Transition And Restart - Chapter 288

Chapter 288

Noriko poured some more coffee for herself . For once she didn't care to ask if anyone else wanted some . The taste was nothing like what James had spoiled her with, but it still offered the kick that tea simply couldn't deliver .

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'I'm becoming less j.a.panese for every year,' she thought . Still she held no regrets . At least not concerning that part . It wasn't as if she didn't care about j.a.pan; that was still home, but a home that grew more and more distant . In a way she suspected the j.a.pan she knew no longer existed, but for a dream and memories mixed together .


With another gulp she corrected that thought . 'It's still there . It hasn't been that many years . '

Noriko smirked and basked in the weak sun the people here called summer . If she was to be honest with herself the reason she was here right now could be traced back almost another two years before the nightmare she had in mind .

She poured down some more of the traditional, weak coffee Swedes drank in stupendous volumes . Slightly bitter, with a tinge of sour, and too cool for her taste . Coffee should be creamy and thick, and hot, just shy of burning .

'When did things start to break down?' she thought . 'Ah, after Nao . ' Noriko recalled the tall model . A year older than her . She had been so very much in love with him, but then he betrayed her, and she hadn't even been the one to chase after him in the beginning .

'But we were breaking apart before that,' she remembered . 'I just didn't see it, and to be honest, neither did he . '

Being cheated on, in the end wasn't the worst . Watching a wedge being driven in between her friends had been . 'Kareyos.h.i.+, I hope you burn in whatever h.e.l.l they found for you!'

In the end she came to respect and adapt the Swedish way of holding a grudge and exact revenge . A never ending grudge, the absolute refusal to forgive until your opponent had been utterly destroyed, and most often not even then .

Cool, like their coffee .

'Urufu, was it you who helped me, or was it me who helped you?' It didn't matter . The result would have been the same anyway .

Noriko grimaced, looked at the sea broken by islets and gulped down the last of her coffee .