Ultimate Star Card Master - Chapter 704

Chapter 704

Chapter 704 Invasion of the city

Guangchuan City, City Health Bureau Observation and Induction Center.

Familiar lunch time, familiar location, familiar instant noodles and braised vegetables.

Xiao Lin said: "Since those big figures and students from the military came, we have felt much more relaxed."

A bearded man next to him tore open the seasoning packet and said with a smile, "Yeah, I've been on duty for two weeks in a row. Today's shift is over and I can finally rest for three days. Go back and hug my wife and children!"

Hao Youqian was pawing and pulling the chicken legs, and curled his lips when he heard this: "Okay, Xiao, I know you have a wife and children who are hot on the bed!"

Old Xiao laughed, and took the instant noodles to the side to fetch hot water.

The team members also laughed and said: "Hahaha, Boss Hao is impatient!"

Hao Youqian gnawed his brittle bones into pieces: "Why am I so impatient!"

Everyone laughed, but Xiao Lin said: "Boss Hao, why don't you find one?"

Another person smiled and said: "Yes, there are many excellent single women in Guangchuan City. My wife knows a Chinese teacher in No. 1 Middle School. She comes from a scholarly family. She is both beautiful and temperamental. How about introducing it to you, boss? "

"Boss Hao, as a high-level silver star card master, has a lot of vision. I think, why don't you associate with the Education Bureau?"

"Go, go!" Hao Youqian frowned, "You don't even want to eat, do you? If you don't want to eat, just go to work!"

Seeing Hao Youqian showing off his power, everyone lowered their heads and quickly picked up the instant noodles and stewed vegetables in their hands.

Hao Youqian took out another marinated chicken leg, and said casually, "You guys, the reason I'm not looking for someone is because..."


Suddenly there was a loud noise, and Hao Youqian threw the drumstick out of his hand in shock.

Everyone was shocked, but Hao Youqian's eyes immediately fell on the star energy detector not far away, his pupils shrank immediately, and he got up and jumped over.

"What's wrong, Boss Hao!"

Everyone quickly followed.

And looking at the dense red dots that suddenly appeared on the map, everyone was shocked!

"Go! Notify the City Lord's Mansion and the Education Bureau..."


Before the words fell, there was another loud noise, and then the sun shone into the room, and the whole room suddenly lit up.

But I saw a huge black-haired hoof stepping on the City Guard Bureau, even part of the observation and sensing center was stepped on, and there was no wall, so it suddenly became brighter.

And directly below the hoof... is a large office area adjacent to the observation and induction center!

For a moment, countless blood oozed from under the black-haired hooves.

As for what the colleagues below will look like...it's hard to imagine!

Everyone looked dull, looking at the sudden appearance of black-haired big feet, it was as unreal as a nightmare!


Right at this moment, a weak, small voice suddenly came.

It was only then that everyone noticed that Lao Xiao, who had just been collecting water by the side, was lying on the ground with a pale face at the moment.

And at its waist, a large conical boulder with steel bars had already pierced half of its body below the waist!

Everyone was horrified: "Old Xiao!"

"Take care of me... Fangfang and Xiao..."

Before he finished speaking, Lao Xiao vomited blood and lost his breath.

Hao Youqian opened his mouth, but couldn't speak as if he lost his voice.

"Buzz buzz...!"

The city guard bureau's alarm and the city's police all of a sudden sounded the alarm!

The star power exploded in mid-air, and two Huiyue masters rushed up immediately with many shining stars.

These two masters of Huiyue were dispatched from Shuzhou City in advance, otherwise Guangchuan City would not have such masters!

And that big black-haired foot has already been lifted up, and it is a black bull demon spreading out the sky and the earth!

"Damn! This **** bull demon!"

Everyone looked at the tragic death of Lao Xiao, and they couldn't help but want to rush up after being shrouded in hatred for a moment.

"Stop it all!" Hao Youqian yelled violently, his eyes were already bloodshot, "Are you looking for death? Get out!"

"Boom!" With a sound, a black shadow suddenly fell down and smashed the low building next to it, but it turned out that a star star expert was slapped back by the black bull demon, and his life and death were unknown!


Xiao Lin and the others felt a chill rising from their spinal cords, and suddenly realized that it was a Bright Moon Star Beast!

"Withdraw!" Hao Youqian shouted again.

Everyone clenched their fists tightly, not daring to hesitate any longer and immediately evacuated quickly.

However, Hao Youqian gritted his teeth, rushed forward to remove the stone cone with all his strength and used the space ring to put away Lao Xiao's body, and then rushed out without looking back...

Four Seasons Garden.

Tang Shiyan put on a mature and beautiful red floral shirt, and said with a smile, "Let's go, Xiao Ai, today's weather is just right for shopping."

Ashilia was about to respond, when she suddenly foresaw something, she hugged Tang Shiyan and leaped away!

The next moment, with a sound of "", a blue light like a sharp blade tore through the wall and crossed the place where Tang Shiyan was just now.

It turned out to be a blue praying mantis with two people vibrating its wings at high and high frequencyQinggang Overlord Mantis!

This Qinggang Overlord Mantis has red eyes, and what cut the wall just now was the forearm like a double sickle in its hand.


Tang Shiyan turned his head to see the situation clearly, and his face turned pale with fright.

Ashelia took out a golden branch, which is exactly the Golden Sun branch opposite to the Dark Moon branch, which can greatly speed up the spell casting and power storage time.

