Transmigrating: I Married The Male Protagonist's Uncle - Chapter 1462 - The Song Couple (190)

Chapter 1462 - The Song Couple (190)

Chapter 1462: The Song Couple (190)


Atlas Studios


Atlas Studios

Xiaoqi, Sangyu, here, Song Yiyan shouted excitedly. She was afraid of waking the two little guys beside her, so she deliberately lowered her voice.

Ling Sheng did not know why she, a pregnant woman who had just given birth, was so energetic. She looked even better than when she had not given birth a few days ago.

Thinking back to when she gave birth to Little s...o...b..ll two months ago, she had collapsed after giving birth. She felt like she had almost died.

This was even her second child. Logically speaking, a second child should be much better than the first child. But this wasnt true for her, she was even weaker than when she gave birth to Xiaoqi. She had only recovered after raising him for so long.

Wheres my brother? I want to see him. Little Sangyu ran over with her eyes sparkling, she looked around and locked onto the little guy on the bed. Seeing that they were both asleep, she covered her mouth and tiptoed over. Sister is here too.

Jun s.h.i.+yan was following behind. When he went to pick up Sangyu and Xiaoqi, his wife called to say that she was coming to see Song Yiyan. Before they got home, An Yan sent them over.

Xiaoqi looked at the two children on the bed and curiously reached out his little hand, wanting to touch what was different between his brothers face and his sisters.

Little Sangyu reached out and slapped the back of his hand. Brother Xiaoqi, you havent washed your hands. Grandma said that newborn childrens skin is very tender and they are to allergies.

Xiaoqis little hand stopped in midair, he grabbed her hand and seriously pulled her towards the washroom. As they walked, he said, You didnt wash your hands either. Lets go together.

Song Yiyan looked at Little Sangyu and Xiaoqi, then s.h.i.+fted her gaze to the two sleeping beside her. When they were the same age as Xiaoqi and the others, they would be so loving. Just thinking about it made her happy.

Xiaoqi and Little Sangyu quickly washed their hands and came out. They stood beside her eagerly, wanting to touch her but also nervous, afraid that they would hurt the baby.

When Little Sangyu reached out her hand.

Xiaoqi grabbed her hand and said seriously, Dont touch it. Ill help you touch it and tell you how it feels.

When Song Yiyan heard this, she gave Ling Sheng a complicated look. No way, Xiaoqi was so precocious? It wasnt what she thought!

Ling Sheng glared at her. What were they thinking? Xiaoqi and Little Sangyu were still young. How could they think so much? Look at what she was thinking every day!

After touching it, Xiaoqi said seriously, Its not as soft as my sisters face. Touch it.

Song Yiyan heaved a sigh of relief, it was good that it wasnt what she thought. Oh my G.o.d, look at her, she was too good at imagining things. How could a child have so many thoughts?

Her thoughts were dark and she had to reflect on herself.

Ji Xing had gone to the house to get something for Song Yiyan. When he returned, he saw that the ward was already filled with people.

Song Yiyan called him over and happily introduced him. This is Little s...o...b..ll.

Ji Xing glanced at the little guy in her arms. Of course he knew about the Little s...o...b..ll. Why was she suddenly telling him this so solemnly?

Song Yiyan smiled and continued, If your son works hard, Little s...o...b..ll will be our future daughter-in-law.

If the brat at home didnt work hard, there was nothing he could do. He didnt know how to cherish such a good opportunity and he deserved to be unable to find a wife.

Jun s.h.i.+yan looked at the couple who were happy about this matter and looked at his wife sadly. He was not happy at all!

But his wife had already agreed.

He decided that he must educate his daughter well in the future. He couldnt get too close to that kid from the Song family. He hadnt even grown his hair yet, but he was already thinking of taking his precious daughter away.

Ever since Song Yiyan had completed her task, other than the month of confinement, she was forced to stay at home every day and not go out. She would look for Ling Sheng whenever she had the chance.

The Little Ice Ball had been able to speak since it was seven months old. The first words it spoke werent from its parents, grandparents, or Great-Grandpa, who whispered in his ear every day. He was calling s...o...b..ll, who was learning to speak.

Of course, it was all thanks to Song Yiyan. She talked about s...o...b..ll in front of her son every day and wished she could bring her son to play with s...o...b..ll every day. Even if she couldnt go over, she had to show him s...o...b..lls photo.

When children were learning to speak, the easiest thing to be affected was not their parents or family, but the kid who was about their age.

However, the s...o...b..ll spoke too late. At nine months, she was still babbling and couldnt say a word. Its favorite thing to do was play with the Little Ice Ball.

By the time the Little Ice Ball was eight months old, he could already walk.

The day before her first birthday, the Little s...o...b..ll finally took her first step. Without any help, she staggered away.

On Little s...o...b..lls first birthday, they did not invite too many people. Jun s.h.i.+yan and the two ancestors of the Huo family did not want so many people to see their cute little baby.

Song Yiyan brought her son over every day, and the two old men of the Huo family already had a lot of complaints. If it werent for Song Yiyan being likable, cute, and sweet-talking, they might have chased her away long ago.

On his birthday, Huo Xiao wanted the Little s...o...b..ll to pick the items. Chinese tradition could not be ignored.

He had personally prepared a lot of things, ink, paper, jewelry, and musical instruments. He had placed everything that he could bring and placed Little s...o...b..ll beside him.

Then, Huo Xiao carried her and placed her in the middle. He ran to the piano model and shouted excitedly, s...o...b..ll, here, Great-Grandpa is here.

Ling Sheng and the others watched from the side.

An eight-month-old Ice Ball was a little genius compared to children of the same age. Not only did he enunciate her words clearly, but he was also walking steadily. Xiaoqi and Little Sangyu held his little hands and looked at the Little s...o...b..ll.

Choosing the item was all about excitement.

Huo Ci held an emerald ring. s...o...b..ll, Grandpa has it.

Nangong Lengyu was holding a book. It was more important for a girl to be bookish, it was best for her to be like her mother-in-law. s...o...b..ll, Grandma is here.

Su Xiyin looked around and finally chose a gold abacus. She smiled lovingly at the little girl.

The others also picked an item each and shouted for her.

Little s...o...b..ll could already understand words, but she just couldnt babble. Sometimes she couldnt speak when she wanted to, and she cried with anxiety.

At this moment, the little girl looked at the familiar faces calling out to her and was confused. She swayed like a penguin and turned around before aiming at Huo Xiao.

Huo Xiao smiled happily and said, Yes, s...o...b..ll, come to your great-grandfather. Great-grandfather is the best.

Little s...o...b..ll ran over on her short legs, grinning so widely that it revealed two cute rabbit teeth.

Huo Xiao was filled with joy as he glanced at the others smugly. Everyone should disperse, the s...o...b..ll still loved him the most.

Unexpectedly, when the Little s...o...b..ll arrived, it did not go towards Huo Xiao. Instead, it aimed in the direction of the Little Ice Ball and b.u.mped into him.

The Little Ice Ball was about her height and thinner. After being hit, hed tried to hold her back, but he was too small to be that strong.

Xiaoqi and Little Sangyu wanted to hug their siblings, but it was too late.

The two little kids had already fallen to the ground.

The Little Ice Ball was pressed under the s...o...b..ll and she was hugging him tightly. The babbling little girl finally said, Ball ball.