Ultimate Star Card Master - Chapter 211

Chapter 211

Chapter 211 Demon Emperor

On the third floor of the library tower, Su Yuan walked over in a few steps.

"Teacher." Su Yuan greeted and was about to sit down.

"Wait a minute." Yang Yifeng got up, checked Su Yuan carefully, and heaved a sigh of relief, "Fortunately, there are no injuries or hidden dangers..."

Yang Yifeng nodded, and said to Su Yuan, "Sit down."

"Mr. Lao is worried." Su Yuan smiled, and sat at the stone table beside the tower with Yang Yifeng.

Yang Yifeng said: "I have received a summons from Situ Bai, and Situ Qingyin has returned with the snow crystal.

It is said that there has been a change in the secret realm of Xuebuyuan, and there are many dangers inside. This time, I can get snow crystal stones. That girl Situ Qingyin is very grateful to you. "

"It's just a matter of duty."

Yang Yifeng smacked his lips: "You don't know, that girl Xiao Qingyin is very stubborn, and she insists on finding the snow crystal stone by herself, without Situ Bai intervening.

Otherwise, with Situ Bai's contacts, a piece of snow crystal can be conjured even without it. "

Su Yuan said with a smile: "She wants to find it in her own way, and she must have her own persistence. Not only physical means, but perhaps the feelings she wants to convey are equally important."

"Oh?" Yang Yifeng was quite surprised, "It seems that you also know about that?"

"Well, in the secret realm, she told me about it."

Yang Yifeng smiled gratifiedly when he heard the words.

"It's also a good thing to have peers who have made her open up over the years.

She experienced such disasters at such a young age, but it is really not easy for her to grow up to the present day..."

Su Yuan nodded in agreement: "She is a strong girl."

Yang Yifeng looked up at Su Yuan: "Tell me, have you found the Snow God Lotus?"

"Fortunately found it." With a flash of the ring in Su Yuan's hand, he took out the Snow God Lotus and put it on the table.

"That's right, it's the Snow God Lotus, and its appearance is not bad!"

Yang Yifeng took a closer look and put away the Snow God Lotus.

"Two months at the latest, the Snow God Lotus Heart Pill can be refined."

"Thank you teacher!"

"As you said, it's just my duty." Yang Yifeng waved his hand, "Besides that, I also have some selfish motives of my own."


Su Yuan didn't take it seriously, instead he smiled and said, "If I want to achieve the teacher's 'selfishness', I'm still far behind, right? I don't know if I can achieve it for the teacher if I get the magic fire?"

Selfishness does not mean that you want to harm yourself.

On the contrary, Yang Yifeng is now conscientious to his own guidance, and even willing to use the magic fire, which probably has some reasons for this "selfishness".

At least for now, Yang Yifeng is completely unilaterally pouring and cultivating himself.

If there is something within his ability, Su Yuan will naturally do his best for the teacher.

However, Yang Yifeng was taken aback for a moment, he didn't expect Su Yuan to accept it so quickly.

"Your boy..." Shaking his head with a smile, Yang Yifeng said slowly, "Not only is it far away, but it's also a thousand miles away... Obtaining Shenhuo is not enough, let's talk about it after advancing to the third level of Sun, Moon and Star."

Su Yuan responded: "Teacher, don't worry, as long as I am strong enough at that time, I will be sent by the teacher."

Yang Yifeng laughed: "Good!"

"By the way, teacher, I want to ask about this thing..." Su Yuan flipped his hands and took out a delicate and gorgeous peacock feather.

"This is... Kong Zheng's peacock feather?" Yang Yifeng's expression was slightly condensed, "You actually got this thing!...Is it related to that ice girl?"

"Well, it's related to Bingtong." Su Yuan told Yang Yifeng in detail about helping Luo Bingtong conquer Xuanbing in the ancient city of Xuebuyuan, and meeting Bai Ze after he came out.

"No wonder, to save that girl, a peacock feather is justified..."

Su Yuan tentatively asked: "Teacher, if I guessed correctly, she should be a descendant of a certain demon king in the ancient forbidden area?"

The last time when Luo Bingtong was mentioned, Yang Yifeng didn't elaborate, he just said that it would be good to get along with ordinary classmates.

At this time, Yang Yi pondered for a while, then raised his hand to strengthen the sound insulation around him.

"Since you even got the peacock feathers, now, I can tell you a thing or two, but you should not mention this matter to others."

"Teacher, don't worry."

Yang Yifeng nodded, looked at Su Yuan, and said seriously: "That girl is not an ordinary descendant of the demon king, but..."

Yang Yifeng stopped talking, then stretched out his hand and pointed to it.

Su Yuan was stunned for a moment, and then quickly realized, with a deep look of horror in his eyes.

Above the king class...

"Emperor?" Su Yuan asked in a deep voice.

Yang Yifeng nodded.


Su Yuan took a deep breath!

No wonder...

No wonder a mere silver level can devour Xuanbing.

No wonder he can subdue his own frost dragon with his own coercion.

It's no wonder that even Bai Ze and other scorching sun monsters respectfully address her as Miss

She is actually a descendant of the Demon Queen!

Emperor level, that is a national strategic force, the strongest standing at the peak of Blue Sea Star!

Thinking that he had just agreed to take Luo Bingtong to Guangchuan City, Su Yuan couldn't help feeling a burst of pressure...

