Trapped With Tycoon - 240 Sick Bella

240 Sick Bella

"I realised it after Brian reported to me. I will pay Tan and Allan for their crime a thousand times back," Jun clenched his hand.

"Did I hear Tan? Did he involve in this incident?" Liam looks at him.

"He did all of your accident on the hill for Allan as he wanted to kidnap Cecile from Collin. Now, Tan tried to take over Choi Corporation under his palm. I have told Harry to secure your chairman position in Choi Corporation," Jun explained everything to Liam.

"d.a.m.n him… Can I borrow your satellite phone Jun?" Liam hit the table with his clenched palm, before he got the phone from Jun.

Liam dialled a number to Old Long in his old Choi mansion. Old Long is the housekeeper of Choi Mansion where the family safe stored. Liam gives him the word mean that the safe contains all Choi family secret will need to be secure. Old Long is familiar with this procedure as it was not the first time all the coupe happens and treated the Choi family. Old Long closed the phone connection with Liam and walked to the master study room where he pressed the secret b.u.t.ton under the table. The light starts to flare up and there is a steel wall that started to move down and hide the safe wall and Choi master family picture on the wall.

"all done… Tan will not able to get his hand into our family treasury and share for the underworld," Liam handed back the phone to Jun. The boys started to bring in an extra table they found in the back. They set up the table with rice and all the food that they make.

Bella finished her shower and went to the room to dry her wet hair. Liam walked back to the kitchen so he could brew Bella tonic medicine. He put it into the small fire and start to fan it. Liam told them to start eating. He needs to be alone while making the tonic, Liam needs to think way to punish Tan. Liam can't understand Tan's reason for committed treason inside the Choi family. He is one of them and they have been raised together. Liam even protecting Tan from everything since he came to the Choi mansion. Liam still p.i.s.sed with the fact that he tried to kill him for the sake of the power. He did give him part of the executive power yet he has fallen to the hand of an old vixen lady.

Everyone sat down on the table and started to eat the food. Jun looks at Bella who stares at the empty spot next to her. It pierces like a hot iron into Jun's heart.

"eat your food before it turns into cold," Jun start to get some fish into Bella bowl of rice.

"it's fine… you can eat first. I am waiting for my husband to come. We shall eat together," Bella answer politely.

Jun smashed his chopstick to the table after hearing Bella answer. He stood up and walk away to calm himself. He needs to remember that his wife's mind not in the right state. He walked in the back garden and enjoying the breeze. He walked back in time with Liam who finished brewed the tonic for Bella.

"We have to be back to Imperial straight away. I need to bring her for check-up. This condition can't continue," Jun talked to Liam while walking back inside the house.

"As you wished… Will I intervene in your plan?" Liam stares at him.

"I know… I know it. But it is so hard for me to see my wife clinging to another man," Jun explained to Liam.

They sat down together into the table and eat quietly. Liam asked Bella to drink his tonic and rest up first.

"Where are you going?" Bella look at Liam.

" I need to talk with the head of the village and Dr Lim to say thank you for their help. You don't need to wait up for me," Liam tried to make an excuse to her. Jun can't know that they slept together.

"I still need to wait up for you. It is my duty as your wife. You need to come back soon," Bella runs towards Liam and hugged him. Jun hit his hand into the table to see her hugging Liam and stand up. It scared Bella out which made her release her hug from Liam.

"Your friend kind of crazy perverted guys… he seems to eat a lot of vinegar," Bella explained to Liam.

"Of course, he is… He just jealous with me to have a beautiful wife like you," Liam caressed her hair and walk out the house. 

Liam sits on the empty bench overlook into the valley of the city near the hospital. It won't take long before Dr Lim come and join him with a cup of hot water.

"what trouble you, young man?" Dr Lim handed the hot water to Liam.

"What is your opinion if you find out that your cousin wants to kill you because of money and power?" Liam holds the cup of hot water from Dr. Lim.

"You have to be wise to decide the punishment. Blood is thicker than water," Dr Lim told him.

"I love to live in this place. There isn't any complication in daily life. But I have thousand people depend their life and family on my shoulder," Liam let go a big blow of his breath.

"I know that you are a big shot from the Imperial city and Hongkong. I know that every life of the family of your subordinate depends on your hand," Dr. Lim tried to comfort him.

"Sometime I hate myself to be born into the Choi Family. On another hand, I really grateful for their effort that I can live comfortably," Liam drank the hot water.

"Listen to your heart, young man… this old man needs to sleep now," Dr Lim stood up and stretched his arm.