Ultimate Star Card Master - Chapter 685

Chapter 685

Chapter 685 Dust-free, divine judgment

Blood spurted, and the head flew off.

As the chief knight of the temple, Layton may have a lot of hole cards that he didn't use, so he suddenly died suddenly.

After Su Yuan beheaded Layton with a sword, he stood there holding the sword, motionless.

At this moment, Su Yuan's heart is like a mirror, spotless and calm.

The time and trajectory of Layton's head falling, the location where the corpse fell, the speed at which the breath dissipated after death...all the information clearly appeared in his mind.

The cognition and control of one's own strength, energy, etc., is almost accurate to the point of the slightest.

All messy thoughts are excluded, but battle-related information can be received extremely accurately, calculated efficiently, and processed perfectly.

Because the processing of the information flow is extremely fast, it seems that the whole world has slowed down and become quieter.

But if you look closely, you can find that Su Yuan's eyes can no longer see the pupils, and the sockets of his eyes are filled with pure white light!

Su Yuan closed his eyes, opened them again after a while, and the white light in his eyes dissipated, revealing a pair of silver pupils.

The noisy environment around, the touch of dry and hot wind... All kinds of information suddenly came flooding in.

"One mind clean!"

Su Yuan took a deep breath, but there were bursts of uncontrollable surprises in his eyes!

That's right, this is one-hearted cleanness, one of the five breathing skills!

"It's thanks to Yaopo."

Back in the New Dust Realm, Yao Po and the Capricorn Star Envoy used the Funeral Day to self-destruct in a battle, and when Yao Po was reborn and merged with Su Yuan, Su Yuan had a feeling.

My processing speed of information... has become faster!

This feeling is quite obvious no matter in the subsequent battle or when capturing the Kamikaze formation.

At that time, Su Yuan didn't know what it was.

Until today, super-speed calculations, fleeting timing control... Su Yuan didn't realize until he stepped into this situation thoroughly, that this is pure-hearted and clean-hearted!

The five stunt doors of breathing, now, I have opened one!

Su Yuan was excited. Although he had no opponent right now, he couldn't try again.

But Su Yuan is sure that even if Layton comes back to life again, and he has to implement plan B after the covenant of returning to the ruins ends, he can kill him again!

It's like playing King of Fighters, playing characters with the same attributes and skills, the master can completely abuse the rookie.

If there is a 50% chance of winning, then after turning on the dust-free, at least 90%!

If there is a 10% chance of winning, then after turning on the clean heart, at least 50%!

If there was a 0% chance of winning, then after opening One Heart and No Dust, there may be a glimmer of hope!

This is a pure-hearted and dust-free skill that can 100% perfectly display one's own strength!

As for the consumption, it should be the "breathing energy" generated in the many star lairs just now.

Su Yuan was thinking, the covenant of returning to the ruins on his body had reached its limit, and it was automatically canceled.

In an instant, intense pain filled every inch of skin inside and outside the body.

Su Yuan's complexion suddenly turned pale, sweat poured down his body, and his body trembled uncontrollably.

After taking a moment to relax, Su Yuan thought of something again, and quickly opened the system panel.

Su Yuan

Level: Full Moon

Soul Card: Infinite Xuanfeng

Quality: Legendary

Attribute: Space

Six dimensions: strength , agility A, defense B+, physique A, spirit , star power

Stunt: One-hearted cleanness: throw away all distracting thoughts and emotional fluctuations in the mind and completely concentrate on the battle, gaining perception, thinking and manipulation abilities beyond the limit

First of all, "One Heart and No Dust" is really listed on the system panel, and the priority is very high.

Su Yuan paused for a while in joy, and then continued to look at the skills below.

Taixu Sword Intent (Legend)

Passive: Sword attack is increased by 50%, and space attack is increased by an additional 50%; Active: You can use Qi and sword to attack the enemy.

"Qi and sword two ways..."

"Qi", blesses Taixu Sword Intent on the sword Qi, providing powerful lethality.

It is the previous Taixu Sword Qi, but there is no distinction between the first, second and third levels.

Because of the improvement in quality, the current Taixu Sword Qi is not only more powerful than before, but also consumes a little less.

If you want to classify according to the original level, it is a bit stronger than the original third gear.

And this is not the most critical, the most critical is the newly derived method - "sword".

