Twelve Days: The Beginning - Part 28

Part 28

Cole pulled into a parking s.p.a.ce and then the three of them exited the vehicle, immediately moving into their now almost familiar three-way hug, arms clutched around each other as they walked together into the building. Arriving at the lift Cole pressed the call b.u.t.ton and they waited, boarding it in silence when it finally came. Slowly it began its ascendancy and the three of them stood side by side, lost in their own thoughts as they continued onto the next stage of this crazy journey that they all now found themselves on.

The lift reached its destination and Elise walked out first followed by the two men. Automatically she turned left, she didn't need to look at any numbers or signs any more, she knew exactly where she was going. Down the hall they went, her heels clattering against the floor, echoing in the silence. They pa.s.sed door after door until eventually they arrived at number 14 and Cole reached around her to gently push it open.

Elise entered first, the well-known smell a.s.sailing her senses as she took in the familiarity of the room. The walls, all that uniform colour that she had become so accustomed to, the flowers that were on the window sill keeping everything fresh and bright, the door off to the left leading to the bathroom, the large picture window overlooking the gardens and finally the bed. As her eyes reached this last piece of furniture she drank in the sight that met her and at last she began to breathe again. She could finally feel the life beginning to seep back into her with the warmth that radiated from the bed and its occupant.

She walked up to the side of the large cot and reached out her hand, touching the heat of another human being, feeling their strength and their connection to her and to this world. Absently she rubbed her cold hands against warm fingers as she became aware of the two men who had accompanied her also settling into the room, pulling up chairs, exchanging pleasantries, fixing drinks, organising everything.

She was aware of nothing other than the bed and the person in it. Her eyes travelled up over the covers until eventually they reached the pillows and she took in the most beautiful sight in the world, a sight that just a few short days ago she had never thought she would see again.

Eyes locked, baby blue onto dark dark brown and slowly they both smiled.

"Hey." He spoke, that wonderful deep s.e.xy voice that she had grown to love almost as much as the man himself. "How'd it go?"

She nodded, unable to form any words, allowing the others to fill in the gaps whilst she continued to drink her fill of the stunning man before her. He was her reason for living now, he was her life, he was her hope and she knew that without a shadow of a doubt, together they would mount all of the obstacles that life threw in their path.

They would have to. They needed to be together she had learned that if nothing else. They were nothing without each other and now, once they finally left this place far behind them, they needed to embrace the long road ahead, and let it take them wherever it deemed they needed to go.

To be continued......
