Twelve Days: The Beginning - Part 16

Part 16

Slowly she opened her eyes to see that Vaughn had also dropped back to sit on his heels, his eyes now level with hers. As she focused, she became aware of two dark eyes regarding her in confusion, a hint of laughter around their edges and she quickly slapped her hands over her face in embarra.s.sment.

"Hey..." he said gently, removing her hands so that he could look at her. "Why are you hiding? Look at me Elise please."

Reluctantly she lifted her gaze and met his eyes. "Sorry...I....Oh G.o.d, this is so embarra.s.sing."

"What? What is so embarra.s.sing?"

The silence built as she tried to formulate the words.

"You.... "She said eventually, "You're not wearing any underwear and....I....I wasn't expecting that. I've never known a man not to wear underwear before I kinda freaked out for a second sorry. I feel like a right idiot; it's not like I've never seen it before......"

She was rambling nervously, no doubt making things even worse. She kept her gaze lowered. She didn't want to see the look in his eyes - the point when he realised that she really was incredibly naive and that all of this was going to be too much hard work. She also needed time to process the visual images that her brain was receiving; he was beautiful all over, and she was embarra.s.singly aware of how much she paled in comparison.

Lightly, Vaughn chuckled, "Hey...Now you know why I told you removing my trousers was an 'interesting choice'. You've nothing to be embarra.s.sed about. If anything I should be sorry I could have warned you but I figured it would be much more enjoyable to let you find out. Sorry."

Suddenly realising that he had wanted to see her react in just this way all along, she quickly recovered her composure, all nerves hastily disappearing as irritation took their place. The devious b.a.s.t.a.r.d!

"You......" she threatened, lunging towards him and aiming her trademark light punch at his arm. Having seen this move countless times before however, Vaughn pre-empted it and grabbed her hand before she could make contact.

"You really have to quit trying to hit me, you know!" he said, wry amus.e.m.e.nt written all over his stunning face. "I know I should probably have warned you but to see your was just too tempting."

"Vaughn Granger! I can't believe that you spend so much time torturing me you must get real pleasure from it considering that's all you ever seem to do!"

His dark eyes bored into hers, "Oh Elise, believe me if I was torturing you, you would definitely know about it." He paused to let the meaning sink in. "And I wouldn't be the only one getting pleasure."

The unmistakable significance in his words turned her insides to mush and immediately the tension in the room built again leaving Elise to respond in the only way that she could.

Taking advantage of the element of surprise, she landed the punch to his arm this time and he rolled back onto the bed, momentarily caught off-balance.

"You will pay for that." He warned before grabbing her wrists and pulling her over on top of him. "Now, where were we?" he asked and without even waiting for her to respond, he grabbed her tightly to him and proceeded to kiss her as if his life depended on it.

The atmosphere in the room was now heavily charged and this time they both knew that there were no more games, no more hiding and they each moaned as the kiss deepened, hovering on the edge of control.

Vaughn began to run his hands down her back and over her backside where he gently squeezed before running back up and underneath her dress, taking advantage of the back section that was still laying open. As Elise was pinned tightly to him, she was little more than a pa.s.senger but she didn't think that she had the strength to move anyway and just relaxed, revelling in the sensations as he began to slip his hands further underneath her dress, upwards, reaching around the side and the front, brushing along the swell of her b.r.e.a.s.t.s.

She sucked in a sharp breath as his fingers grazed close to her nipples and Vaughn abruptly ripped his mouth from hers, gently pushing her off him and helping her to stand at the side of the bed. He remained seated on the edge of the bed, watching her with hooded eyes, heavy with desire.

"Elise..." he dragged out, "Take off your dress for me slowly. Let me watch you."

Elise complied, no longer in any doubt that this was what she wanted. There was no need for hesitation; it was as if she had always lived for this moment. Slowly she pulled the neck of her dress forwards and then the sleeves, allowing them to drop down her arms completely. The front of the dress was still covering her b.r.e.a.s.t.s just - but she knew that as soon as she moved, it would drop down to her waist and she would have nothing left covering her.

