Ultimate Star Card Master - Chapter 325

Chapter 325

Chapter 325 Skill Practice

In the blink of an eye, a day passes.

The next day, Su Yuan came to Qingming Realm again.

"Puff Chi Chi..."

Seeing Su Yuan coming in, his weak and tired expression immediately cheered up a bit, shrunk his body and jumped back in front of Su Yuan.

As a star monster, Ruan Ruan has been practicing the skills for a day and a night, and he is already a little tired.

Su Yuan smiled and rubbed its head: "Ruan Ruan, well done!"

"Puff puff puff!"

Ruan Ruan jumped up and down happily on the spot.

Su Yuan can find out the situation in the Qingming Realm at any time. Naturally, he knows that Ruan Ruan almost never stops when he is practicing. It can be said that he has worked very hard!

Su Yuan flipped his hands and took out two 2L bottles of iced cola. His eyes lit up suddenly, and he turned into two hands. He opened the bottle and poured it into his mouth one by one. In a blink of an eye, the two bottles had bottomed out.


After drinking two bottles of iced cola, his soft eyes glowed, and he had completely recovered his energy. The effect of refreshing his mind was more effective than pills like star stones!

Su Yuan smiled: "Next, let's unfold the dream to take pictures of me, and use yesterday's repetition to reproduce yesterday's whole day's practice."


I saw the water flowing on Ruan Ruan's body, and "Bo~" suddenly turned into two "Ruan Ruan".

"Could it be done by dividing?" Su Yuan immediately thought of Ruan Ruan's skill.

The two Ruanrou closed their eyes, the blue brilliance on their bodies fluctuated, and they had been used together yesterday to reappear.

Silver light lit up in Su Yuan's eyes, and he observed the energy fluctuations on the two Ruanrou's bodies through the omniscient vision, but found that the energy flow on the two bodies was exactly the same in terms of intensity and route, without the slightest difference.

"I can't tell if it's true or not, or...both are bodies?"

Su Yuan's eyes were full of thought, and he didn't know what Ruan Ruan's hand would do, so he waited quietly.

After about half an hour, both Ruanruan opened their eyes.

A circle of purple brilliance lit up in my eyes, my heart was filled with a sense of mystery, and the dream surged on the two soft bodies according to my strength.


Feeling the changes in the body, the two Ruanrou jumped up excitedly, and then stuck together to become a Ruanrou, who jumped into Su Yuan's arms.

"Ruan Ruan, how do you feel?" Su Yuan quickly hugged it and asked.

Ruan Ruan raised his head to look at Su Yuan, and said happily: "Pu Chi Pu Chi (it works, both bodies work)!"

Both bodies work?

Su Yuan's pupils narrowed slightly, and he immediately understood the meaning of this sentence.

"You mean, the skill experience obtained by the two avatars through the dream can be superimposed!"

"Puff!" Ruan Ruan nodded repeatedly.

Su Yuan took a deep breath.

This... double the hook?

Originally, Ruanruan reappeared yesterday's hard training experience through reappearing yesterday + dreaming according to me, and cheated to double the practice experience for free.

But now using points, it can become 2 Ruan Ruan, which doubles the experience of whoring for nothing.

Su Yuan immediately asked: "How many bodies can you separate at most?"

Being able to separate a few bodies can give you a few practice experiences for free, which is the key.

"Pu Chi Pu Chi, Pu Chi Pu Chi (There are only two now, there should be more after upgrading)!"

"Good!" Su Yuan was overjoyed.

From this point of view, Ruan Ruan's split body from [Divide into] can indeed use [Dream Illumination] to superimpose the effect.

And points can become Ruanruan's own skills, and he can use stardust to fill up Ruanruan's skills first.

After this, Ruanruan can rely on the dream to show me + yesterday's reappearance + points to form a combination practice, geometrically increasing the speed of self-cultivation skills!

Su Yuan smacked his lips secretly and asked, "Then can you do it again now?"

"Pu Chi Chi (no way)..." Ruan Ruan lowered her face.

After communicating with Ruanruan, Su Yuan probably understood.

According to Ruanruan, [Dreamland Photo Me] is only "entry-level" now, and it consumes a lot of mental energy, and it is too much to use continuously. It is estimated that it will take a day before it can be used.

As for [Yesterday Reappearance], as the level rises, it seems to be able to expand the time range and time period that can be traced back, for example, to trace back certain days within a month, instead of being limited to yesterday.

Su Yuan nodded with satisfaction: "After all, it is realized through the experience of prostitution in dreams, so it is understandable that such a magical technique consumes a lot of mental power.

