Ultimate Star Card Master - Chapter 697

Chapter 697

Chapter 697 Thousands of Stardust

The vehicle drives into the suburbs.

This road made Su Yuan feel a little dazed.

The last time I took this road by car was when I was in Guangchuan No. 4 Middle School, and I sat on the bus of the Municipal Education Bureau to participate in the joint trial...

As we approached the secret place of the rainforest, we could see all the way military soldiers in teams of ten.

Each team has at least one gold-level leader, and every ten teams has a star-level leader.

This is no longer the military force that Guangchuan City can possess, and even Qingye City is far behind. Obviously, it is an army dispatched from other places.

After a while, finally arrived at the destination.

The entrance to the secret realm of the rainforest in the distance has disappeared, and the whole has become a blurred area of silver light, which is where the gray world passage is located.

Outside of the gray world passage, the military has established a new ring-shaped fortification.

Su Yuan followed Wu Shaoyang into the command post of the fortification, and came behind a burly middle-aged man who was looking at the data on the screen.

"Lieutenant General Qin, this is Su Yushi." Wu Shaoyang said.

The burly middle-aged man turned around, his complexion was slightly dark, his eyes were deep, his breath was deep and silent, he was indeed a Chongyang-level master!

"The Eighth Army of the Southern Military Region, Lieutenant General Qin Shang." The burly middle-aged man saluted seriously.

Su Yuan returned the salute: "The Sky Surveyor Suzaku Yu Su Yuan."

"I have admired Su Yushi's name for a long time!" Qin Shang laughed.

Not only Qin Shang, but also many other personnel working in the command post also cast curious eyes.

Because now, in the Sky Survey Division and in the army, the name "Su Yuan" is too resounding!

After the "March Kill", Su Yuan's previous achievements were also revealed.

Many masters discovered that as early as the beginning of the Earth Tribulation, Su Yuan's performance was astonishing, and the speed of his own progress was terrifying!

Starting with "killing the star king with the most star envoys", and ending with "killing the game in March and killing March", Suzaku Yu Suyuan, it is not an exaggeration to say that he is the most dazzling person in the Great Yan so far.

Wu Shaoyang also admired: "Qiguang Temple, the three moon knights including the chief shot together, even I might not be able to escape.

Su Yushi was able to do it at the Huiyue level, but now he is promoted to Scorching Sun, I am afraid that his strength is far beyond what I can imagine! "

Su Yuan said politely: "Major General Wu is modest."

Actually, who would be weaker if they could step into the Scorching Sun class? They are all the best!

At this level, the lower limit has been raised to a considerable level, and there will not be such a big gap between the upper and lower limits of the shining star.

Su Yuan looked at the screen in front of Qin Shang and asked, "Lieutenant General Qin, what are these indicators?"

Qin Shang introduced: "The main thing is to monitor the channel's stability, diffusion trend, and internal energy data.

However, because it is separated from the gray world passage, even the best star energy detector can hardly play a big role. "

Su Yuan said: "So there is an urgent need to occupy an area in the gray world?"

"That's right, it is necessary to occupy some territory in the gray world as a line of defense, and to serve as an early warning and monitor changes in the gray world... Su Yushi will follow me."

Qin Shang took Su Yuan to the simulated sand table aside: "This is the situation that Sha Zeyu has detected so far. Of course, the other domains are similar."

Su Yuan looked at the sand table, like a palm, one of the "fingertips" is Guangchuan City.

But the "fingers" are very short, while the palm is huge and endless.

"The royal court is located in the deepest part of the Shaze domain, and there are seven 'territories' under the Wang court, which are the lord forces that have integrated many star beasts in the Shaze domain.

The seven territories are distributed near or far outside the royal court, and Guangchuan City happens to be the closest to one of the territories.

Su Yuan looked along Qin Shang's fingers, and that area was marked with two characters - "Shaq".

"There are three scorching sun-level lords in the Shaq Territory, and their power radiates thousands of miles. There are also many Huiyue and Yaoxing tribes below."

Su Yuan was also a little startled, he didn't know if he didn't come, but now he realized that the gray world is so powerful and occupies such a large area!

The Shaze domain, which is only one of the ten domains, is bigger and stronger than any of the five domains in the north of Dayan... and much stronger!

Only Shaq in the seven territories of the Shaze Region has three Scorching Sun Star Beasts, comparable to the strongest organization in the Black Wind Region, Longmen!

And Shaq is only one of the outermost territories of the Shaze Domain, and is not considered strong in the Shaze Domain.

Qin Shang continued to introduce: "Currently, among the ten regions of the gray world, four regions including the Shaze region are directly adjacent to our Great Yan.

In the future, the four domains must be completely taken down, but at the current stage, the basic defense line must be established in the four domains first.

As for the current goal of Sha Zeyu, which we are in charge of..."

Qin Shang circled two locations on the map near the "fingertips".

"Shaq and Lianqi, these two territories are the two territories closest to us and farthest from Shaze Royal Court.

As long as these two territories are conquered, the advance can continue to attack the following territories, and the retreat can defend the exit base, which is enough to gain a firm foothold in Shazeyu! "

Su Yuan nodded, Qin Shang and Wu Shaoyang should be responsible for attacking Shaq.

