Trees, Fruits and Flowers of Minnesota, 1916 - Part 88

Part 88

9:30 o'clock.

President Cashman in the Chair.

Evergreens for Prairie Homes.

M. Soholt, Madison.

Windbreaks by the Mile.

T. A. Hoverstad, Minneapolis.

Arrangement of Farm Buildings and Grounds for Convenience and Artistic Effect.

E. M. Reeves, Waverly, Ia.

Report of Committee on Fruit List.

J. P. Andrews, G. W. Strand, T. E. Cashman.

Adoption of Fruit List.

Annual Reports.

Report of Executive Board, J. M. Underwood, Chairman, Lake City.

Report of Secretary, A. W. Latham.

Report of Treasurer, Geo. W. Strand, Taylors Falls.

On account of the very full program the annual reports of the vice-presidents, superintendents of Trial Stations and Auxiliary Societies, will be filed with the secretary for publication without reading. (See list on page 20.)

The Successful Orchard. (30 min.) S. A. Beach, Prof. of Horticulture, Iowa State Agricultural College, Ames, Ia.

Development of Horticulture in Western Canada.

Prof. F. W. Brodrick, Horticulturist, Manitoba Agricultural College.

Contestants, Gideon Memorial Fund--by Students at University Farm School.


1:30 o'clock.

Discuss these subjects.

"Ornamentation of Home Grounds" will be the subject of the half-hour "Question and Answer Exercise," led by C. H. Ramsdell, Landscape Architect, Minneapolis.

2:00 o'clock.

President Cashman in the Chair.

Horticultural Work with the Boys' and Girls' Clubs in Minnesota.

T. A. Erickson, State Club Leader, University Farm.

Boy or Girl prize winner in the state-wide garden and canning contest.

Compulsory Spraying for Fruit Insects and Diseases.

K. A. Kirkpatrick, Agricultural Agent, Hennepin County, Wayzata.

Annual Election of Officers.

3:00 o'clock.

Semi-Centennial Anniversary Session.

J. M. Underwood, Lake City, Presiding.


Trafford N. Jayne.

Some History.

A. W. Latham, Secretary.

The Heroes of Minnesota Horticulture.

Clarence Wedge, Albert Lea.

Personal Recollections.

A. J. Philips, West Salem, Wis.

The Ladies of the Society.

Mrs. Jennie Stager, Sauk Rapids.

Greeting from University Farm.

A. F. Woods, Dean.

The Minnesota Society and the Northwest.

Prof. C. B. Waldron, Agri. College, N. D.

Looking Ahead.

C. S. Harrison, York, Neb.

To conclude with a lantern slide talk, "Veterans of Minnesota Horticulture." Slides prepared by Prof. LeRoy Cady.


9:00 o'clock.

A thirty-minute "Question and Answer Exercise" on the general subject of "Birds a Factor In Horticulture," led by R. E. Olmstead, Excelsior.

9:30 o'clock.