Ultimate Star Card Master - Chapter 691

Chapter 691

Chapter 691 Arriving at Scorching Sun

The emergence of the gray world has brought a lot of pressure to Yan, who has just gained a little advantage in the North-South confrontation and is about to recuperate.

After the first wave of star beasts that rushed out of the secret realm were eliminated, the cities stabilized the connection points of the gray world with the support of the masters of the sky surveyor, the masters of the state city, and the masters of the military.

Even so, for unknown reasons, from time to time, a small number of gray world star beasts would cross the passage and appear in the city out of thin air.

This has brought a lot of trouble to various cities. Even the star beasts, once they enter a city with a large number of ordinary people, the damage caused is unimaginable!

In the first one or two months before the gray world appeared, all the cities connected to the gray world and nearby cities were placed on high alert.

The drawbacks of the too long battle line in Dayan's previous confrontation with the Northern Army were also exposed, and the manpower of the Sky Survey Division and the military was quite limited.

Not only must be vigilant against the north, but also explore the gray world, but also guard the city...

Especially the star beasts that appear in the cities from time to time. Even though all the cities have increased the strength of the star energy detectors, some star beasts that suddenly appear from the gray world are hard to guard against.

Fortunately, at this time, students and folk star card masters from all over the country have spontaneously participated in protecting the city.

Although there are no academies in the third-tier cities and fewer star card masters, there must be academies in the second-tier cities.

Following the actions of students and non-governmental Star Card Masters, the Department of Education and the Star Card Masters Association also issued corresponding incentive policies.

The influx of a large number of new troops has temporarily eased the situation in various places.

At the same time, various countries have rapidly launched discussions and explorations on the gray world...

Qing Mingjie, Qing Mingfeng.

Time passed, and it was half a year since Su Yuan climbed Qingming Peak.

According to Ashilia's drawings, Mo Fei has almost transformed the central area of the Qingming Realm.

Although there were some problems, but fortunately Yang Yifeng woke up halfway and instructed Mo Fei to complete the remaining fortifications.

After the transformation was completed, Mo Fei stopped to practice and consolidate his cultivation at the Jade Lotus Enlightenment Platform in front of the sacred ancient tree.

The jades used to create the Jade Lotus Enlightenment Platform are not mortal objects. Before Su Yuan left, he handed over all the star artifacts, star cards, materials, sundries, etc. he had gained from fighting for a long time to Ashlia for sorting out, and allowed her to take care of them. Used in Transforming the New Dust Realm.

The jade used in Yulian Terrace is the fourth-grade material Qingchen Mingxin Jade, which has the effect of channeling star power and calming the mind.

With this thing, the speed can be increased by half during cultivation!

Of course, the cost is also very high. Now in the Qingming Realm, apart from Yang Yifeng, there are five people including Su Yuan, Ashlia, Murphy, Ruan Ruan and Antonis.

So, Ashilia only prepared six Jade Lotus Terraces, one for the top, one for the deputy, and the other four are lined up below.

At this moment, the night was dark, and Mo Fei was still practicing day and night with his eyes closed on one of the jade lotus platforms.

The golden glow from the golden leaves of the sacred ancient tree and the warm jade light on the jade lotus platform slightly light up the night.

"Quiet as a rock, moving like thunder" is a perfect description for Mo Fei.

Wild and ferocious in battle, but very calm in cultivation, sitting on the jade lotus platform at this moment is as motionless as a stone.

Suddenly, there seemed to be a burning sensation in the originally quiet and cold night.

Although Mo Fei has entered deep cultivation, as a legendary star beast, he is still extremely sensitive to energy perception, so he opened his eyes immediately.

Not to mention, this scorching heat is rising at an astonishing speed!

Mo Fei was shocked all over, and immediately raised his head to look up Qingming Peak, only to see a blazing light on Qingming Peak getting hotter and brighter.

"Master, something has happened!"

Mo Fei vaguely guessed something, quickly stopped practicing, stood up and stared closely at the top.

On Qingming Peak, Su Yuan's eyes were closed tightly, his silver hair moved without wind, and his whole body emitted an increasingly hot and bright brilliance, as if the rising sun was about to emerge from the sky!

At this time, Su Yuan stood up, stepped on the empty steps, and stepped towards the sky step by step.

With every step, Su Yuan's aura rises, and the blazing light on his body becomes even more dazzling.

Until Su Yuan walked higher and higher, the Qingming Realm, which was originally in the dark night, also became twilight.

A moment later, when Su Yuan took the last step, like the rising sun tearing through the night sky, a scorching sun emitting infinite light suddenly hung behind Su Yuan, illuminating the entire Qingming!


The terrifying wave that was several times that of Huiyue slammed open, and the phoenix pulse screamed, shaking the entire Qingming world.

"Successful! Master... Burning Sun!"

Mo Fei's eyes widened, and he was trembling with excitement. He was ten or a hundred times happier than when he broke through the full moon level!

At this time, Su Yuan, who was high in the sky, opened his eyes, his eyes were burning, and the blazing flames overflowing with star power rose from the corners of his eyes.

With a thought in Su Yuan's mind, after the vision of the great sun behind him flourished again, it slowly gathered and dissipated.

Looking around, the sky in the Qingming Realm is clear, and the night has not fallen again.

Because Xinyang...has been born!

Su Yuan looked at the thriving Qingming world below, and a hearty feeling rushed to his heart.

"Once you enter this realm, you will be like a fish and a dragon ascending to the sky, and you can go to the world!"

The sea of stars in the body is like a great sun, with infinite and endless power!