Wait until the level of the dream rises according to me and yesterday's reappearance, and your cultivation will definitely be smoother. "

Now Ruanruan has also broken through, everything is ready, and it is ready to go.

Su Yuan immediately said: "Then, follow me to go hunting!"

Ruan Ruan's eyes lit up, and he jumped onto Su Yuan's shoulder.


Ruan Ruan jumped onto Su Yuan's shoulder excitedly, gearing up, his eyes shining.

This time, I finally don't have to be a mascot!

Su Yuan returned to the dormitory with Ruan Ruan, raised his hands, and the turbulent silver light violently surged in front of him.

After a while, a silver space door was formed in front of him.

Su Yuan stepped in and disappeared in place...

The entry-level space gate can travel tens of kilometers at a time.

Except for a little cooling time in the middle, the speed of this journey is much faster than that of an airplane!

In less than half a day, Su Yuan had already arrived outside the barren ancient forbidden area.

"Last time I wasn't strong enough to hunt well, but this time I can fight freely..."

Looking at the forbidden line ahead, Su Yuan's eyes froze, and he jumped over immediately.

Su Yuan didn't hold back his aura either. Just like last time, some star beasts with low intelligence around saw humans coming across the line, and rushed over fiercely without even thinking about it!

While the red light was dancing, the Yushen Yaodao had already fallen into Su Yuan's hands.

Su Yuan raised his hand and waved the knife, black lines of space streaked across the void, and all the star beasts surrounded by more than a dozen were cut into two pieces and died violently on the ground as soon as they took a step.

Some of the star beasts who had just approached behind saw this, they were scared to death, and they turned around and backed away in fear on the spot!

The forest immediately became noisy.

The silver light in Su Yuan's eyes lit up, and the black thread cut through the void at high speed with the swing of the knife, and then hung on his waist.

In just a few seconds, the surroundings suddenly fell into silence.

Under the vision of omniscience, there is nothing to hide, with a radius of hundreds of meters, whether it is the star beast rushing towards Su Yuan or the unrelated star beast resting alone, they all died on the spot without any resistance.

Su Yuan's expression was indifferent, and the dark red light was flowing on the Yushen Yaodao, which seemed to be extremely excited.

"Demon Slaying Progress: Gold Level (2/100)."

"Pu Chi Pu Chi (Master Niu Niu)!" The softness on the shoulders waved the flag for Su Yuan.

Su Yuan raised his hand and opened the gate of hell, and many shining star-star ghostfire steel bone wolves rushed out of the gate of hell, scattered around and began to pack up the star core just now.

Yao Xingxing came to pick up corpses, it can be said to be quite extravagant...

Ruan Ruan also jumped down from his shoulders and turned into a human form, gathering the star cores brought back by many bone wolves in the water net woven by star power and handing them over to Su Yuan.

"Master, here it is!"

Su Yuan reached out to take the star core of one of the silver-level elite star beasts, subconsciously extracting and decomposing it as before.

But at this moment, Su Yuan received a reminder from the system.

Su Yuan's heart moved slightly, and he immediately turned around and secretly ordered: "System, break down this star core."

A burst of strange energy covered the star core through Su Yuan's right hand, and soon, the star core turned into a piece of spiritual light and completely disintegrated and dissipated.

At the same time, all the energy essence in the star core was completely plundered by the system.

Su Yuan immediately turned on the system. Originally, a green card only had 40 stardust points, but this time directly absorbing the star core, it increased by a full 86 points!

"The system has also been upgraded?" Su Yuan's eyes lit up.

One person attains enlightenment, chicken and dog ascend to heaven.

As he was promoted to the star star, the performance of the system has also been improved.

Not only can directly absorb the star core, but also the obtained star dust has increased a lot!

Su Yuan immediately took out another star core of a silver-level elite star beast and disassembled it. This time, he gave 92 points!

"Because the star core essence is directly decomposed and absorbed, can the energy waste caused by the step of extracting the star card be avoided..."

Su Yuan probably already understood, so he also absorbed the star cores of two gold-level elite star beasts, and both got hundreds of stardust.

"That is to say, the stardust obtained by decomposing in this way is more complete and specific, and is it also linked to the level?"

Su Yuan nodded secretly, and disassembled all the star cores casually.

Anyway, this is definitely a good thing for myself.

As soon as Su Yuan raised his hand, he summoned the Frost Dragon and Hellfire again.

"Let's go, the hunt begins."

Ruan Ruan excitedly raised his fist high: "Come on!"

(end of this chapter)