Chapter 631: Tan Jinqi Must Have Told Them Everything
Nyoi-Bo Studio
Nyoi-Bo Studio
Feng Keer did not back up the photos on her computer.
She thought about using WeChat to contact the social media account owner. If she had sent the photos using WeChat, those photos would be backed up on WeChat.
In that case, she would have no trouble accessing the photos on WeChat with or without her old devices.
She never expected her phone and computer to fail at the same time.
Feng Keers eyes suddenly lit up as she pondered.
Even if she had to reinstall the system, it did not matter. The moment she redownloaded and signed into her WeChat account, she ought to be able to access the photos since a backup was previously made.
Feng Keer was not sure whether the photos would get saved, but there was still hope.
She told her assistant to reinstall the computer and phone system.
After her assistant came back with her phone and computer, Feng Keer quickly opened her phone and downloaded WeChat at the first moment.
However, other than her contacts, there were no other historical records.
She refused to give up and used her computer to download WeChat.
There were still no records.
Those photos were all gone.
She had lost all the leverage she had against Tan Mo.
Feng Keer pursed her lips. She swiped down to the number belonging to the social media account holder and asked him: When do you plan to send those photos I gave you?
Entertainment Scoop: Im sorry, I went to verify the matter. Theres something wrong with these photos, so I cant post them.
Naturally, Feng Keer did not use her WeChat account. Instead, she used an alternate account called Coco Sicily: Whats wrong with them? These photos are all real. They havent been tampered with at all.
Entertainment Scoop: Dont mess with me. Those photos have obvious photoshop traces, how can you say that theyre real?
Entertainment Scoops had a very good relationship with Lu Man.
He was the one who had told Lu man about this matter to begin with.
Feng Keer had reached out to ask about the photos, but Entertainment Scoop just kept lying to her.
However, Feng Keer did not have any evidence to back up the photos.
Also, she did not dare to say who she was.
Entertainment Scoop: Do you expect me to just take your word