The sword intent is completely introverted and compressed on the sword itself, endowing it with power.

Su Yuan's eyes fell on the demon knife, and with a thought, a layer of deep black light as thin as a cicada's wing covered the entire blade of the demon knife.

It seems that these black lights are extremely calm and seem to be still, but if you look closely, you can find that these black lights are constantly cutting and flowing at a terrifying speed!

At this point, a word fell into Su Yuan's heart.

"Divine judgment!"

Following this trick, all kinds of mysteries came into my mind.

Su Yuan took a deep breath, and his body couldn't help shaking slightly with excitement.

The advancement of Taixu Sword Intent is not only related to the attributes and strength of Taixu Sword Intent itself, but also seems to be related to Su Yuan's state at the time of advancement.

Or to be more precise, it is the hope and responsibility carried by Taixu Sword Intent!

The trick of God's Judgment is very simple, with only one purpose... that is to "cut everything"!

When entering the room, it can cut off solid solids, liquids, gases... and various energy bodies.

When the fire is perfect, it can be "permanently banned", prohibiting recovery and healing.

And reach the realm of Dengfeng, then the illusory spirit, light, force field, etc., can all be cut off!

However, this trick consumes a lot of mental power. After it is activated, it not only consumes mental power continuously, but also consumes a lot of mental power every time it is cut off, and the harder the object is, the greater the consumption of mental power.

Su Yuan was also polite, and took out an epic saber.

Su Yuan has a lot of this kind of general epic star weapon, and this one is the Colonel Credy from the No. 4 Fortress of the Ice Rose Defense Line.

Su Yuan held the saber horizontally in his left hand, then raised the demon saber high and slashed it down!

"Divine judgment!"

The demon knife passed, leaving behind a pitch-black line, from which the terrifying sword intent that made the scalp tingle escaped.

Su Yuan didn't feel too much hindrance, and the saber in front of him broke in response!

In an instant, Su Yuan's already pale complexion became a little paler, and the strong side effects of the covenant of returning to the ruins had not been relieved, and at this moment his energy was suddenly consumed.

Although his footsteps became more and more vain, the joy in Su Yuan's eyes was hard to hide!

"Even epic star artifacts can be cut with one sword!"

Su Yuan was overjoyed, this... is indeed a legendary skill derived from the Supreme Sword Intent!

Dissipating the power of divine judgment on the sword, Su Yuan took a deep breath, and it took a while to suppress the excitement in his heart.

Never expected that in this ambush battle, not only did she comprehend Yixin Wuchen, but she also successfully evolved Taixu Sword Intent!

It was a blessing in disguise.

Of course, these two are the most important gains, and the rest are not bad...

Su Yuan began to collect the spoils, and took off the Moon Knight rings of Layton, Caroline, and Gareth.

Now is not the time to take a closer look, Su Yuan put away these things for the time being, and then took out the hexagram crystal on Layton alone.

This thing is the key to the opponent's ability to block the sudden attack!

Miracle Crystal

Quality: Epic

Introduction: The mysterious crystal that rewrites fate, which can store an additional skill of its own, which can be forced to be triggered under certain conditions such as being controlled, seriously injured, or dying.

"Miracle crystal... the name 'miracle', although it may sound exaggerated, is indeed a top-notch functional star device!"

Even if Su Yuan himself received such powerful first-hand skills as Nightmare of the Abyss, Boundless Moments, and God's Forbidden, he would certainly die, but he would definitely fall into a huge disadvantage.

And if there is this miracle crystal, it can resolve the situation of being attacked first.

Nowadays, Su Yuan has several skills that can be used in it, but the most suitable one is, of course, to go back in time!

Set it to trigger time reversal in the state of dying, so that even if there is no resurrection of the Purdue technique of killing life, I will not be afraid of the first surprise attack!

Su Yuan put away the Miracle Crystal with satisfaction, and then took out the formation disk that Layton used to control the forbidden barrier.

After injecting star power, with a little operation, the forbidden barrier was released.

Actually, Su Yuan has mastered Shenjue now, and if he wants to escape, he can use Shenduan to cut an exit on the barrier!

As the formation disappeared, Su Yuan suddenly felt a strong and anxious thought coming from somewhere.

"It seems to worry Ruan Ruan."

Su Yuan smiled, dragged his extremely tired body, and moved towards somewhere...

(end of this chapter)