Taking a deep breath, she closed her eyes and dropped the dress the final few inches until it bunched at her waist, revealing her b.r.e.a.s.t.s to his hungry eyes.

He was silent although she could hear him drawing in ragged breaths, and she could feel the heat of his gaze poring over her. Mustering her confidence, she opened her eyes wondering if he would still think she was beautiful now that he had seen her nearly naked.

She was relatively proud of her b.r.e.a.s.t.s as they were ample and still well shaped but she had more 'curves' than she would have liked around her stomach. Her dislike of exercise and love of chocolate had put paid to her ever having a flat stomach and because it was only ever Dale that saw her like this and he was usually drunk there was never any need to do anything about it. A couple of years ago they had decided that they were going to go abroad and she had fanatically indulged in a 'bikini' diet so that she wouldn't embarra.s.s herself too much on the beach. The weight had started to come off but sadly the holiday hadn't, so she had turned back to her trusted old friend and the 'curves' had returned.

Vaughn was still staring at her b.r.e.a.s.t.s, an unreadable expression on his face, the silence drawing out for what felt like an eternity. Eventually he raised his eyes up to hers and swallowed.

"Jesus, Elise you are so beautiful, so f.u.c.king beautiful. In my wildest dreams, I never imagined......" he stopped and held out his hand to pull her forwards. Relief flooding through her, she allowed him to direct her until they were standing toe to toe, her b.r.e.a.s.t.s now level with his head.

Gently he skimmed his hands along and up to the side of her b.r.e.a.s.t.s before moving across them, brushing her nipples gently with his knuckles. Immediately the nubs hardened and she saw the flash of desire in his eyes as he watched her body's reaction to his touch. Almost reverently he continued to stare, watching as his hands lifted first one and then the other b.r.e.a.s.t.s; taking them in his hands, testing their weight, feeling the curves and the softness, tracing around the nipples and lightly pinching them to even sharper points.

She dropped her head back and sucked in a breath. Her legs were barely supporting her and all conscious thought had left her brain. The urgency with which he fondled her b.r.e.a.s.t.s gradually increased and then he lowered his head forwards, gently licking at first and then taking little nips all over her b.r.e.a.s.t.s and the exposed top half of her stomach. He pushed her dress lower to allow him to trace circles around her belly b.u.t.ton, briefly dipping his tongue inside and then he moved up again taking first one and then the other nipple into his mouth.

Dale had never played with her b.r.e.a.s.t.s like this and she found that she was so much more sensitive to it than she had ever realised. As Vaughn continued to tease her nipples she found that she wanted more harder and so she pushed onto the back of his head to indicate her desire, wanting more intensity needing it, even.

He slanted her a quick questioning look and then obliged, sucking and biting her nipple to the edge of pain, both of them now breathing harshly and completely out of control.

"You like it hard, do you, babe? s.h.i.t... I can't get enough of you - you taste so f.u.c.king good, Elise..." he mumbled as he buried his head in the valley between her b.r.e.a.s.t.s, increasing the pace and the intensity with which he attacked her, sucking harder and biting tender little mouthfuls. The sensation was overwhelming and she felt like she could come undone, right there, right now, with nothing more than his hands and mouth on her b.r.e.a.s.t.s. Vaughn must have realised the effect that his actions were having on her and he stopped, looking up at her from under his lashes.

"One day, I am going to make you come just by playing with your b.r.e.a.s.t.s you are so unbelievably sensitive. But not today, babe I need so much more."

With that, he moved his hands to her hips and began to push her dress the rest of the way down, exposing her lack of underwear and the lacy hold up stockings. Surprisingly, she felt no embarra.s.sment this time at being bared to him and merely stood as still as her desire would allow whilst he lifted first one and then the other leg to remove her dress completely. He left her heels on, and when he had finished, he sat back on the bed looking her up and down, as if admiring a piece of artwork.

