Timura Trilogy - The Gods Awaken - Part 33

Part 33

Everybody's somebody's slaything.

And though it's very, very rude, Everybody's somebody's food!"

Gundara wiped away a tear at the memory. "Mother was such a marvelous teacher," he said.

"Oh, G.o.ds!" Palimak groaned, seeing one of the sharks make a short dash toward him. "Please, hurry and do something!"

Perhaps it was because they saw the shark make its dash, or perhaps it was only because they'd run out of things to say. Whatever the case, to Palimak's ma.s.sive relief he sensed the comforting buzz of a powerful spell being cast.

He suffered one more moment of fear as suddenly there was a surge just beneath his feet--so strong it rocked him in the water. In reaction, Palimak's body spasmed and talons shot out from his fingers and his toes--ready to do futile battle.

There was another surge and a huge slime-covered body b.u.mped against his, tossing him to the side.

The water boiled and he paddled furiously to keep afloat. Then an incredibly long and thick snakelike body burst from the water. It kept coming and coming like a wagon train all tied together.

He heard a wild howl of fear and caught a glimpse of the sea serpent's head as it leaped over him--fang-rimmed mouth so wide it could swallow a small boat whole.

Then several other bodies collided with his and he went under, pawing madly to regain the surface. The tunic water wings were ripped away. His talons lashed out in every direction in a desperate, instinctual, defensive effort.

The claws caught on something--he didn't know what--then ripped along dense flesh as the creature powered past him without pause.

A moment later he was on the surface, vomiting brine, too overcome to see what was happening.

"We did it, Little Master!" Gundara cried. "We did it!"

Palimak steadied himself enough to see the sea serpent racing away. A wave hit him and he went under again. But when he resurfaced he had time to catch sight of the two sharks leaping high into the air as they pursued the serpent.

Then a strong eddy rocked him as the crocodile swam past, its muscular tail slashing through the water, barely missing Palimak.

He was so astonished at not being attacked that he forgot to tread water and went under once more. But this time when he pulled himself up he did it slowly and without panic.

Palimak started treading water, clearing his eyes. To his astonishment and supreme delight he saw thesharks and crocodile speeding away after the panicked sea serpent. All jumping high out of the water to achieve maximum speed.

"What did you do?" Palimak gasped.

"It was easy, Little Master," Gundara said.

"We made the sea serpent think he was food," Gundaree explained.

"And we made the sharks and the crocodile think he'd taste better than you," Gundara continued.

"Like the song we just made up," Gundaree said. "You know: *Everybody's somebody's food ... *"

"I wish you'd shut up," Gundara said. "You're making me hungry and everything the Little Master has in his pockets for us to eat has been spoiled by the water."

"I won't say, *You shut up, too,'" Gundaree replied in a surprisingly reasonable voice. "We still have that truce, right?"

"I'm sorry," Gundara said to his twin. "I forgot about the truce. Which we really need right now."

"That's all right," Gundaree said. "I know you didn't really mean it. You were just distracted because of the storm and all."

This time Palimak's heart descended to his bowels, forming an embarra.s.sing lump of fear.

"What storm?" he asked.

At that moment rain pelted down. And a strong wind exploded the calm, whipping up waves of fearful height.

"That storm, Little Master," Gundara answered.

"What with the sharks and the crocodile and the sea serpent," Gundaree said, "we didn't think it was a good time to mention it."

"But there's still good news, Little Master," Gundara said. "We're really, really close to land right now."

From a distance, Palimak could hear the sound of waves booming across an obstruction.

"Is that a reef I hear?" he asked.

"You're so smart, Little Master!" Gundaree said. "That's exactly what it is. A big, sharp coral reef."

"You'll probably be torn to pieces by it," Gundara said. "But at least you won't have to worry about us."

"That's right," Gundaree said. "This time when you're killed we won't be stuck at the bottom of the ocean."

"We'll be washed up on the reef," Gundara further explained. "And only have to wait maybe a hundred years or so before a new master finds us."

"Doesn't that make you happy, Little Master?" Gundaree asked. "Knowing we won't get bored?"

Palimak's heart jumped as realization sank in."You mean," he said, "that you don't have the faintest idea on how to get me over that reef?"

"Well," Gundaree said, "we do have some theories..."



The moment Safar plunged into the jungle he knew he'd made a potentially fatal error.

Biting insects swarmed up all around him. Above, there was an explosion of wings and a chorus of shrill warning cries as birds took flight.

There was a scatter of motion in the trees, like errant winds bursting forth in every direction and he saw enormous apes swinging away from his entry point, jabbering simian curses.

A huge snake fell in his path, rising up on threatening coils, spitting poison at his eyes.

But all his alarm bells were already ringing and he brought his shield up just in time for the poison to splatter against it.

Jooli shouted something he couldn't make out, but he instinctively leaped to the side and an arrow from her bow pinned the snake to the ground.

Leiria rushed in, severing the snake's head with her sword. It fell on the black leafy ground, hissing and spitting its poisonous hate.

Safar heard shouts of dismay from the soldiers and whirled around to see th.o.r.n.y vines and branches shooting forth to bar the entrance into the jungle.

Somewhere not far off an ape hooted in triumphant glee.

Safar raced to the closing gap, hacking at the vines with his sword. Leiria and Jooli crowded in to help.

But as fast as they cut, the vines grew back at double the speed and thickness.

Then he heard an explosive pop! and two large insect eyes appeared out of nowhere, only inches from his face.

Crying a warning to the others he stumbled back, only to find himself caught in the sticky tendrils of a frighteningly strong web.

