Ultimate Star Card Master - Chapter 185

Chapter 185

Chapter 185 Long Journey

The next day, noon.

The gate of the college.

An elegant sapphire blue coupe parked on the road beside the South Gate intersection.

Situ Qingyin stood by the car, changing the old-fashioned outfits that Su Yuan had seen before, wearing a shirt and denim shorts, and a light green jacket outside, beautiful and fresh.

"Xingcan Group's limited-edition coupe Star-330 two years ago! It is said that 2,000 units are limited nationwide. I didn't expect to see it at the entrance of the college today!"

A burly sophomore who came back from an off-campus mission stared at the blue coupe beside Situ Qingyin, unable to move his eyes away.

The companion next to him smacked his lips: "Old Qin, you are not paying attention, the girl standing next to the sports car is the key point!"

"It's really pretty, I don't know if it's a student from Southeast Communication University, or a high-achieving student from Wenhua University..."

A beautiful girl with a limited sports car and a unique temperament, Situ Qingyin standing at the entrance of the college like this still attracts the attention of the students who come in and out.

Not long after waiting, a handsome young man walked out of the academy quickly. When he saw Situ Qingyin next to him, he was obviously surprised.

"I've been waiting for a long time." Su Yuan greeted, "Your body today is very different from usual."

Situ Qingyin smiled and said: "After all, it is more convenient to go out, how about it, is it okay?"

"Not bad, refreshing and capable, easy to move." Su Yuan nodded, then looked at the blue coupe next to him and asked, "Is this your car? Are you driving to the airport?"

"Well, come up!"

After the two got into the car, Situ Qingyin reminded: "Fasten your seat belts and sit down!"

Su Yuan looked at Situ Qingyin, who was holding the steering wheel with both hands, and a hint of excitement flashed in his eyes, his heart tightened for no reason.

"Is your driving skill okay?" Su Yuan asked.

"of course!"

Situ Qingyin responded in one gulp, then stepped on the accelerator, and drove away with a bang...

Two days later at noon, on the Taiyue Plain in the north of Dayan, a group of more than fifty people rode bronze-ranked yellow camels running across the field.

Besides the team, there are several people on horseback riding in front and on the left and right wings to investigate the situation.

"Brother Su, there are really very few people as young as you who have traveled all the way to the Black Snow Country.

Many young star card masters have never been out of the country, let alone the place where the academy is located. You two are really amazing! "

At the rear right of the team, an uncle in his forties was casually chatting with a pair of young men and women next to him.

A young man with silver pupils said with a smile: "After all, we have a vast land and resources, and a lot of natural resources and treasures.

The Black Snow Country is so far away, if it weren't for some 'special products', we wouldn't have traveled all the way there. "

This man and a woman are exactly Su Yuan and Situ Qingyin who came out of Arctic City.

Dayan has sea and land transportation arteries, because the dangerous areas in the country have been controlled by various places.

Outside of Dayan, there is no means of transportation to other countries.

First, it is difficult to maintain, and second, the demand is not high.

Ordinary people hardly ever go abroad, but if Star Card Masters want to go abroad, they can do it by themselves.

The next third level may also use some star beasts to save physical and star power to deal with emergencies.

And wait until Yaoxing star, even if it is a long journey, the speed of movement is not lower than the general means of transportation, and it is very convenient to go anywhere.

In the northernmost Arctic City of Dayan, there is a "post station" that is responsible for taking people to and from various countries.

The group of people that Su Yuan and the others are following now is the Blast Station, one of the three stations in Arctic City, on a long trip to the Black Snow Country.

Although each person charges 40 centimeters of star stones, there are two gold-level masters and more than a dozen silver masters leading and escorting them, so the safety is quite high!

As long as you avoid the danger zone according to the route, there is generally no danger.

The uncle who spoke in front of him was named Ji Ping, and he was a middle-level silver Star Card Master.

Ji Ping was originally a senior coach in a martial arts gym in a third-tier city in the north. His talent is limited, and his limit in this life is at most a gold level.

In this situation, it would be good to just stay in the martial arts hall all the time, without worrying about eating and drinking, and there is no danger.

But more than a year ago, Ji Ping's son also successfully awakened the soul card,

So Ji Ping resigned from his position as the coach of the martial arts school, and traveled back and forth between Dayan Kingdom and other countries, intending to earn quick money for two years and give his son a good start.

Su Yuan said: "Uncle Ji, there are still risks in going abroad all the year round. If you earn enough money, it's better to stop early."

For the lower third-level star card masters, the risk of activities between countries is not low.

Not to mention the attacks of wild alien beasts, what's more important is that someone specifically targeted these traveler teams.

Being robbed by others, the loss of property is a small matter, but the loss of life is a major matter.

There are many more organizations, gangs and other forces in the north of Dayan than in the west...

A single target is more likely to attract people with malicious intentions.

Join the team of the post station, and have the masters of the post station to **** you, which is trouble-free, safe and easy.

This is also one of the reasons why Su Yuan and Situ Qingyin traveled with the station.

Ji Ping shook his head and sighed: "You are right, it's just star cards and star artifacts, all of which need money.