Or to be precise, the sea of stars at this moment has disappeared, and it has been completely consumed for the transformation of the sea moon into the scorching sun.

With Scorching Sun as the core, Su Yuan can feel that his vast star power can explode several times higher than before with every move!

Su Yuan was so quiet that Yang Yifeng, who was still dormant, was also awakened, and walked out of the hut next to the sacred ancient tree.

"Breakthrough?" Although he was quite confident in Su Yuan, Yang Yifeng couldn't help grinning to his ears when he saw Su Yuan in the air, "Okay! Okay!"

Seeing that the teacher was alarmed, Su Yuan also calmed down and flew down.

"Congratulations, master, you have achieved the scorching sun!" Mo Fei hurriedly greeted him excitedly.

Yang Yifeng also smiled and said: "Congratulations, Su Yuan, at this age you have reached a realm that most practitioners can hardly achieve in their lifetime."

Up to three levels, there is a huge gap between each level.

And every step forward, it will be a completely different concept!

Not only in strength, but also in status!

Yao star, considered a local master.

As long as the awakened soul card is a star card master with a green card, there is more or less a chance to be promoted to Yaoxing.

As for blue card masters, as long as there are no accidents and they grow up smoothly, most of them can enter this realm.

However, although Yao Xingxing is a master in one place, looking at the whole country and even the whole continent, he is just at the beginning and has the qualifications to walk between continents.

And if you can stand out from the Yao star class and reach the Huiyue class, then you can be regarded as a famous and well-known master in the whole country!

But the difficulty is also astonishing. Compared with the Yao star class, the number of people in the Huiyue class is geometrically reduced, probably not even one-fiftieth!

Huiyue level is still like this, but Scorching Sun is even more difficult!

If you go one step further and achieve Scorching Sun...then, you will be a top player in the entire continent!

Wang-level seldom makes a move, not only because once the king-level makes a move, the movement is too loud and the destructive power is too powerful.

And usually only the king class can deal with the king class. Once there is a loss, it is difficult for any force to accept it.

So the king class is generally used as a strategic weapon to deter others, but it is rarely used in practice.

In this case, Scorching Sun is almost the highest level of activity in front of people!

Su Yuan smiled and said: "Thank you for the teacher who pointed out the direction, otherwise I wouldn't be able to step into the scorching sun so quickly."

Yang Yifeng seldom gives Su Yuan any specific guidance, but he can always give the most correct direction.

Whether it is looking for Shenhuo, or breaking through the scorching sun now.

It was through the battle to shake the bottleneck, and with the addition of two sun elixir, Su Yuan was able to break through smoothly in just half a year.

Otherwise, if you really want to practice and accumulate step by step, even if Su Yuan has a phoenix vein to advance to the tiger level, there will be no movement at this moment.

After chatting with Yang Yifeng for a few more words, Su Yuan turned his head to look at the changed appearance of Qingmingjie, and couldn't help smacking his lips secretly.

Good guy, what you told Ashlia to do is to make it easy, but it turned out like this?

Kongtong Yellow Dragon Crystal Stone Carvings, Qingchen Mingxin Jade Lotus Platform, Jingtan Forest... All kinds of fourth-level materials and spiritual plants are used as decorations, which is really extravagant.

But these things are still placed, and the arrangement of Ashlia is indeed very satisfactory.

Su Yuan took a closer look, and found that the design of many places is quite ingenious, and it seems that a lot of thought has been spent.

"That's right, Mo Fei, you have worked hard to transform the Qingming Realm these days."

"It should be!" Murphy responded in a low voice, "It's mainly due to Miss Ashlia, I just did some physical work."

Su Yuan nodded, and glanced at the Qingming Realm: "Speaking of which, where is Ashlia?"

"She went out." Mo Fei suddenly remembered something, took out a gold-edged letterhead and handed it to Su Yuan, "This is left for you by Miss Ashlia."

Su Yuan opened the letterhead, the handwriting was neat and clean.

"A change in the secret realm? Guangchuan City?" Su Yuan's eyes froze, and he asked Mo Fei quickly, "When did she leave?"

Murphy counted with his fingers: "It seems to be three or four months. She took the daily report from the Sky Survey Division and left soon."

"Three or four months..." Su Yuan heaved a sigh of relief after hearing this.

According to what Ashilia said, she rushed to Guangchuan City to take care of her parents after learning about the changes in the secret realm of Guangchuan City.

Since Ashlia hasn't come back at this moment, it means that she is still protecting her parents, so there shouldn't be a big problem.

Su Yuan nodded secretly, Ashilia's work is indeed worry-free.

And with her strength, it shouldn't be difficult to protect her parents.

Su Yuan thought for a while, took out the black sky survey card to browse the latest information, but frowned slightly.

"Huh? The matter seems to be far more than that simple." Su Yuan inspected it carefully, and after a while, he almost digested it, "Beast robbery..."

Su Yuan pondered, if the opening of the New Dust Realm is a sign of the Earth Tribulation, then the appearance of the gray world is the beginning of the Beast Tribulation.

And unlike the earth robbery with traces, before this, the department was not sure what the beast robbery was.

It is just a guess that it may be related to the ancient forbidden area, the forest of monsters, or the star beasts in the sea area.

But now, the emergence of the unfathomable gray world full of star beast power already represents the arrival of the beast calamity.

There is no fixed number of catastrophes. Even if the original beast calamity is not the gray world, the appearance of the gray world is just an accident.

But at this moment when it affects the whole body, since it appears, it will become a beast robbery, or become a part of the beast robbery!

(end of this chapter)