Transition And Restart - Chapter 357

Chapter 357

Christina shuddered when she heard footsteps further up the hill . She didn't want anyone to see her crying . Especially not Ryu or Ulf .

Advertis.e.m.e.nt She led a good life now, blessed with the childbirth she never experienced in her first life, and with far more love than she deserved .

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While she had been an adult reborn, and not naive enough to believe you could experience love without hurting anyone, she most definitely had crossed a line of common decency .

And eventually I hurt them both, and Noriko as well . Come to think about it . She probably hurt Yukio and Ko-chan as well . Ko-chan . The one person she never grew used to call by her first name . Her best friend . 'And now she's going away forever . '

Because that was everything this trip was about . Coming together for some of them, but a parting for all of them . In a couple of days Ko-chan and Yukio would leave this world just like she herself had left hers a quarter of a century earlier .

'I never apologised, or did I?' She couldn't remember what had happened after . Most of the last week of summer that year only held oceans of darkness in her memories .

'Doesn't matter . ' There was no way an apology could have gotten through anyway .
