Ultimate Star Card Master - Chapter 136

Chapter 136

Chapter 136 Moyang Peak


A punch hit, but Su Yuan's pupils shrank.

Because Yang Yifeng didn't even look back, he just casually put his hands behind his back, and accurately blocked his swift, full-force punch.

Under this punch, let alone the hands, even the fine hairs on Yang Yifeng's hands didn't shake at all!

"The strength is not bad, come again." Yang Yifeng pushed Su Yuan out a few meters with his palm.

Su Yuan stabilized his figure and shot out again, wrapping around Yang Yifeng's body, punching punch after punch at high speed.

Su Yuan is very clear that Yang Yifeng is a scorching sun-level master after all, and he doesn't expect to hurt him, he just asks him to move his feet a little...

However, the result was not ideal. Under the powerful blessing of the Great Sun Burning Body Technique, Su Yuan had punched hundreds of punches in a short time.

Yang Yifeng just stood in place, and waved out palm after palm casually, and easily received all Su Yuan's attacks like Tai Chi hitting slowly and quickly!

"Foretellers, do you predict the enemy's plane first?" Su Yuan's eyes were slightly condensed, and he soon realized the reason why Yang Yifeng was able to deal with it easily.

All his attacking intentions seemed to be anticipated by him in advance. Rather than saying that his palm blocked his fist, it would be better to say that his fist just hit his palm.

Aware of this, Su Yuan tried to keep changing his attack intention during the attack process.

The corners of Yang Yifeng's mouth curled up slightly, and he nodded secretly.

The little guy's combat talent is really not low, but he is still too weak now...

Soon, Su Yuan found that no matter how he changed, he still couldn't get past Yang Yifeng's palm. The opponent's hands were like Wuzhishan, trapping himself firmly in the palm.

At this time, Yang Yifeng exerted his strength and knocked Su Yuan away again.

"The increase in strength and speed is not bad. Use your strongest skills and don't worry about it. If you want to hurt me, you have to wait another ten years!"

Yang Yifeng looked at Su Yuan and shouted, "Come on!"

"That's offending, teacher!" Su Yuan flipped his hand and took out the Dragon Armor Saber, and a dark light covered it with a thought.

Then Su Yuan's eyes froze, and he slashed across.


The line of breaking the boundary, which was more than ten meters long, was stretched horizontally, directly cutting through Yang Yifeng's body.

The boundary-breaking line cut out by the red flame burning body is deeper than before, and before the power erupts, it has already emitted a palpitating spatial fluctuation!

Yang Yifeng glanced lightly, but didn't have the slightest intention of retreating and dodging.

A black light shines on the line of breaking the boundary, and the powerful power of space breaking suddenly bursts out!

It took less than 0.1s, and the entire boundary line was broken like a pebble hitting a stone, and it disappeared into nothingness in a blink of an eye.

Su Yuan's heart trembled. Although he didn't expect to hurt Yang Yifeng by breaking the boundary line, he didn't expect it to be so fragile that it would disintegrate by itself!

A silver light flashed in Su Yuan's eyes, and the next moment, he appeared beside Yang Yifeng and slashed down with his knife.

However, Yang Yifeng just stretched out his hand and grabbed the Dragon Armor Knife.

"The destructive power of the power of space is indeed very strong."

Yang Yifeng took a breath, and under Su Yuan's astonished gaze, the power of space permeating the dragon armor knife was blown away by him!

Yang Yifeng stretched out his other hand and grabbed Su Yuan. Su Yuan immediately flashed back and escaped.

Seeing Su Yuan flash back and escape from his hand, Yang Yifeng was still a little surprised. At this moment, seeing the gates of **** dancing with flames, he couldn't help showing a little interest on his face.

"Oh? This move is still a bit strong."

In a moment, eighteen layers of **** flames burst out from the door and gathered together, turning into a blazing beam of light and shooting towards Yang Yi storm!

The flames burst, and the flames were as bright as the day!

Among the dazzling flames, even Su Yuan himself couldn't see the scene in front of him clearly.

Wait until the flames dissipated slowly, but saw the thin Yang Yifeng standing on the spot with his hands behind his back, and the wind around him was slowly swirling, blocking all the violent flames outside.

Very relaxed and comfortable!

"Is this the Scorching Sun class!" Su Yuan's heart trembled slightly.

Although I have only seen the tip of the iceberg, the gap between myself and the teacher is like a newborn baby and an adult. It is much bigger than I imagined!

Yang Yifeng yawned slightly, and the breeze around him dissipated immediately.

"Okay, the test is over, and I probably know your current strength." Yang Yifeng looked at Su Yuan, "I think you can really feel the strength of this Great Sun Burning Body Technique, right?"

