Ultimate Star Card Master - Chapter 131

Chapter 131

Chapter 131 Golden Divine Bird

In the secret realm.

Su Yuan was still moving forward, but at this moment, two unusually strong breaths suddenly came from the front.

Its intensity is much higher than all the three-leaf spirits such as the Flame Sand Beast and the Variety Buddha that I encountered before!

Could it be Yotsuba? !

Su Yuan's heart shook, and he quickly concentrated and swept forward.

Two spirits, the one on the left is a turtle-shaped spirit that is bigger than hellfire, and on the back of this spirit, there are four black rock pillars several meters long.

Four Leaf Essence, Earth and Water Master Star Beast, Four Pillar Sea Beast!

The other one is a humanoid star beast spirit.

Human body with a dragon head, a ferocious face, full of muscle knots, and complex flame patterns all over the body, it is full of explosive power at first glance!

Four Leaf Essence, Fire Element Master Star Beast, Flame Melting Tyrannosaurus!

Just thinking for a while, Su Yuan looked at the Yanrong Tyrannosaurus.

Fire element, strong physical quality, and a humanoid star beast, it is simply tailor-made for yourself!

"That's it!"

Once you choose the right one, you don't have to think about it.

With a thought in his mind, Su Yuan covered the soul of this flaming tyrannosaur with his mental power.

Yanrong Tyrannosaurus also looked up, and the spiritual communication was successfully established, and Su Yuan quickly got its response.

There is only one word, that is


The red light on the Yanrong Tyrannosaurus was soaring, and in just a short moment, it turned from virtual to real, using the energy in the secret realm to reshape its body, and turned into a powerful star beast that can be seen and touched by the naked eye.

Although the realm is suppressed and only has a high-level bronze, its violent and terrifying aura is the same as it was in life!

Su Yuan's eyes froze, and he turned his hand and took out the Dragon Armor Saber.

Just when Su Yuan was about to make a move, he suddenly noticed something flying in the air.

Su Yuan looked up and saw that the moon hanging high in the western sky actually moved down towards a certain place in the secret realm.

"what happened!"

Su Yuan was slightly startled, the moon in this secret realm actually fell down? !

What are you doing? Nothing will happen!

Without waiting for Su Yuan to think about it, the Yanrong Tyrannosaurus in front of him has already rushed over.

Su Yuan immediately let go of his thoughts, and waved the Dragon Armor Saber to meet him.

My strength aptitude is also C, so how can I be cowardly?

In just a moment, one man and one beast fought together.


The Dragon Armor Knife struck the right arm of the Tyrannosaurus, but it could not be cut off, which shows the amazing defense of the body of the Flaming Tyrannosaurus.

That's not all, Yanrong Tyrannosaurus blocked the Dragon Armor Saber with its right arm, and gradually moved forward. Its strength is somewhat stronger than Su Yuan's!

Su Yuan was amazed, but also secretly delighted.

"Very good! The stronger the power, when its essence is turned into an enhanced star card, it should also bring a considerable bonus in terms of strength!"

The tyrannosaurus beast's right arm was holding the Dragon Armor Saber, and the flames in its left hand were about to punch out, but Su Yuan took the lead. With a thought, the power of the dark space quickly surged into the long sword, and it has already unfolded impressively. air cut.

Gyrannosaurus has very keen fighting instincts, and it senses danger almost as soon as the space fluctuation on the knife appears, and immediately stops and retreats!

Even so, there was still an inch-deep wound on the right arm of the tyrannosaurus, and because of the hasty retreat, there was a mistake in its own fighting posture.

Su Yuan was already prepared, when a strong wind kicked up under his feet, he launched a wind walk to bully him.

Wind Walking Step + super high agility, brought about extremely flexible swordsmanship, like black stars flashing randomly, streaks of pitch-black sword light constantly slashed down like a storm!

The tyrannosaurus kept retreating and defending, and in just a moment, there were more than a dozen scars of different sizes on its body.

Simple fast, simple strong!

That is, the fighting instinct of the tyrannosaur is extremely strong. If it were other star beasts, I am afraid that it would have been short of arms and legs long ago!

After retreating several steps in a row, Tyrannosaurus also finished its momentum, pouring a lot of star power into its feet and suddenly stepped out!


The ground shattered, and the raging red flames exploded in a fan shape from the place where the tyrannosaurus landed, and instantly ignited several meters high. The power is astonishing!

But Tyrannosaurus frowned, faintly feeling that the blow didn't seem to hit the target, and the opponent's figure seemed to disappear in the flames.