My kid was so determined to be admitted to Zhangzhou University this year, I made up my mind to buy him a blue star card! "

It's July now, and the results of this year's college entrance examination have come out.

Tanzhou College is the first-class college closest to the Arctic City, ranking thirteenth in the country, which is considered very good.

Su Yuan thought for a while, and said: "College students should rely more on themselves. Even if they get an extra blue card in the early stage, it will not bring about fundamental changes."

For star card masters, star cards are important, but sooner or later there will be.

The tenacity and unwavering will are the key to supporting the Star Card Master to continue to climb upwards.

Ji Ping couldn't help pondering when he heard the words.

For more than a year, some people have advised Ji Ping to go back. But most of these people are also star card masters who have devoted themselves to the society for a long time, and Ji Ping didn't think much about it.

Ji Ping had to think more when Su Yuan, a genius from Yaodu Academy, said so.

Situ Qingyin next to him also said: "Uncle Ji, I think if your son knows, he definitely doesn't want you to do such a hard, tiring and risky job for a blue card."

Ji Ping was surprised: "Miss Situ, how do you know that I didn't tell him that I was working abroad?"

"You can guess a lot of what you said just now..."

Situ Qingyin smiled and looked up into the distance.

"Put yourself in my shoes, if it were me, I would definitely not want my parents to do such a thing.

It is best for the family to be safe and sound. If something happens, it will be the biggest blow. "

Su Yuan turned his head to look at Situ Qingyin. Although her expression didn't change much, Su Yuan caught the depression in her eyes.

Su Yuan remembered that Situ Qingyin had mentioned before that her family suffered disasters in the early years, and it was Yang Yifeng who rescued them.

Now, there are only her and Situ Bai in the entire Situ mansion, plus some words she said, it is not difficult to guess that her parents passed away early in that disaster.

Ji Ping was lost in thought, but he didn't notice the change in Situ Qingyin's expression.

But what Situ Qingyin said made Ji Ping really shaken.

After some thought, Ji Ping seemed to have made up his mind.

"Okay, when this trip is over, I will go to Tanzhou City to find a job that can make money.

While making money, you can also watch your son grow up in the academy! "

Su Yuan and Situ Qingyin both nodded and smiled when they heard the words.

Although the yellow camel beast has a limited speed, it has strong physical strength and endurance. Overall, its speed is not slow.

Two days later, they had traveled more than half the distance, entering the continuous mountains from the Taiyue Plain.

"Be careful, Qiuyun Mountain is ahead!"

Leading, a post station gold-level master riding a gale horse reminded loudly.

This person's name is Yang Chunhua, he is the captain of the post station on this long trip, and he has the strength of the golden middle class.

The other vice-captain is Zhao Zongsheng, a gold beginner.

Hearing what Yang Chunhua said, Ji Ping next to Su Yuan and the two also woke up from his doze, patted his face, and cheered up.

"Brother Su, Miss Situ, you need to be more vigilant." Ji Ping reminded in a low voice.

Su Yuan heard the words and asked, "Uncle Ji, is Qiuyun Mountain very dangerous?"

Su Yuan also checked the information before departure, Qiuyun Mountain is a low-level dangerous area, the highest is the gold-level star beast, and there are very few of them.

However, Blast Wind Station often takes this route. They should have a better understanding of the distribution of star beasts in Qiuyun Mountain, and the planned route is relatively safe.

Even if you encounter a gold-level star beast by accident, there are two gold-level masters in the team in the post station alone, and...

Su Yuan looked at a gentle middle-aged man in front of the team. Although the other party also mastered the breath, Su Yuan could still see that he was also a gold-level man.

Ji Ping drove the yellow camel beast closer to Su Yuan and the two, and said in a low voice: "It is not only the star beast that is dangerous, but also people."

"Qiuyun Mountain has complex terrain, towering trees, and it is just in the middle line between Dayan Country and Black Snow Country. If you want to block the road and rob money, this is the best choice."

Su Yuan looked at the rugged mountainous area in front of him, and asked, "Uncle Ji, have you been robbed by others in the past year or so?"

"Yes, there are three times, big and small. I went to Yanluo Kingdom twice, and I went to Longmen City once.

I have walked the road from Dayan to Heixue Country four times, but I haven't encountered any problems yet.

As for the three times of being robbed...the first two times were solved by the people at the post station. But the last time, he lost everything on his body. "

Ji Ping recalled: At that time, there were one gold-level expert and seven or eight silver-level experts in charge of escorting at the station.

Those who came to rob the way were members of the Black Tiger Gang in the Black Wind Territory. There were three gold-level members and a dozen silver-level members!

The result is that the gold-level experts escorted by the station were beheaded by the opponent, and the rest of them dared not resist at all, and obediently handed over their space rings..."

A trace of fear and joy flashed in Ji Ping's eyes, as if he still had a lot of shadows about that experience.

"Since then, even if I have to spend a little more money, I only choose some big post stations, and nothing happened again."

Su Yuan nodded when he heard the words, then opened his perception, and became vigilant around...

(end of this chapter)