Throwing away the shock at Yang Yifeng's strength, Su Yuan nodded, and said excitedly in his heart: "Strength, agility, and star power have all increased by about 40%! The damage of fire-type skills has also increased by 10-20%!"

Although I have learned about the general effect of the Great Sun Burning Body Technique from the star card, but when I actually use it at this time, it is stronger than I thought!

"You can have 40% attribute improvement just after getting started, not bad! What about the consumption and side effects?"

Su Yuan unlocked the Great Sun Burning Body Technique, and suddenly felt a little weak.

After feeling for a while, Su Yuan said: "In the strengthened state, not only star power is continuously consumed, but also a certain load on the body.

However, the current star power consumption and physical load in the "Red Flame" stage are good. As for the subsequent "Yellow Flame" and "White Flame" stages, I am not very clear.

Yang Yifeng nodded and said with a smile: "Compared to promotion, this consumption and side effects are not high. On the whole, your Great Sun Burning Body Art is definitely a T0-level blue strengthening skill, very good!"

With Yang Yifeng's vision, everyone is full of praise for this Great Sun Burning Body Technique, which is evident.

Yang Yifeng continued: "When this star card is re-upgraded to purple in the future, and then matched with Shenhuo, your strength may usher in a surge!"

Su Yuan was also a little emotional when he heard it, but after thinking about it for a while, he smiled wryly and shook his head: "To subdue Shenhuo, I don't know when I will go..."

Yang Yifeng thought for a while, and suddenly said: "Actually, this test of your strength is not just for evaluating this Great Sun Burning Body Star Card."

"Huh?" Su Yuan looked puzzled, "Then teacher, do you want to...?"

Yang Yifeng turned around and said: "I heard that this time you went to Antarctic College, not only did you get the five-leaf spirit, but you also repelled the top experts from the various colleges by yourself? Even with one against four, you also won the victory?"

Su Yuan nodded: "That's right."

"I just fought against you, and I found that the power of the skills you use far exceeds the power that should be available at the current stage.

If my guess is correct, whether it is the previous line of pitch-black space or the last eighteen-in-one flame, I am afraid that it has already been completed, right? "

"Well, everything has been completed."

"Sure enough!"

Even Yang Yifeng, who was once a king-level powerhouse, couldn't help but be surprised by Su Yuan's monstrous skill talent again at this moment!

I had perfected the skills of summoning bone wolves and hellfire earlier, but now I have also perfected the two blue skills!

What a monster!

Yang Yifeng took a deep breath, calmed down a little, and said: "From this point of view, your strength far exceeds what you should have at your own stage.

So after reconsidering, I decided not to wait for Yaoxing, as long as you step into the gold, I will hand over the Yantian Fire Control Technique to you, so that you can conquer Shenhuo as soon as possible. "

Su Yuan's eyes lit up: "Teacher, are you serious?"


"Thank you teacher!" Su Yuan was overjoyed, and saluted immediately.

Yang Yifeng patted Su Yuan's shoulder with a smile, and then asked, "What's your plan next?"

Su Yuan thought for a while, and said: "I plan to go out and find a place to practice, and improve the Great Sun Burning Technique as soon as possible."

"Experience..." Yang Yifeng nodded, "I heard Haiping said that you can gain more insights in battle."

Su Yuan took advantage of the situation and asked, "Teacher, do you have any recommended places?"

Yang Yifeng already knew far more than himself, and now he almost fully understands his own strength, so asking him directly is the correct answer!

Yang Yifeng smiled and said: "There just happens to be a place where you can try it with your current strength."

"Teacher, please tell me."

"When I went to Situ's Mansion last time, didn't Xiao Qingyin propose five materials for you?"

"That's right, Meteorite Sand, Fengyan Blood Jade, Phoenix Nirvana Stone, Geocentric Glass Stone, and Flare Silver Branch."

Yang Yifeng said: "I looked around in the library tower a few days ago, and the silver branches with flares can only be found in places with extremely high altitudes and hot and dry places."

Su Yuan nodded: "Well, Situ Qingyin also gave me an explanation in the notes, does the teacher know that there is such a place?"

"Of course." Yang Yifeng smiled, "It is recorded in the books in the Book Tower that someone on the Moyang Peak in Hengduan Mountains once got the flare silver branch."

"Moyang Peak in Hengduan Mountain?" Su Yuan's heart moved slightly.

Although Su Yuan hadn't heard much about Moyang Peak, he did know about Hengduan Mountain.

Between Dayan and the barren ancient forbidden area, there is a mountain as a buffer, which is the Hengduan mountain.

All star beasts that grow up to the shining star in the Hengduan Mountains, in order to grow and evolve better, usually go to the ancient forbidden area to seek more possibilities.