Absently Elise thanked providence that she had decided to have a shave before dinner. Although she always kept the curls at the apex of her thighs (unlike many modern women so Celeste had told her on one drunken occasion), she had trimmed them neatly and felt no shame at Vaughn seeing her like this. She didn't know which he preferred but this was her way and he could either like it, or lump it.

After watching her for a brief moment he pulled her to him again, this time laying her on the bed. He then stood and removed the remainder of his cloths and she once again got a glimpse of his manhood, standing tall and proud, slightly away from his body. It was the most beautiful thing that she had ever seen and when he returned to the bed, she saw that there was a small bead of moisture at the tip. Boldly, she reached down with her hand and swiped it off before placing her finger in her mouth, mimicking one of the many erotic movements that Vaughn was to do.

His eyes darkened to total blackness as he watched her, desire coming off him in waves and he almost growled as he settled down beside her.

"That is what you do to me, Elise," he whispered intensely, "Seeing you like this, more exquisite than I ever could have are testing my control. I want this to be perfect for you, but baby, I have to warn you I may not be able to hold on for too much longer. You are undoing me, bit by bit by tiny f.u.c.king bit."

She looked into his eyes and caressed his cheek, rubbing her thumb across his lips.

"If it's any consolation," she whispered back, "I'm not convinced that I'm too big on control at the moment either."

This time he did growl as he crushed her to him and fitted their bodies together, aligning them so that they matched perfectly. His mouth found hers as his right hand began a journey downwards, skimming past her breast, over her stomach and coming to rest on her thigh where the lace of the hold ups was.

"These..." he said as he flicked his finger underneath the lace, "have been driving me crazy all night. When I realised what you were wearing under here, I could hardly see straight. When you are with me, this is all you will ever wear have you got that?"

The tone in his voice brooked no argument, his dominance brought about by desire was taking over and Elise felt a thrill at being under the command of this man. If this was what a pair of lacy hold ups did to him then who was she to argue about wearing them?

"Wouldn't you prefer full stockings though?" she asked, her mindset still dictated to by ageold cliches.

"Never....especially not on you. These these are my weakness. Stockings are far too fiddly. These...... these are just perfect." He continued running his fingers up and around the lace, dipping underneath every now and again and then letting his hand drift lower, over and down the length of her silky smooth leg.

"Your legs are stunning Elise they need to be showcased. If I had my way you'd be permanently walking around in a short skirt, lacy stockings and no underwear." He growled. "Unfortunately I, and probably half of the staff, would never get any work done."

She laughed, her hand continuing to caress the side of his face. She doubted if seeing her like this would have much effect on any of the men that she worked with but she appreciated the sentiment.

He c.o.c.ked his head to one side, his expression suddenly serious. "I don't want anyone else to see you like this ever. Not even your excuse of a husband. I need to know that you will only ever wear these for me. Promise me, Elise? Promise me that you will only ever wear these for me?" His tone was pleading - earnest even - and she felt a thrill run through her as she registered that this was probably a situation he didn't find himself in very often. He was powerful, commanding, authoritative and in parts, dominant; - to be virtually begging her now, ill.u.s.trated his level of desire and she once again marvelled at the effect that she appeared to have on him.

"I promise." She said with complete sincerity. It was an easy promise to make and as the implications sank in, she realised that it was also by far the hottest thing that she had ever agreed to do. To know that she could wear these to work, maybe let him know, maybe not tease him knowing that he couldn't touch her, paint endless visual pictures for him just the thought had her libido in overdrive. She had never considered herself to be attractive but now, all of sudden, lying in this man's arms she felt beautiful, s.e.xy, desired and she decided there and then that she was going to push her newly found yearnings as far as she could.

An image of Dale popped unbidden into the back of her mind and ruthlessly she pushed it away. As far as she was concerned the physical side of their relationship was over it had certainly not been consensual for a long time and she realised now that any desire she had thought she felt was nothing compared to what she was experiencing with Vaughn, here and now. She hadn't told Vaughn yet that she intended to end her marriage the time hadn't been right and she didn't want him to feel responsible. Out of some misplaced obligation, he might potentially say that he wanted to be with her, but faced with the reality of her actually leaving Dale, she wasn't sure enough of Vaughn yet to know whether or not he would stay around to support her or bolt and leave her high and dry. That was a conversation that needed to happen - but not tonight. He was right they both needed to have tonight.