He fought his way out, then slashed at the thick strands entangling Leiria and Jooli.

Freed, they dashed out of the gap, which healed itself with such blinding speed that soon there was no sign of the path by which they'd entered.

Instead, Safar found himself confronted by an enormous black spider--big as a royal banquet platter.

Poison oozed from large fangs set in a mouth large enough to grip a child's head.

Several strands of web shot out of tubes along its bloated body. The thick threads wrapped around branches on either side of Safar and the spider rushed along them to attack.

Jooli's arrow hissed past Safar's ear, knocking the spider to the ground and killing it. But then other spiders--just as big and fierce--popped out of nothingness and scuttled toward them.Safar ordered a hasty but orderly retreat along the narrow path. The squad of soldiers led the way, wary of new dangers. Jooli acted as rearguard, firing arrow after arrow into the spiders, while Leiria and Safar used their swords on those that got through.

Gradually, the number of spiders diminished and then they seemed to vanish altogether. Safar called a halt to reconnoiter but, as far as he or any of the others could tell, there were no other paths except the one they'd taken.

The trees were so tall and dense it seemed like twilight under their canopy instead of the middle of the day. The forest was strangely silent. There were no bird or insect sounds. Even the apes were quiet. It was hot and humid and the air smelled of rotting things.

The Kyranians moved on, treading lightly and keeping their voices to a whisper.

Then Sergeant Hamyr, who was a bit older than the other soldiers and a skilled tracker, found Palimak's footprints in the carpet of decaying leaves.

"At least we know we're on the right trail," Leiria observed.

"The question, of course," Jooli said, "is whether it'll eventually take us out of this place. After we find Palimak, that is."

Safar shrugged. "If we can't find a way to walk out," he said, "all we have to do is start climbing." He gestured at the towering trees. "Biner is ready to pick us up with the airship anytime we're ready."

There were murmurs of relief from Sergeant Hamyr and the others. Rattled by the events of the past hour, they'd forgotten the fall-back plan.

"We can also rely on Biner to send us reinforcements if we need them," Safar added--further comforting his soldiers.

He patted a hefty pouch on his belt. "I have plenty of signal powder. So I only have to find an open s.p.a.ce, or get high enough into the trees, to let Biner know what's happening."

Everyone felt much better after that, talking in normal voices and enjoying a quick meal of parched corn and dried goat flesh which they washed down with good Kyranian wine mixed with honey and water.

Refreshed and with their spirits restored, the expedition continued--following the narrow path that wound through the gloom like an uncoiling snake.

However, Safar was not as unconcerned about their situation as he'd made out. Dead magic permeated the forest. Rather than coming from a single source, the magic seemed to radiate from all sides as if the very trees were inhabited by unfriendly spirit folk.

Quietly, he cast some warding spells and hoped for the best. Moments after he'd finished, Jooli slipped up to his side.

"You can feel it, too?" she whispered so the others wouldn't hear.

Safar nodded. "But I've taken some precautions," he said.

"As have I," Jooli said. "Except I don't think any of our spells are strong enough."

"That's because we don't know who or what we're guarding against," Safar said. "We're both working blind."He gestured ahead, where the path curved around a vine-choked tree, saying, "Unless I'm well off my mark, I think we'll find out soon enough. There's something waiting for us just past that point."

Jooli's eyes narrowed as she concentrated. Then she nodded. "You're right," she said. "But I can't make out what it is. Everything seems ... I don't know, scattered."

That was exactly how Safar would have described the strange waves of magic he sensed. It was as if they were made up of many sorcerous particles with no particular center or purpose, but had only been brought together by coincidence.

"We'd better investigate before we walk right into some sort of trap," Safar said.

"Why don't I go ahead," Jooli asked, "while you watch my back?"

Safar agreed and called another halt. He told the group there were some unexplained disturbances he and Jooli needed to investigate, playing down the danger and making it seem like a routine precaution.

Leiria knew what he was up to. They'd fought together so many times that even the subtle system of signals they'd worked out over the years was unnecessary. She sensed what was happening before he had a chance to tug his earlobe or straighten his sword belt.

Instantly, she took appropriate action. "If Jooli's going to play witch when she takes point," she said, "we'll need plenty of hard steel behind her, not just more magic."

Leiria spread the men out along the trail, spears and swords at ready. When Jooli signaled to begin, they all moved forward--Safar lagging back, alert to magical attack from both the front and the rear.

When she reached the tree that marked the bend in the trail Safar saw Jooli hesitate, then lean forward to concentrate. He'd become familiar with her sorcerous spoor and caught the tingle of her magic as she probed the area beyond.

Safar added his own powers to her work and found nothing to be alarmed about.

The he saw her shrug and step forward.

Immediately, the air around her began to glow. Although he caught no scent of magic--threatening or otherwise--Safar opened his mouth to call a warning.

Then the glow became a cloud of colorful b.u.t.terflies that circled her for a moment, then swept along the path just above the soldiers' heads. Except for quick glances, no one paid them the slightest attention--not even pausing to admire this swirling rainbow of flying insects.

Leiria and the soldiers were so tensed for possible danger that the b.u.t.terflies' beauty escaped them.

Jooli turned her head and called back, "Everything's fine. I'm going on." Then she disappeared around the bend.

Leiria was the next to cross and once again a cloud of b.u.t.terflies appeared, circling her briefly before flying down the trail. She too signaled that all was well and that she was proceeding.

Sergeant Hamyr followed, leading the soldiers around the bend, absently brushing at a third swarm of the marvelous b.u.t.terflies.