Just at this moment, Tyrannosaurus Beast noticed some faint star power fluctuations coming from behind.

Under the powerful fighting instinct, the tyrannosaur dodged to the side without thinking, and at the same time, the scarlet flames on its body suddenly lit up, and a large number of flames surged out of itself!

Suddenly, a strong pressure came down, and the figure of the Tyrannosaurus that was about to get out of the way suddenly sank.

At the same time, a figure rushed into the raging flames, and the head of the Tyrannosaurus was cut off in a flash of black light!


The tyrannosaur's body and the flames around it exploded in an instant, and a spirit flew out with the overflowing energy. It was the tyrannosaurus tyrannosaurus, and it returned to its original appearance.

"The explosion of the fire element is really strong..."

Su Yuan put away the long knife and looked at himself. It took only a moment to cut off the head of the Yanrong Tyrannosaurus, and the defense of the hardened iron suit was almost completely burned through by the flames.

Shaking his head, Su Yuan looked up at the Yanmelting Tyrannosaurus Beast Spirit that fell back to the ground not far ahead, and stretched out his hand.

The spirit of the Tyrannosaurus roared, and then ran towards Su Yuan.

But at this moment, accompanied by bursts of burning sensation, there was a sudden burst of extremely strong fluctuations in the sky above his head!

Su Yuan's heart jumped, and the silver light flashed and he teleported a hundred meters away.

The next moment, as if the flames fell from the sky, a group of golden flames suddenly descended on the ground!


The gilt-like flame rushed up, and the powerful air wave blew the soul of the Yanmelt Tyrannosaurus Beast that had just retreated 20 to 30 meters far away.

Su Yuan raised his hand to block in front of him, squinted his eyes slightly and looked forward, only to see a golden divine bird standing with its head held high in the gilded flames.

This divine bird has three legs, with golden flames beating in its eyes, elegant and gorgeous body, majestic and domineering expression, staring at Su Yuan steadfastly.

But Su Yuan's eyes fell on the forehead of the three-legged divine bird, and he couldn't move away for a long time, because there were five reincarnated leaves burning like flames!

"Five Leaf Essence!"

Su Yuan's heart skipped a beat, it's actually the Five Leaf Essence?

Su Yuan suddenly realized something, and looked up into the sky. Except for the "moon" falling from the west, the "sun" in the east had disappeared at this time.

"Could it be that..." Su Yuan's heart jumped, and he looked at the three-legged bird in front of him again, "The 'sun' in the sky is actually this three-legged bird!"

At this moment, the mouth of the three-legged bird opened and closed, and an idea was conveyed to Su Yuan's mind through spiritual power.

"Feng family?"

Su Yuan knew it was referring to his [Phoenix in the Blue Sky] soul card, so he nodded slightly.

The golden flames in the eyes of the three-legged divine bird lit up, and another thought came over:

"Defeat me and follow you!"

Su Yuan's heart moved slightly. This situation should be what Geng Qiuyi mentioned before, when other spirits are attracted to him at the same time and need to make a choice.

One is the Yan Rong Tyrannosaurus that can be taken away directly, and the second is the three-legged divine bird with extremely powerful breath in front of it!

If it is the spirit of the same level, maybe it will be considered, but since it is the extremely rare five-leaf spirit, why should it be considered?

Su Yuan narrowed his eyes slightly, and when he shook his long saber, the jet-black light flooded onto the blade again, and he was killed in a flash!

The three-legged divine bird flapped its right wing, and in an instant, several sword-like blazing golden lights rushed over in a fan-shape!

Su Yuan's heart trembled, and he immediately started teleporting and dodged to the side.

But those golden lights pierced through countless trees and finally hit the mountain in the distance. "Bang bang bang..." exploded violently, blasting out large pits with a diameter of several meters on the mountain!

Su Yuan's pupils shrank: "So strong!"

The attack of this three-legged divine bird is fierce and domineering, extremely concise, far beyond what ordinary master star beasts can send out.

If such a tyrannical attack falls on the body, I am afraid that he will be seriously injured or even killed immediately!

Su Yuan's eyes were slightly condensed, and seals formed quickly amidst the surge of star power.

On the ground, the three-legged divine bird turned its head, locked on to Su Yuan who was dodging far away, and waved its wings again, and several golden lights of sharp swords shot towards it rapidly.

This time Su Yuan not only opened the distance by teleporting, but also prepared himself, and immediately launched a wind-moving step and dodged past without any danger.

At this time, the idea of the three-legged divine bird resounded in Su Yuan's mind again.

"If you just dodge blindly, how can you win!"