Vaughn had now adjusted his position and was moving his hand back up her legs, dropping tiny little kisses in its wake, slowly working his way back up until he reached the top of her thighs and the junction there. Carefully he nuzzled his lips into her s.e.x and began to lick his way around the edge of her curls. She had never experienced anything this intense and she arched off the bed, grasping at the sheets, writhing around as he continued to torment her with his teeth, his lips, his mouth.

Using his left arm, Vaughn braced it across her stomach to hold her still and then moved his mouth lower, dipping into her with his tongue and lapping at her juices. She cried out at the power of the feelings he was generating, helpless to prevent her arousal building.

"Vaughn..." she cried out, "I can't hold on...."

He lifted his head and gently blew on her, his mouth moist from his ministrations.

"Try to hold on, baby I'll tell you when. Just hold back for me.."

They locked eyes for a brief second and then he dipped his head again.

He re-settled his mouth over her mound but with less force this time, running up and down and over her opening, suckling and lapping. He continued for endless minutes, varying the pressure, the depth, the pattern and the only sound that could be heard in the room was that of Vaughn suckling at the heart of her. Soon she had reached fever point again and began pushing against his arm that was holding her down, trying to wriggle around to get some purchase somewhere, some kind of release. This was the worst kind of torture and just when she thought she really couldn't take any more, he moved his mouth higher and found the hard nub at the top; flicking over it once, twice, biting it gently and then taking it into his mouth and sucking on it. "Now!" he demanded and she complied, shattering into millions of fragments, bucking on the bed as he continued to torture her with his mouth. The contractions were endless and wracked her whole body. Elise had never before experienced something so strong, so forceful and so pa.s.sionate and it was a h.e.l.l of a long way back down. He continued to tease and suckle as she recovered but his pace slowed right down, allowing her time to recuperate and catch her breath.

Vaughn moved back up to her face and kissed her gently, brushing the tendrils of hair away that had escaped from her bun. She could taste her musky scent on his lips as he continued to kiss her and far from being repulsed by it - which she had always thought that she would be - she found it oddly erotic.

"You taste so beautiful, Elise better than I could ever have imagined. Taste it, babe, all of it." And he deepened the kiss, swirling his tongue in her mouth; sharing her scent, her flavour, working her back up into a pa.s.sion again.

"That was amazing..." she murmured, her eyes half closed in the aftermath. She was drowsy but on fire, unable to comprehend the myriad of feelings coursing through her body.

"Don't you dare go to sleep on me this time!" he warned, "I haven't finished with you yet!"

"Mmmm? I'm just resting." And with that she stretched languorously, deliberately reaching her arms above her head to draw attention to her b.r.e.a.s.t.s.

Predictably, his eyes widened as he followed her movement so she continued to stretch, turning this way and that, eventually running her hands back down her body and over her b.r.e.a.s.t.s before relaxing with a mischievous smile.

His eyes had turned to black and his whole expression had an intensity that she had never seen before. She knew that he was struggling with his control and found that she wanted to wrest it from it to break him like he had broken her.

Elise continued to fondle her b.r.e.a.s.t.s, deliberately lifting them and pulling on her nipples as he had done earlier. Vaughn continued to watch her, his face rigid and she wondered what he was going to do. How far would she have to go to see this powerful man lose control?

Absently she glanced down at his erection, satisfied to note that his ardour had not cooled at all, and then flicked her eyes back up to his as she sat back up so that they were both kneeling opposite each other.

Reaching down she brushed her hand across the tip of him, feeling a bead of moisture leak out. He was stunning, and she ran her hand up and down the length of him, revelling in the tremors that coursed through him as she explored his size. He was certainly well endowed and her mouth watered at the prospect of what he would feel like inside her.

