Transition And Restart - Chapter 93

Chapter 93

Yukio felt Kyoko's arms around him . It was something he never got tired of . So much love and so much trust in that simple hug . He wanted to hug her back, but looking down at his hands he saw how dirty they had become from handling the briquettes .

The evening had cooled a little with the sun taking on an orange hue, just like any other dusk . Still, this was not j.a.pan . Where the s.h.i.+ft from white to yellow to red should have taken at most half an hour, here it dragged on for hours . Yukio shook his head in wonder . Reading about the endless northern daylight was nothing like experiencing it .

Beside him Urufu had thrust what looked like an oversized hair-dryer into his grill and the briquettes were already spitting sparks as they heated up . Within seconds sparks on black became first sparks on white and then a brilliant red . The hissing of the fan turned into a rumbling roar, and Urufu quickly pointed the nozzle at another section of briquettes . A minute or so later he seemed satisfied and with a naughty grin he handed the devise over to Yukio .

'How hard can it be?' Yukio thought . It took him less than half a minute to regret that thought .

He got some help from Urufu, and together they brought the second grill to the temperature where it would take care of itself . All the while Kyoko never let go of her embrace, and Yukio could feel her face buried in his back . It made fixing the grill harder, but he didn't mind at all .

"No games?" he asked?

"No games," Urufu said . "We're a bit too old for that anyway . The kids can play around by themselves for all I care . "

"Kids," Yukio laughed . "Some of them are older than we were . " He felt Kyoko tighten her grip on him . 'Sorry my love . It'll be just fine, I promise . '

"Well, we're not putting them to work or anything . "

Yukio threw his friend a look wondering what that last comment was about . Then he recalled their first summer break . 'No we won't . Not like they did back then . But even so it was kinda fun,' Yukio remembered . @@

@@ Yukio felt Kyokos arms around him . It was something he never got tired of . So much love and so much trust in that simple hug . He wanted to hug her back, but looking down at his hands he saw how dirty they had become from handling the briquettes The evening had cooled a little with the sun taking on an orange hue, just like any other dusk . Still, this was not j.a.pan . Where the s.h.i.+ft from white to yellow to red should have taken at most half an hour, here it dragged on for hours . Yukio shook his head in wonder . Reading about the endless northern daylight was nothing like experiencing it Beside him Urufu had thrust what looked like an oversized hair-dryer into his grill and the briquettes were already spitting sparks as they heated up . Within seconds sparks on black became first sparks on white and then a brilliant red . The hissing of the fan turned into a rumbling roar, and Urufu quickly pointed the nozzle at another section of briquettes . A minute or so later he seemed satisfied and with a naughty grin he handed the devise over to Yukio How hard can it be? Yukio thought . It took him less than half a minute to regret that thought He got some help from Urufu, and together they brought the second grill to the temperature where it would take care of itself . All the while Kyoko never let go of her embrace, and Yukio could feel her face buried in his back . It made fixing the grill harder, but he didnt mind at all No games? he asked? . No games, Urufu said . Were a bit too old for that anyway . The kids can play around by themselves for all I care . . Kids, Yukio laughed . Some of them are older than we were . He felt Kyoko tighten her grip on him . Sorry my love . Itll be just fine, I promise . . Well, were not putting them to work or anything . . Yukio threw his friend a look wondering what that last comment was about . Then he recalled their first summer break . No we wont . Not like they did back then . But even so it was kinda fun, Yukio remembered . @@