After Su Yuan calmed down for a while, Yang Yifeng said slowly: "In the ancient forbidden area, there is no less than one overlord, and that ice girl is from the 'Bingji Xuanya'. As for the specific name, it is inconvenient for me to say more.

As for Kong Zheng and Bai Ze...Because of the agreement made between Dayan and the ancient forbidden area, there are currently many great demons in the Demon Capital.

Kong Zheng is the most representative figure among them. He is the lord of the "Da Yan Chi Yao Du Ming Palace", and he is one of the most famous king-level powerhouses in the entire Day Yan.

Of course, the reason why he is famous is not because of his special status, but because of his strength!

This man is extremely domineering and murderous.

As far as I know, for thousands of years, the number of kings who died in his hands is no less than one hand! "

Su Yuan's heart was shocked, and he killed more than five kings? !

"And this peacock feather of yours is the feather he shed, and it is a symbol of friendship from the lineage of the Ming Palace in the demon city. With this thing, Bai Zena and other big demons in the Ming Palace can do it for you."

"Oh, that's really a good thing!"

"That's more than that. With the peacock feather, as long as you meet a big monster with some knowledge, the other party will not easily embarrass you. After all, the king of peacock Ming has a bad reputation..."

"Did no one take revenge on him?"

Yang Yifeng looked a little more solemn: "Anyone who has the strength to take revenge on him has been killed long ago."

Su Yuan's heart shuddered, this one really looks like a ruthless person!

Shaking his head, Su Yuan remembered something, looked a little more solemn, and then said: "Teacher, I have one more thing here, I think it is necessary to show it to you."

"Oh? What?"

"It's a corpse, the corpse of a star card master who can use the power of the two-jue soul card at the gold level!"

As Su Yuan said, he released the body of the black-haired girl he met in Qiuyun Mountain. There are no microorganisms in the space ring, and the decay is relatively slow, so the body is fairly well preserved.

Yang Yifeng seriously showed a little surprise: "Gold level can use the power of soul card?"

"That's right," Su Yuan nodded, and explained in detail what happened in Qiuyun Mountain.

After listening, Yang Yifeng frowned slightly, and his expression became more serious.

"Although she has been dead for a while, judging from the remaining traces of her body, it does seem that she has completed her second sleep.

In addition, judging from the situation of the sea of consciousness, the mental aspect has also received a lot of damage. "

After pondering for a while, Yang Yifeng said seriously: "I will accept this corpse first, and I will report it to another expert to investigate. If I find anything, I will notify you."

"Okay." Su Yuan nodded, and handed the black-haired girl's ring to Yang Yifeng.

The two chatted again, and Yang Yifeng brought Su Yuan to the upper level of the library tower to test Su Yuan's practice.

"So, you still have two skill slots, right?" Before parting, Yang Yifeng asked.

"That's right, I got a lot of good things in the Snow Burial Field, and I was wondering if I could exchange for two T1 or higher space-system and fire-system star cards."

Yang Yifeng looked thoughtful, and after a while slowly said: "The fire system star card is okay, but the space system star card is more difficult...

But wait until the next semester, the college will organize a senior student union to carry out an action.

If you perform well, you may also have a chance to get a space system star card. I will enroll you in then. "

Actually, for Yang Yifeng, it may not be so easy to find an epic-quality space system star card, but if it is only a blue-quality space system star card, it will be much easier.

It's just that colleges and teachers treat students directly in terms of knowledge and experience; in terms of resources, they provide opportunities for students to fight for themselves.

First, there is no such obligation;

Second, resources are limited, and we must fight for them based on strength;

The third is to train students.

But for Su Yuan, having a chance is enough.

"The actions of the senior students, thank you teacher!"

Su Yuan just thought for a while, then agreed, then bowed and left first.

After returning to the dormitory, Su Yuan didn't stay long. After tidying up a bit, he sent a message to call Luo Bingtong, and then went out and waited on the path in front of the dormitory.

After a while, the door of the next dormitory opened, and Luo Bingtong pushed the door and walked out.

At this time, Luo Bingtong had changed her attire, an indigo knee-length skirt, and a short-sleeved white lining covered with blue snowflakes.

Although it is simple, it has a summer atmosphere, so Su Yuan couldn't help but take a second look.

And judging from the design and materials, this suit is much more advanced than the one or two hundred yuan Su Yuan's outfit...

When Luo Bingtong came over, Su Yuan suddenly remembered something, and took out an exquisite ice jade bracelet.

The most distinctive feature is that this bracelet is composed of small pieces of chips like dragon scales.

This is one of the best items selected by Su Yuan from among the trophies. It comes from the ring of the black-faced middle-aged man, and it should also be the star weapon that passed the challenge of the twelve-pointed snowflake.

Probably because the bracelet is too feminine, so he didn't wear it.

Thousand Ice Crystal Ring

Quality: Blue

Attribute: Ice

Introduction: The top defensive star device of the ice system, which can form thousands of ice crystals around the body for defense.


1. Thousands of ice crystals: Up to thousands of ice crystals can be formed for all-round defense.

2. Millennium Ice: Thousands of ice crystals aggregate into one, turning into a thousand-year-old ice that cannot be broken. While freezing the user's own state, it can also resist all external damage.

"This is for you." Su Yuan grabbed Luo Bingtong's left hand and put it on for her, "It's quite suitable...then let's go."

Luo Bingtong looked at the ice jade bracelet on her wrist, her blue pupils became brighter and brighter.


(end of this chapter)