His abs rippled as he moved and she tested out different rhythms with her hand, getting a feel for what he enjoyed. Her pace was increasing and she watched as he let his head drop back, exposing the lines of his throat. She could feel shudders starting to reverberate through him and continued pumping, reaching down to play with the sensitive spot at the base. She loved this - the feel of Vaughn in her hands - and knowing that she had the ability to make him feel like this. If she died right now, she knew that she would be eternally grateful for having experienced a moment as exquisite as this.

Abruptly, Vaughn snapped his head back up and roughly pulled her hand away from him, at the same time pushing her over so that they both ended up lying back down again.

"Enough..." he said, his eyes heavy and almost unfocused. "I have to be inside you."

Slowly he reached down with his fingers and found her core, caressing her gently as if to test her wetness. She was almost embarra.s.sed to find herself completely aroused again. The sensations that she had experienced whilst caressing him had turned her on and she knew that he would find her ready. Briefly he pushed his fingers inside her and then withdrew them before running them over his c.o.c.k and coating it with her juices. This was another one of his seriously erotic moves and she watched enthralled as he pumped his fist up and down his length, covering himself in her juices and increasing the pace until he clearly couldn't stand anymore.

"Are you on birth control?" he ground out, desperation radiating from every pore.

She nodded she was on the pill but only to regulate her periods. Since they had found out that Dale couldn't father children, the birth control side of it had become slightly irrelevant.

"I'm clean I promise," he said "I have never been with anyone without a condom before and I have been checked. I really need to feel you all of you. I have to be bare with you Elise - will you let me?"

He continued to stroke himself slowly as she watched and considered. She wanted him, desperately, and she wanted to feel all of him too. She had to take his word and trust him, and ultimately, she knew that she did.

"Yes.....yes" she replied and locked her eyes onto his as he released himself and slowly began to push into her. She stilled momentarily as she adjusted to his size and he paused to allow her to do so, and then he gently pushed in a little bit further. Suddenly, as if he couldn't wait any longer, he thrust himself the rest of the way until he was buried to the hilt.

He let out an almost agonised groan."Fuucckkk.... Elise you have no idea how good that feels...s.h.i.t, I'm not going to last long I hope you're ready for me baby."

He began to move and she joined with him, meeting him thrust for thrust as they writhed together on the bed. Vaughn kissed her deeply, wetly and their tongues met, thrusting in time with their bodies. Wet skin slapped against wet skin and time stood still as Elise felt herself falling deeper with this man. He did things to her that she had never imagined possible and she could hardly believe that this was happening to her. She felt a burning and tingling starting at her core and she knew that she was going to find her release again.

Vaughn had increased the speed and he lifted his head to look at her, hair flopping over his face. "Look at me Elise I need you to keep your eyes open. I need to see you when you come."

Obligingly, she locked her eyes on his; she couldn't have looked away if she'd tried. The sensations built, the tingling began to spread throughout her body and she felt her inner muscles tightening against his c.o.c.k. She could feel him all the way inside of her, pounding relentlessly and she watched as his face twisted almost in agony, and his pupils dilated.

"s.h.i.t, Elise...I need you to come with me.... now!" he implored and as if on command she let go, screaming as the overwhelming sensations took over; crying his name and feeling the warmth of his seed as he pumped everything that he had into her. Thrusting until he had nothing left to give, calling out to her, groaning as he drew out the last of his release, circling inside her, pushing one final time.

Their eyes remained locked, open, their emotions raw for each other to see, neither of them willing to look away, to break the moment. Watching each other, cataloguing their every feature as they began to calm, and come down from a high unlike anything Elise had ever experienced before. She had no idea what that had just meant for Vaughn but for her, it had meant everything. More than everything - more than she had ever believed possible.

In that moment, in that s.p.a.ce of time, in that hotel room, in that man's bed, in that man's arms, she knew with absolute clarity that from here on in, whatever happened and whichever path she followed, nothing in her life would ever be the same again.

