Uchiha's Life Simulator - Chapter 98

Chapter 98

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Uchiha was a little surprised by the appearance of Sarutobi Asma.

At this point in time, Uchiha suddenly remembered that Sarutobi Asma was not in Konoha.

In the simulator, Asma did not return to Konoha until the Civil War Arc Sarutobi.

The current Sarutobi Asma, to be precise, is not a ninja of Konoha, but one of the twelve guardian ninjas.

The twelve ninjas who guard the daimyo.

In the simulator before, Uchiha had assassinated Sarutobi Asma in an instant, and put the blame on the Hinata family, so that Hinata would not have the opportunity to take the initiative to join the Sarutobi Hizan.

Originally, when the Civil War Arc started, the Uchiha camp was the disadvantage.

Once the Hinata clan relied on Sarutobi Hiizan, the direct Uchiha camp collapsed.

In addition, Uchiha Setsuna also used another person in the guardian ninja in the simulator.

A man named Hema.

No one can compare with Ma's loyalty to the daimyo of the country of fire. He believes that the existence of Hokage is a blasphemy to the daimyo of the country of fire, so he desperately wants to kill Hokage.

Too bad it's too weak.

"But in the real world, Kazuma can also use one or two."

Sarutobi Asma seemed to notice something and looked back.

But nothing was seen.

Uchiha had already looked away.

Coming to the front desk of the tavern, Uchiha Setsuna said a few words to the other party.

Immediately, he pointed to Uchiha for convenience.

Uchiha immediately followed the direction he pointed and walked towards a passage.

As for Sarutobi Asma, Uchiha Setsuna has no intention of killing him for the time being.

It's just a small character, you can't even let out your anger if you kill him.

Uchiha Setsuna would rather keep Sarutobi Asma's life and threaten Sarutobi Hizen in the future.

Enter a room.

Uchiha looked at the person on the opposite side for a moment.

The other is wearing a mask.

"I need information on the dragon veins, the descendants of the Craftsman Ninja Village, and Beiyuhu."

"One message, 10 million taels, but it is guaranteed to be obtained."


Uchiha has no money, but Uchiha doesn't care at this price.

If it's a big deal, go get it from the secret room in the Uchiha station.

The reason why Uchiha is asking for this information is for the Uchiha family.

It would be more reasonable to pay with the money of the Uchiha family.

This amount of money is nothing compared to the content of the message.

"After all, even Sarutobi Asma's bounty has reached tens of millions of taels."

"These two things are much more valuable than Sarutobi Asma."

The energy contained in the dragon veins is powerful.

If Beiluhu's Guiya Luo's technique is really like what Beiluhu himself said, then it is a top-level ninjutsu, and it can be listed in the book of seals, and even in the book of seals, it can be ranked in the forefront. .

You can use the ninja tools from the Craftsman Ninja Village directly.

Therefore, these three are what Uchiha wants to obtain.

In addition, there are Nine-tailed Chakra of Fire Temple, Meteorite of Xingnin Village, Zero-Tailed of Kongnin Village...

But these things are not so high priority in Uchiha's eyes.

It's not as high as Uchiha's priority for Suzuo Nenghu's training and improvement.

Even Uchiha's training effect is not so efficient because of his talent.

All of these have flaws.

The zero tail of Kong Nin Village has the name of a tail beast, but it is not actually a tail beast, and the effect will be better if it is used in conjunction with the fortress of Kong Nin Village, otherwise, it will not be strong.

The meteorite in Hoshinin Village has strong side effects.

And it also depends on talent.

The untalented ninja trained with the help of meteorites, but it was only forbearance.

The water of heroes has not come directly.

The side effects are also very strong, but at least it is convenient to use, just take a sip.

In the simulator, Uchiha instant can be used casually.

As for the nine-tailed chakra, this is too easy to expose Uchiha in an instant.

Especially when Uchiha instant doesn't have any powerful sealing technique.

Uchiha left the tavern in an instant.

When he left, Sarutobi Asma was still there.

After drinking a bit of wine, he seemed a little drunk, and there was a woman sitting across from him, but it wasn't Hong Yuhi.

Uchiha instantly withdrew his gaze.

Two days later.

Danzo came to the Hokage Building.

"Sun Cut."

"Tanzo, what's wrong?"

"Uchiha Itachi is missing."

Sarutobi's brows moved slightly.

"Speaking of which, Uchiha Itachi has indeed not been here for two days."

Danzo said: "Two nights ago, my people saw Uchiha Itachi leave Konoha with their own eyes, so they chased after them, but after catching up, they didn't see anyone, and there was no sign of leaving."

"After that, my people also disappeared."

"Not the slightest trace."

"It's like disappearing out of thin air."

"Uchiha Itachi, there is definitely a conspiracy."

"I just said, this person can't be trusted."

Danzo's tone was mixed with dissatisfaction with Hiizan Sarutobi.

"Sun Zhan, I propose that we take action against the Uchiha clan now. Uchiha Itachi must be conspiring with the Uchiha clan secretly. Once their plan is completed, it will be too late for us to act."

"This Uchiha is a scourge."

"Tobiramsensei said nothing wrong."

"All Uchihas must be removed~www.mtlnovel.com~ not one left!"

Sarutobi Hizan hesitated.

"Danzo, the situation has changed, we don't know the real situation of the Uchiha clan now."

"It's better to slow down."

"Wait until the investigation is clear."

Danzo snorted coldly.

"Rizhan, do you really hope that there will be another pair of eyes like Zhishui?"

"If Uchiha doesn't get rid of it for a day, it's a scourge!"

For the Uchiha clan, Danzo was not so dreadful at first.

Even if Danzo doesn't like the Uchiha family, he hates and discriminates against the Uchiha family, and has taken many measures against the Uchiha family to suppress the Uchiha family.

But it was really firm that Danzo wanted to exterminate Uchiha.

It is Uchiha Shisui.

To be precise, it is the kaleidoscope writing wheel eye exposed by Uchiha Shisui, and the ability of other gods exposed.

Danzo also knew about the existence of kaleidoscopes before.

The situation of Madara Uchiha, Danzo, as a disciple of Senju Tobirama, has done a detailed understanding of it.

But before Uchiha Shishui was exposed, Danzo didn't know that in addition to Uchiha Madara, other Uchihas could also awaken the Kaleidoscope Shaker, but thought that the Kaleidoscope Shaker was the same as Mu Dun.

In the entire Qianshou clan, only Qianshou Zhujian can wooden escape.

In the entire Uchiha family, only Uchiha Madara has a kaleidoscope writing wheel eye.

But Uchiha Shisui's exposure made Danzo's fear of the Uchiha clan instantly increase to the extreme.

What a terrible illusion it is to permanently change a person's mind.

Even if the other Uchihas awakened not to have such abilities, but they are both kaleidoscopes, and the other gods are so perverted, where will the other abilities be weak?