Tyranny of Steel - Chapter 617: Landing on the Coast of Mesoamerica

Chapter 617: Landing on the Coast of Mesoamerica

Berengar sat back in his vessel and gazed upon a map that he had created. This was a map that was drawn from memory about Mexico and the current political alliances of the region. The year in this world was 1424, which meant that he was roughly four years away from the creation of the Aztec Empire.

Instead, if this world were to have followed his past life's timeline exactly, there would be three major city states that had yet to align with one another and form the mighty Aztec Empire. Truth be told, Berengar could not be certain that this was the case.

The reality was that this world differed vastly from his past life. Not only had major historical events and figures changed, but the map of the old world itself differed completely from the history he knew. It was entirely possible that not only had the Aztec Empire been formed early in this timeline, but perhaps they had even conquered several of their neighbors, making the state larger and more powerful than it was in the history of his past life.

Either way, Berengar needed to be prepared for whatever it was he came to face. It was at this moment that a knock resounded on his door with a stern voice from the other side.

"My Kaiser, We have arrived...."

Berengar sighed when he heard this and rolled up the map before exiting his quarters. As he climbed to the top deck, he gazed upon the Aztec coastline with a wide grin on his face. In this life, he was able to use his memories of history to come to the New World in advance of the other powers, and secure its resources for himself. The only thing he had to contend with were the native kingdoms.

Now, he could finally get his hands on the absurd amount of Gold the Spanish introduced to their economy during the 16th and 17th centuries. Supposedly, if history was anything to go by, the Spanish had encountered so much gold that they broke their economy with it. However, in this life, all of that wealth now belonged to Germany, and Berengar would kill anyone who impeded such a thing.

It did not take long for the German fleet to come into the bay and anchor their vessels, deploying the boats necessary to bring the troops to shore. When Berengar first step foot on the beaches, he gazed into the distance and smiled. This would be the perfect area to create a new colony, if only they did not have such troublesome neighbors.