Chapter Twenty-Five.

The conference was in full swing and having already spoken to a number of potential client's, Elise took a moment to catch up with her paperwork and gather her thoughts.

After experiencing the most mind-blowing s.e.x of her life, she had fallen asleep wrapped in Vaughn's arms feeling the safest and most content that she had ever felt in her life. He had continued to whisper words into her ear as they had both come back down to earth and then he had tucked her against him, her back to his front and pulled the covers over them, urging her to get some rest.

She had woken some time during the night aware that Vaughn was moving restlessly beside her. He appeared to be in the grips of a nightmare again although this time it was nothing like the previous one she had witnessed. He fidgeted and mumbled a lot but then eventually quietened down and went back to sleep.

Elise had lain awake for a good while after that, realising that she had given so much of herself to this man about whom she knew very little. She knew that most relationships started with a physical attraction and there was no doubt that they were very physically compatible, but if his nightmares were any indication then it would seem that he had some stuff going on too. She wasn't sure whether or not they would be strong enough together to deal with both of their issues. They needed to talk things through, to work out where they were going to go from here but their time alone was limited, and once she broke the news to Dale, who knew where she would end up?

She had dropped back into a troubled sleep eventually, almost relieved when the alarm call came through as it meant that she could get up and focus on work, instead of endlessly trying to sort through the mess that was the rest of her life. She had returned to her room to shower and change, putting on the trouser suit and flat shoes that she had packed for the day of the conference and had opened her door to Vaughn's knock a short while later. Immediately he had grabbed her and manoeuvred her back inside the room, pushing her not altogether gently against the wall where he had proceeded to kiss her thoroughly before releasing her and gently tracing his fingers down the side of her face.

She smiled as she remembered his words. He had told her that last night had been just the beginning for them and that there was no way it could ever be a one-off. He desired her, he wanted her and he needed her and he was willing to do whatever it took to keep whatever this was, alive. He had held her tenderly for a while and then they had headed downstairs to breakfast together hand-in-hand until they had reached the dining room and Vaughn had been forced to release her.

"Hey, Elise. You made any contacts yet?" It was Celeste speaking from directly behind her and Elise jumped, so deep in her thoughts that she hadn't heard her friend approach.

Hastily she composed herself and turned round to Celeste, a ready smile on her face. In the near distance she could see Roger, Tilly and Sam by the exhibition stand, stopping conference goers on their way in and out and handing out leaflets. The plan was to get as many leaflets out as possible in the first wave in the hope that some of them would have a look at them during the first session. That way, if anyone was interested, they could approach the Andrews & Andrews staff during the coffee or lunch interval and further advice could be given as required. Roger was the least senior member of staff so he was going to be pretty much sticking to leaflets and promotional material all day but all of the others were well qualified to conduct interviews and take further details. Elise herself had spoken to a couple of people first thing who she was fairly certain would come back later so she had been busily updating her client records and daydreaming when Celeste had approached.

"Yeah, a couple of promising ones." Elise replied to her friend's question. "How about you?"

"Nah, nothing much yet although one bloke did talk to my b.r.e.a.s.t.s for ages. You should have seen Roger's face. I thought he was going to blow a gasket!" She laughed.

"So, where did you and boss-man get to last night then? One minute you were at the table all loved up and the next you'd both disappeared. Please tell me you did the really indecent thing and spent the night in his room." Celeste pleaded.

"Sssshhhhhhh......." Elise hissed, terrified of being overheard again. Celeste just grinned and held her hands up in a 'what?' type innocent gesture.

"Yes, we spent the evening together and it was nice." Elise allowed, reluctant to expand any further and certainly not wanting to admit to it being a h.e.l.l of a lot more than just the evening. Typically though her body gave her away and she blushed furiously, causing Celeste's eyes to widen.

"You did, didn't you? You did the down and dirty with the boss-man last night, didn't you? Jesus, Elise, you lucky b.i.t.c.h I hate you. How was it? s.h.i.t, I bet he's good, isn't he?"