Su Yuan chuckled lightly, this divine bird spirit is quite upright and innocent?

It seems that these reincarnated spirits have been sleeping in the ground since the birth of consciousness. Although they have existed for an unknown number of years, they are still much simpler than the star beasts outside.

But Su Yuan naturally wouldn't confront it. After completing the two-hand seal, a strange wave spread in the void.

After finishing all this, Su Yuan swung the long knife with black light and slashed in front of his body, and a jet-black line more than ten meters long pulled away from the body of the three-legged bird.

"It really is the power of space!"

The eyes of the three-legged divine bird suddenly became more solemn, and the flames on its body lit up, like a golden line of fire, and it was about to dodge across the boundary line at a critical moment.

But how could Su Yuan give it such a chance, with a flash of silver light, he appeared in front of the three-legged divine bird and swung his knife down!

The three-legged divine bird quickly spread its wings to resist.


The sound of metal clashing sounded, and the air-cut enchanted dragon armor knife only cut a little into the wing of the three-legged bird, but failed to cut it off.

But this is enough, Su Yuan doesn't want to kill the opponent with this knife, just force it to stop for a moment.

In just this moment, the power of the line of breaking the boundary has exploded!

As soon as the black light shone, the golden flames collapsed, and a long wound appeared on the three-legged divine bird.

"Isn't he dead?" Su Yuan was surprised.

Even if this three-legged divine bird is a five-leaf spirit, it is only a high-level bronze.

Looking at it so far, none of the opponents who were hit head-on by the breaking line survived.

But this three-legged divine bird was only injured, which shows its strong defense!

But this blow didn't finish him off, and he still has a backup...

The three-legged divine bird quickly stabilized its body, and as soon as it raised its wings, another series of sharp swords and golden lights condensed out.

But at this moment, a strong energy fluctuation suddenly came from the air.

However, in the mid-air above his head, two groups of meteorites with green flames were falling rapidly.

The three-legged divine bird itself fell from the sky, and now it saw other things falling from the sky and hitting the top of its head, and it was a little stunned for a while.

It was only a moment before the three-legged bird reacted.

The aura of the meteorite was astonishing, even if he was hit, he would not be able to please him, and he was about to dodge as soon as he flapped his wings!

Su Yuan raised his left hand, and the heavy pressure of Yuan Magnetic came down.

The three-legged divine bird felt his whole body sink, and with a cold snort, a large number of gold-like flames surged out, weakening the power of the heavy pressure of the Yuan Magnetic to the extreme in a blink of an eye, and then continued to flee.

However, Su Yuan was not far away at all, and he had rushed to him at this time, slashing and slashing at him tightly to entangle him.

The meteorite was close to the top of the head, and the three-legged divine bird was shocked. I didn't expect Su Yuan to be not afraid of death... No, he has teleportation? !

"Boom boom!"

There were two loud noises in a row, and the strong air waves swung around like a gust of wind!

Su Yuan appeared tens of meters away, raised his eyes and looked forward.

The smoke and dust gradually dissipated, and in the two huge pits on the ground, two hellfires had already stood up. And the three-legged divine bird was being trampled under by one of the hellfires, struggling to support it with its right wing.

Seeing this, Su Yuan immediately flew forward.

But at this moment, the golden flames in the eyes of the three-legged divine bird danced, and then a large number of golden swords shot out from the right wing of the three-legged divine bird, from bottom to top, instantly covering Hellfire's right leg and even the entire body. Grind easily like tofu!

The incomparably powerful Hellfire was killed just like that?

Su Yuan's heart trembled.

This three-legged divine bird first hit the boundary line, and then was hit by the meteorite from Hellfire, and it still has such combat power!

Moreover, although Hellfire has not put on demon armor or deployed a fel shield, its own defense is already very strong.

In the battle so far, this is the first time that Hellfire has been beheaded!

But at this time, the three-legged divine bird seemed to be reaching its limit. One leg and one wing were both crippled, and the body suffered some serious injuries.

That is to say, this body is formed by the condensed energy of the secret realm. If it were really a physical body, it would be much worse than this!

Just when Su Yuan was about to attack with the remaining Hellfire, the three-legged divine bird looked up at Su Yuan.

"you win."

As this idea resounded in Su Yuan's mind, the body of the three-legged divine bird suddenly exploded. While the golden flames were rolling, a golden-red soul spread its wings and flew into Su Yuan's hands. A star card with a bit of purple in the blue:

Reincarnation SpiritThree-legged Golden Crow (restricted state)

(end of this chapter)