afterwards the ghost girl recovered from her choking stupor and regained consciousness she floated near the pa.s.sed out Steve. Chris and Fred kept their guard up just in case she had any funny ideas.
"As promised I will heal both of you and your friend besides I don't think you'll survive another rumble with me if you're smart and try not to trifle with me." ghost
"I hope you'll do so and save my friend ghost person... thing or whatever you are! " Fred said trying to look intimidating though it couldn't convince anyone
"your legs are trembling..." chris nonchalantly said pointing at his shaking feet
"I know that but she doesn't know that!" Fred said shaking chris like a bobblehead.
"your legs where shaking?" ghost
"see I told you!!!" Fred says shaking Fred even faster
"oh..." chris said in monotone
as the two got along the ghost started chanting in a strange language that stopped the two and watched as their attention was on the ghost mysterious light blue symbols started to form in mid air a dark blue light started to envelop Steve as the light slowly pulsating his skin started to go from pale to color again as the light stopped Steve started to slowly open his eyes again.
"guys I had a crazy dream I crashed my dad's precious car and my uncle's cabin was wrecked by a ghost girl..." Steve was cut off as he saw the cabin in a mess and the ghost flying above him was the ghost girl hovering creepily.
"uh Steve" Fred
"Steve..." Chris
The two tried to get Steve's attention but to know avail. In the next second Steve looked around and looked at the cabin which was completely wrecked with holes in different shapes and sizes.
"I'm so screwed dude's!!!" Steve said intensely thinking of the beating he's bound to get. until he came up with a great idea!
"look at what we did guys..." Steve said cheerfully while laying his hands on the shoulders of Fred and Chris
a vein formed on both Chris and Fred foreheads they exchanged eye contact almost as if agreeing to something before banging their fists on poor Steve's head. Afterwards
"are you okay…?" Chris
"Other than some mental scars and my insanity I'm all good!" Steve said giving a grin and thumbs up
"Close enough..." Fred sighed and smacked his forehead thinking one of these days he's gonna smack himself to death!
" Thanks Chris I almost became a Steve-kabob if not for you and your sword!" gripped onto Chris crying into his chest.
"F*CK OFF…!" Chris said trying
" I can as you humans say it give it another go." Ghost said disgusted by the sight with a deadpan face.
" Oh and speaking of thanks ghost lady for healing me up" Steve
" Humph! I did that only for mistress Beltony, though you are quite welcome. Also quit calling me a ghost. It's degrading. I'm a Spector not one of those wandering weaklings! My name is Clara"
As Chris was trying to shove Fred thought about something." Clara
" Speaking of which Chris, where did that sword come from and also that fancy footwork you used?"
Fred Said pointing at the silver sword covered in strange patterns and glowing with a yellow symbol of a lightning bolt going through a dragon mark in the middle. Though it had a crack in the middle.
"Yes I to wonder how a mere mortal can injure me and block my magic? that is...!" Clara said as her eyes were alarmed after seeing the symbol she hid behind Fred hate in her eyes.
" Desired Crusaders!" Clara shrieked in hatred staring at daggers Chris.