Transition And Restart - Chapter 277

Chapter 277

"When did your parents transit?"

Noriko turned to Yukio . She had studied him and Kyoko . Had studied them since high school as an example of how some couples get it right from the start . Just like her parents .


"Ten years ago," Noriko said and turned a slab of meat on the grill . "To help Nakagawa out . "

"You're staking a lot on him arriving and building himself a position of power . "

Noriko shrugged . "And you? You're transiting yourself . We don't even know if it works . "

"It works, Urufu said it does . We have the signals . Sure, their future and cryptic like h.e.l.l, but signals anyway . "

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That was trusting the Swedish branch of the transitioning foundation a lot . Noriko knew why Urufu did, but she had never been able to trust anything that blindly .

After turning the slab once more she decided it was good to eat . She took it on a plate and went to find a place where she could be alone . Transitions and arrivals as an everyday topic for their dinner talk . It had been years since .

'And you say they'll be even more open about it in the downstream world . I hope you're right . '

Because before trust came betrayal . Always betrayal . @@