Uchiha's Life Simulator - Chapter 2

Chapter 2

"This time try to escape early."

Uchiha Setsuna set a general direction for his life simulation this time.

The reason why he chose to escape in advance was not to leave his family behind and live alone.

Instead, if he succeeded in escaping from Konoha, he could get more time for this life simulation.

in order to get more profit.

[At the age of 6, you entered the ninja school to study. Because of Uchiha's background, you were assigned to a good class. On your left is Hinata Hinata, and on your right is Yamanaka Ino.

[At 6 years and 1 month, you learned the three-body technique.

[6 years and 2 months old, you got a ninjutsu scroll from your home and learned the art of fireball.

[At 6 years and 3 months, Naruto challenged you and was beaten by you.

[6 years and 4 months old, Yamanaka Ino confessed to you, but he didn't get a response from you, and was very disappointed.

[At 6 years and 5 months, Sasuke Uchiha took the initiative to find you and said that you were the second best genius in the class. He recognized you and planned to train with you to build Uchiha's glory together.

[But you are dismissive of Sasuke Uchiha, and you don't have time to pay attention to this little brat who doesn't know anything.

[6 years and 6 months old, you got a ninjutsu scroll from your home and learned the art of fire escape and phoenix immortal fire.

[At 6 years and 7 months, you started planning to escape.

[6 years and 8 months, Sasuke Uchiha challenged you and was beaten by you.

[6 years and 9 months old, Hinata Hinata developed a strong curiosity about you.

[6 years and 10 months old, you left Konoha secretly, but were quickly overtaken by ninjas at the root, you died!

[This simulation is over.

[Please select the income you want from the following two options.

[1: Fire Dunhao Fireball Technique.

[2: The thing you held in your hand before you died.

Uchiha Setsuna: "..."

"Now the Uchiha family is all under surveillance, and there is no chance to escape at all."

"I was killed when I tried to leave Konoha."

"I didn't even wait for the night of extermination."

Uchiha shook his head instantly.

"I choose 1!"

There are two options in total. The second option is Uchiha, and I can't determine what it is.

But Uchiha felt instantly.

Since he was caught and killed by the ninja at the root, there is a high probability that he has nothing in his hands.

In comparison, the first option is undoubtedly a better choice.

After Uchiha made a choice.

A burst of information poured into Uchiha's mind.

Immediately, Uchiha was the one who completely mastered the fireball technique of the Fire Dungeons, and was extremely proficient.

"But the second option, there are actually places that can be used."

"Under the condition of knowing the second option, in the life simulator, maybe I will deliberately grab something very precious in my hand before dying."

"In this case, I can choose the second option."

The Second Life Sim is over.

Uchiha Setsuna did not walk out of the woods, but continued to stay in the woods for ninja training.

The life simulator can indeed bring a lot of benefits to Uchiha Setsuna.

Now Uchiha Shanna already has the chakra and fireball skills of the shinobi level.

But Uchiha instantly knew what he was facing.

It was Uchiha Itachi who opened the kaleidoscope writing wheel.

It was the root organization of the Danzo leadership.

And even

Uchiha suddenly looked in the direction of the Hokage Building.

He quickly retracted his gaze.

"You can't waste an ounce of time."

Uchiha Setsuna started his own training, big drops of sweat fell down, all of Uchiha Setsuna's clothes were wet, and his body was constantly steaming.


"Brother Shanna."

A little girl ran into the woods. She was young and wore a pair of ponytails. As the little girl ran, the pair of ponytails jumped and jumped, giving people a very cute feeling.


Uchiha stopped training in an instant.

"Brother Shanna, I'm here to bring you a bento."

Uchiha Sagiri held up the bento box in her hand.

Just at this time.

Uchiha Sagiri seemed to have stumbled upon something, and her entire body leaned forward involuntarily, and she was about to fall.

Uchiha's figure flashed in an instant, and he came to Uchiha Saagiri before he fell.

One hand catches the bento box.

One hand supported Uchiha Sagiri.

"Brother Shanna, thank you."

Uchiha rubbed Uchiha Sagiri's head for a moment, but did not speak.

He sat down on the stone next to him.

When you open the lunch box, the aroma of the food comes out to your nostrils.

Uchiha's stomach suddenly rang.

"Sagiri, have you eaten?"

"have eaten."

Uchiha nodded instantly and said, "Then I'll start."

At the entrance, Uchiha instantly judged that this bento was not made by his grandfather, but by Uchiha Sagiri's mother. The taste of the dishes made by the two was obviously different.

It's not that Uchiha Setsuna doesn't like his grandfather's cooking.

However, the cooking made by Uchiha Sagiri's mother is indeed much better than that of ordinary people.

Even the most popular shops in Konoha Commercial Street may not be able to compare. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com

Uchiha Sagiri's mother is also a very good person and often makes lunches for Uchiha Setsuna.

The two have a good relationship.

Uchiha Sagiri sat beside Uchiha Setsana, resting her chin with both hands, looking at Uchiha Setsuna.

"Brother Shanna, is it delicious?"

"It's delicious. Aunt Riko's craftsmanship is as good as ever."

"Brother likes it."

Uchiha Sagiri paused and asked.

"Brother Shanna, are you going to go to the ninja school in a few days? In that case, wouldn't the chance for me to meet you, brother Shanna, would be much less?"

"I'm going to the ninja school, but it's not that I don't want to go home. You can still come to me, Sagiri."

"But after coming back from get out of class, you must be very tired, brother Shanna. You need to rest. I can't disturb you brother Shanna."

Uchiha Sagiri sighed.

"If only I were older, I could go to the ninja school with you, Brother Shanna, and go home together, but I still have two years to go. I really want to grow up quickly."

Hearing Uchiha Sagiri's words, Uchiha was silent for a moment.

Uchiha Sagiri has no idea what will happen in a year, and is still full of longing for the future.

But in fact, Uchiha Sagiri has no future.

I didn't even have the chance to enter the ninja school.

One year later, on the night of the genocide, Uchiha Sagiri will also die at the hands of Uchiha Itachi.

Uchiha looked at Uchiha Sagiri in an instant, very distressed.

She is clearly such a cute little girl, her life has just begun, and she has done nothing wrong.

But it will usher in such a fate.

This is really cruel and unfair.