So generally speaking, the star beasts in the Hengduan Mountains are at the highest gold level, but occasionally there will be shining stars lingering in it.

And because the Hengduan Mountains are close to the ancient forbidden area, there are indeed a lot of spiritual plants and spiritual materials, and there are many low-level star beasts coming out of the ancient forbidden area, which leads to many types of star beasts, high quality, and even some extremely rare ones. star beast.

So even if the risk is not low, the senior students of the major academies in the southeast and some star card masters in the society are still willing to take risks to hunt star cores or collect materials in the Hengduan Mountains.

Of course, most of these people are above silver level.

Su Yuan reckoned that it would not be a problem for him to fight against ordinary silver star beasts with his own means.

Even if you encounter a gold-level star beast, you have a great chance of escaping if you have the two life-saving skills of teleportation and metamagnetic pressure.

Su Yuan responded immediately: "Thank you teacher for telling me, I will go to Moyang Peak!"

"Oh?" Yang Yifeng saw that Su Yuan only thought for a while before responding, and couldn't help reminding: "Don't think about it? It's not a small risk for you to enter Hengduan Mountain with a bronze level."

Su Yuan said with a smile: "There is no such thing as getting something for nothing in this world. If you want to become stronger, or even strive to be the strongest, you must take some risks.

If you just want to be safe and sound, why not open a martial arts gym, be a bodyguard, or even become a star card master? Wouldn't it be better? "

Yang Yifeng's eyes flashed a trace of surprise: "You are not very old, but you can see clearly.

But remember, you must dare to face risks strategically, but you must also be cautious tactically. "

Yang Yifeng looked at Su Yuan seriously and said: "There are many dead geniuses in this world, you must always be vigilant when you go out, understand?"

Su Yuan replied solemnly: "Teacher, don't worry, I understand."

Yang Yifeng nodded, and then said: "But even if you are determined to go, you have to wait a little longer.

Moyang Peak has a strange environment, and it is filled with a kind of miasma of fire all the year round. The higher the temperature, the heavier the fire miasma.

Now, with your Bronze-level star power, I'm afraid you won't be able to handle it before reaching the peak.

So if you want to enter Moyang Peak, you should wait until winter. "

"Fire miasma..." Su Yuan looked thoughtful, "Teacher, how long will it take?"

Yang Yifeng said: "It's just entered November, and it's already the end of the semester. The weather is getting cooler. If all goes well, we can go there in another month."

Su Yuan nodded: "Alright, let's practice in the academy for a while."

Time passed. On this day, in the practice room on the second floor of Room 4 of Nanyi Garden, Su Yuan slowly opened his eyes and stopped from practicing.

Looking at the state of the body, Su Yuan nodded with satisfaction.

"The star power has improved a lot. At this rate, it may break through to a high level in three or four months!"

"Two star caves have also been opened up again, and the perception of the star power of heaven and earth seems to be more acute. It seems that the breathing method of the proficient level should have the effect of enhancing perception..."

Su Yuan stood up, walked out of the practice room and came to the open-air balcony next to him.

It has been more than a month since the trip to the Antarctic Institute.

During this period of time, except for the courses of the top class, Su Yuan basically worked hard in the dormitory.

More than a month ago, Su Yuan overwhelmed the freshmen from the Fifth Academy, harvested the Five Leaf Essence, and gained a lot of limelight. He was also called the strongest freshman in the southeast by the students of each academy.

Now with the passage of time and Su Yuan's silence, the enthusiasm has gradually subsided.

Of course, Su Yuan didn't move much, but the others were very enthusiastic.

During this period of time, Xiang Dingqian, Ye Qing, Zhang Tai, Lu Yingying and others broke through to the intermediate level one after another.

Xia Yue competed with the geniuses of the Western Academy, including the Magic City Academy, in a new inheritance secret realm in the west, and finally got a blue quality star card!

Xiang became a mission madman and completed four second-level missions in just over a month, the highest of which was the silver intermediate-level wanted mission!

Ye Qing defeated the beast master geniuses from all over the world at the new star beast master exchange meeting in the north, got a blue star artifact of the beast master style, and was included in the list of the most potential new generation beast masters among!

Looking back in front of his eyes, Su Yuan opened his palm and caught a crystal snowflake falling from in front of him.

"It seems that the time is almost here!"

Su Yuan's eyes froze, and after a little tidying up, he went out.

Goal, Hengduan Mountain Moyang Peak!

Today is only 4k words for one chapter, I am a bit tired going out to do errands during the day...

The latest updates may not be very stable, I wrote the details in the top post ==

Strive to resume normal updates before next weekend, thank you for your support/Hold fist/Hold fist

(end of this chapter)