Ashelia raised the branch and pointed, and immediately there were beams of holy light shooting out and entangled the Qinggang Overlord Mantis!

This Qinggang Overlord Mantis is just a star star, so naturally he can't break free from Ashlia's shackles.

But the question is, how did the star beast of the Yaoxing star suddenly appear here?


Noisy, roaring, crying... All kinds of sounds come from outside one after another.

Ashilia's expression froze slightly, it seemed that it was much more than that!

Ashelia walked up to the torn wall and took a look. As far as she could see, there were several star beasts of different levels rampaging and destroying the city!

"At this time, so many star beasts suddenly rushed out from the space crack..."

Ashelia looked at the ferocious star beast that still rushed out of the cracked space gap from time to time, and couldn't help thinking secretly.

This only appeared in Guangchuan City. If you guessed correctly, it is likely that other surrounding cities such as Zhengde City and Jiaoning City were also attacked by star beasts.

After all, turbulence is random, and Guangchuan City is relatively close, but the probability of flowing out here is higher.

And to use the turbulent flow to release so many star beasts in various cities...

The number of star beasts that got lost and fell into the turbulence of the gray world was probably several times, dozens of times more than this!

It can only be said that the higher forces in the gray world are really ruthless! They didn't care about the life and death of these low-level star beasts at all, they were no different from ants.

At this time, it seemed that Ashlia was quite strong, and suddenly a crescent moon-level steel-backed pig ran towards the Four Seasons Garden in front of it.

Tang Shiyan frightened: "Xiao Ai!"

"Don't worry, Auntie, I will protect you."

Ashilia waved the golden sun branch, and was about to lower the holy light to control the opponent, but suddenly noticed something stopped.

The next moment, several hair-like silver threads rushed out from the side of the steel-backed pig and stopped in front of the steel-backed pig.

The steelback pig didn't notice at all, and bumped into it.


Although the silver wire was broken, the steelback pig's own face was also cut with a lot of blood, and he fell to the ground and rolled in pain.

If it wasn't for its strong defense and dense enough muscles, the steelback pig could have been cut into several pieces at once.

It was Antonis who rushed back with Su Yang who was working at the fruit shop on his back, and swung the silver knife in his hand after gaining some momentum.

I saw an extremely bright silver line cut from the tip of the knife on the relatively soft belly of the steel-backed pig, directly cutting half of its body open!

A large number of fragmented internal organs flowed out together with the blood, and it didn't take long for the steelback pig to cry out and then fell silent.

Antonis put Su Yang down, and Su Yang hurried to Tang Shiyan.

"Honey, are you okay!"

"Yang...Brother Yang, I'm fine." Where did Tang Shiyan experience this, his eyes were a little red.

"It's okay, it's okay, Xiao Ai and Anton are here." Su Yang hugged Tang Shiyan tightly and comforted him, but in fact his hands were shaking.

Ashelia said: "Antonis, first remove the nearby star beasts."

"no problem!"

Antonis flew up immediately, waved the space silver thread and killed.

Ashelia unfolded the holy light to support Su Yang and Tang Shiyan, and went downstairs first.

The neighbors in the community outside were also terrified and inexplicable like ants on a hot pot. Seeing Ashlia displaying her star power was like seeing a savior, and they all rushed over.

However, Ashlia remained expressionless, and without giving these people and Su Yang and his wife time to react, she flew away with the two of them.

Ashelia's eyes are turning the star track of fate at a high speed, and all those who are about to threaten her seem to be guided by an illusory red thread, just like the mind detector in the red police game.

Ashilia avoided the star beast all the way forward, and planned to **** Su Yang and Su Yang out of Guangchuan City with Antonis first, and return after the attack was over.

Looking back, the whole city was filled with smoke and dust, and it was a mess. A large number of star beasts coming out of the turbulent flow of the gray world were attacking Guangchuan City.

Guangchuan City City Lord's Mansion, Education Bureau, City Guard Bureau, and combat readiness members of the Star Card Masters Association, all active Star Card Masters all got up and joined the battle.

"Xiao...Xiao Ai," Tang Shiyan gritted his teeth and looked at the city that was being destroyed, "Shouldn't we... help them?"

This is not the Holy Mother of Tang Shiyan, but no one can remain indifferent to seeing their homeland being ravaged like this.

According to Ashilia's thinking, of course they won't help.

In Ashilia's view, as long as Tang Shiyan and Su Yang are protected with all their strength, the life and death of the rest has nothing to do with her.

Su Yang thought for a while, and then said: "Xiao Ai, haven't many underground shelters been built in the city recently? Just put us there, children, go and help others! It can save a life now It's a life!"

In order to deal with the star beasts generated by the turbulence, multiple underground shelters have been urgently built in the city. Not only are they extremely strong, but they are also guarded by expert city guards, which can definitely block the attacks of the shining stars!

Hearing the words of Tang Shiyan and the two of them, I thought this is Su Yuan's hometown...

After pondering for a while, Ashilia finally changed direction and sent Tang Shiyan and Su Yang to one of the shelters.

Of course Ashlia didn't put her hopes on this, but predicted with the power of the oracle, confirming that this refuge point would not be attacked by star beasts in a short time.

Then he returned to the city together with Antonis, and split up and began to kill the star beasts to save the people like other star card masters in the city.

(end of this chapter)