"How many people do we have?" Su Yuan asked.

Qin Shangdao: "According to our investigation, Shaq has three star beast lords, and Lian Qi has two star beast lords. To be on the safe side, we expect to dispatch a total of eight Scorching Suns to attack the two places!"

Eight Scorching Sun...

Su Yuan smacked his lips, this is really not a small sum.

However, the gray world directly reaches the territory of Great Yan, and the threat is much greater than the northern army far to the north.

Secondly, it is precisely because they are in China, so it is naturally much more convenient to mobilize experts. If they are really transferred abroad, it will be difficult to mobilize so many scorching suns at once.

Su Yuan nodded slightly and asked, "When do you plan to act?"

Qin Shang replied: "I'm waiting for the two major generals from the Southern Military Region to arrive with their troops. It's only been three or four days."

Su Yuan pondered for a while, nodded and said: "Okay, I will follow you to see the situation then."

Qin Shang invited himself here to say so much, just because he wanted to be there at that time, and have an extra layer of protection against the forces of the gray world.

After all, this is also the first battle to formally invade the Gray Realm, and no one knows what surprises will happen.

Su Yuan, as the imperial envoy of Suzaku, did not have the responsibility to help Qin Shang before the order from the department came down.

But out of obligation, it doesn't matter if you just supervise the battle.

And more importantly

Su Yuan narrowed his eyes slightly, he thought that there was not enough stardust, and it was not easy to hunt and kill at will in the outside world.

Now the appearance of the gray world...it is a brand new world for me to plunder!

And in three or four days, Ruan Ruan and Antonis should be able to arrive.

After he left the customs, he had already sent a message to Ruanruan to return.

Calculating the time, it's almost time.

When Qin Shang saw what Su Yuan said, he was overjoyed: "Okay! Yushi Su, on behalf of the Southern Military Region, I would like to express my most sincere thanks to you! If there is no accident, the Yushi doesn't need to act, just sit quietly and do it."

Su Yuan nodded: "Okay."

After the three of them chatted for a while, Qin Shang asked, "Is Su Yushi going back to the city?"

Su Yuan shook his head: "No, the battle is ahead, so naturally there is no need to leave."

"Okay, I will notify the city guard masters who came to support me, and focus on taking care of your family."

Su Yuan nodded, thought for a while, and let Ashlia out again.

Qin Shang and Wu Shaoyang, as the Burning Sun class, were not surprised by the sudden appearance of Ashlia, after all, they already knew that Su Yuan was a star card master with his own space.

Su Yuan said: "Aishelia, in order to prevent accidents, the family is in your hands."

Even if there are some star beasts that escape from the gray world at that time, it will be nothing to Ashlia.

Ashelia nodded and said, "Well, you should be more careful."

Qin Shang immediately called a lieutenant over to send Ashlia away.

In a blink of an eye, two days passed.

On this day, Su Yuanli looked into the sky outside the suburban base.

Not long after, a blue light came from a distance and crashed into Su Yuan's arms.

"Master, master, master...!" Ruan Ruan hugged Su Yuan tightly in excitement.

"Ruan Ruan..." Su Yuan hadn't seen Ruan Ruan for more than half a year, and he was also very happy.

After a while, Su Yuan softly asked, "Did Antonis stay in Guangchuan City?"

smiled softly: "Well, he said that he received your order from the master and stayed at your house with Xiaoai."

Su Yuan nodded, feeling much relieved about it.

Ashelia's oracle power doesn't kill the enemy, and with Antonis around, even a full-moon-level star beast can handle it together.

"Master, Ring!"

Softly grabbed a lot of space rings and came out.

Su Yuan's eyes lit up, and he immediately returned to the Qingming Realm with Ruan Ruan.

Open all the rings, and the star cores piled up in front of them like a hill.

"There are so many!" Su Yuan was quite surprised, after all, there are limited places where the outside world can hunt for stardust.

Ruan Ruan smiled and said: "Xiao An and I were lucky. When we were in the South China Sea, we met three Huiyue-level sea tribes fighting in a melee. Xiao An thought of a way to let me take advantage of the fire and take them out!"

"Really? Well done~"

Although Ruan Ruan said it lightly, Su Yuan knew that it might not be so easy.

In addition to Antonis's cleverness, it may also have something to do with the great increase in strength after the soft moon.

"Ruan Ruan, go to Murphy first."


Responded softly and obediently, and then went to play with Murphy in the main space.

And Su Yuan stepped forward, reached out to touch the star core hill, and thought: "System, disassemble!"

Fluorescent light circulated, and the entire hill was filled with a layer of light blue brilliance like a firefly. As the star core disintegrated, large pieces of star debris gathered into streams and sank into Su Yuan's body.

In just a short moment, except for one or two percent of the entire star core hill that was not obtained by Ruan Ruan, the rest of the star cores were all turned into stardust points.

Su Yuan opens the system:

Stardust: 1024w

Thousands of Stardust!

Su Yuan took a deep breath, and then bursts of surprise appeared in his eyes.

This is the first time that I have tens of millions of stardust!

(end of this chapter)