little vigilance: "May I ask who you two are...?"

Yaopo still has the same face as when he was in the Motian Palace, coupled with his rather surly temperament, he doesn't look like a good person at first glance.

If Yang Aoshan wasn't there, Situ Qingyin might be so frightened that she would close the door immediately.

"Hi Miss Situ, we are here to visit Mr. Situ Bai."

As he spoke, the ring flashed in Yaopo's hand, and he took out a long silver knife with entangled patterns of blue and purple.

Even without the injection of star power, there is a faint sound of wind and thunder on the knife, which is not ordinary at first glance!

"This saber looks familiar..." Situ Qingyin frowned and looked at the long saber, his eyes lit up after a little thought, "This is the Xun Feng Zhen Lei Dao, Grandpa Yang's Xun Feng Zhen Lei Dao!"

Yaopo grinned: "That's right, we were entrusted by Senior Yang."

Situ Qingyin didn't have any doubts anymore, she stepped aside and said, "Since this is the case, come in quickly, both of you."

Leading the two of them to sit down in the lobby, Situ Qingyin first prepared tea for Yaopo and Yang Aoshan.

"You two take a short break, I'll call grandpa right away." Situ Qingyin blinked at the two of them, and laughed softly, "He's still sleeping in the attic behind~"

Yang Aoshan apologized: "Is that so? That's really disturbing!"

"no problem, no problem."

Not long after, Situ Bai led Situ Qingyin to the hall.

Situ Bai saw the Xun Feng Zhen Lei Saber on the table at a glance, and then his eyes fell on Yang Ao Shan, his expression moved slightly.

"Emperor Capital College's specially appointed Dao Master, Teacher Yang Aoshan?"

"Grandmaster of Formation Dao?" Situ Qingyin, who was next to her, widened her eyes and looked at Yang Aoshan with amazement in her eyes, "That's...so amazing!"

Yang Aoshan hurriedly said politely: "Junior Yang Aoshan, I have heard about Master Situ's name for a long time, it is my honor to be able to pay a visit today."

Situ Bai laughed and said: "Teacher Yang has become a master of formation at the age of twenty-six or seventeen. It is the old man who should be honored to meet such a genius."

"Senior Situ really beat me, there are many people who are more talented than me..." Yang Aoshan immediately thought of Su Yuan, and couldn't help shaking her head and smiling.

However, Su Yuan is the imperial envoy of the Sky Survey Division, and almost all information must be kept confidential, and not very well known.

As Yang Aoshan is a specially-appointed teacher of Imperial College, she will naturally be widely publicized.

Situ Bai then looked at Yaopo, and after sizing it up, he smacked his lips in admiration: "I didn't expect there to be such an amazing incarnation!"

Yaopo's expression froze, and he said unexpectedly: "Senior actually saw it."

Situ Bai laughed and said: "I have dealt with Xing Qi all my life. Although the aura similar to the spirit of Qi Qi on your body is very deep, I can still detect it."

"As expected of Master Situ." Yaopo grinned, and transformed into a handsome young man with a strange red light flashing on his body, but his eyes were still red.

"Su Yuan?!" Situ Qingyin exhaled in a low voice, and then came forward in surprise and joy, "Su Yuan, it's you!"

Yang Aoshan's expression moved slightly, and she couldn't help but look at Situ Qingyin again.

This beautiful granddaughter of Master Situ... seems to know Su Yuan too?

(end of this chapter)