One's potential would be gone by then.
What surprised them more was the existence of a foundation higher than Transcendental foundation, the Immortal Foundation. Not only did it give the magician an advantage against other cultivators in the same cla.s.s, but it also gave them benefits in creating a much better Magic sphere in the Legendary cla.s.s.
However, their surprises didn't end, because Xander dropped another bombsh.e.l.l.
"The gift I was supposed to give you guys was to increase your spell foundation, but it seemed useless now since all of you are already at the Transcendental Foundation or higher. I'll just give you guys perfect quality magic crystals for you to proceed and integrate your spells. I a.s.sume you didn't waste your enlightenment and were able to make some spell models to be integrated?" Xander asked them, and they all nodded in response. In fact, they were surprised that after less than 2 hours, they were able to create more than 2 spell models for their master rank spells.
However, they didn't know it actually took them roughly 900 years to conceive these spell models.
"Ok, so first off, who made 4 magic spell models?" Xander asked, and Carly raised her hand, albeit a bit shyly done. He didn't expect it, so Xander was quite surprised. However, it didn't last and merely gave a nod of approval to her.
"How about 3 magic spell models?" This time, it was the remaining 4 of them that raised their hands, causing Xander to be surprised, and a bit happy.
At least their talent is not as inferior as mine. However, in Carly's case… she really has a hidden talent. It was a good thing I managed to discover her. She was the same as Maryann. Speaking of Maryann, I hope great things would happen after she exited her enlightenment, Xander thought to himself afterward.
"Ok, come up to the stage. I have to set-up the magic crystals to ensure each of you has enough to establish your spell models." Xander said, gesturing them to come up.
They quickly followed through and surrounded Xander, each one of them was equidistant to one another and from Xander.
Xander, seeing them be in position, waved his hand, and multiple crystal stones the size of two of James and Faykes combined floated behind each and every one of them.
"Begin your integration!" Xander barked, and the others left their initial stupor and surprise and immediately delved into Magic meditation, connecting to their spell foundations and life essence dolls, slowly inscribing the spell models that they have prepared.
All they needed was to integrate the perfected spell model and let it cycle the path of their cultivation skill and their spell foundation for a total of 108 cycles.
Xander also delved into Magic meditation, hoping to get some of their synergistic energy, but they didn't enter ERMS, sadly.
Oh well, there's always next time.
Two hours quickly pa.s.sed by, the moons were quite high into the sky, sending down moonlight all over the Ete continent. Thank goodness that during the time he was waiting for them, he already visited Eden. After his friends left, all he needed to do is go and visit the Laboratory and check and harvest the goods.
In the 3rd hour, their eyes opened, and their magic energy released at the same time, creating a resonance, or stacking effect. Of course, none of these energies leaked out, as Xander had placed a small spatial barrier that filters these types of energy early on.
As expected, James and Alexa were now Master-5 magicians, Carly and Valerie were Master-6, while Faykes was now Master-8, one spell away from Master-9.
"Congratulations, everyone," Xander said, his voice cheerful and at the same time, calm, like everything was within his expectations.
It was Alexa and Carly who rushed to Xander and hugged him tightly, with Alexa saying,
"Thanks a bunch, Xander! Don't worry, if you need me, just send a message, I'll make sure to be there or do whatever you need, haha! This visit to your villa was quite a surprise!"
Carly nodded, before adding,
"Thanks, Xander, for helping us," her voice was solemn and a bit tearful. For one, she really didn't expect that in the first few months of her college life, she would face so many surprises and reach a cultivation level she could only hope to achieve within 15 years from now, 10 if she was lucky enough. Carly felt more determined to follow through her career path that she mentioned to Xander, hoping to leave a mark and pay back what was owed.
James was a bit solemn too, as he knew he owed Xander more than what he can repay now. What he could promise and strive for now is not to fail his expectations in the business investment. 1 billion Etas was after all, not a small amount of investment.
Faykes, on the other hand, was happy, surprised, and a bit melancholic at the same time. He couldn't help wonder, if he was unaware of what his clan had done to him, would he be able to reach his current achievements? If Xander wasn't there to help him, would there be any difference? Maybe he would breakthrough as normal, but would he follow the clan in the very end once he found out about the bloodline curse?
Valerie was silent. It was a large favor after all, but Xander didn't seem to expect anything out of it. However, deep in her heart, she felt she must repay it in one form or the other. She planned to be his sword, the one that slays his enemies. For that, she must become stronger and better.
Xander, unknown to him, his actions had brought others closer to him in their hearts, treating him more than a friend.
Xander shook his head, saying,
"I only aided in the process. Most of it is still your own hard work. After all, if you lazed around you wouldn't have experienced that enlightenment, or even formulated the spell models for your next spells."
Although he said these words, in the hearts of his friends, they knew it was still with his help that they managed to do such a thing in the first place.
They chatted for a bit more, talking about college stuff and entertainment before they decided to head out. Faykes left the group since his house was just in the same district as Xander's, Valerie had her own family driver waiting outside the villa, while the other 3 left together and headed downtown to their respective apartments.
Xander, after all his friends left, breathed a sigh. Today was a bit tiring but quite rewarding for him. He then headed to his room and went to the bas.e.m.e.nt to visit the Laboratory.
After playing around for around 144,000 years, such as creating weird and modified planets, as well as attempting to hybridize the seeds that he currently had, which all ended in failure, for now, he harvested the fruits, plant materials, minerals/metals/crystals, and elemental crystals in the Laboratory and headed out.
He was planning to expand his laboratory operations, increasing the number of planets that can hold life and planting numerous types of plant species that he had, hybridized and non-hybridized. Currently, no sentient life forms have been formed.
He then headed back to his room and fell asleep.
The next few days were a blur, as Xander was quite excited to leave for the auction in Elema Planet.
In fact, in the past few days, he dropped a visit using his Homer Simpson persona and contacted the auction house, and consigned some interesting set of items to be put up for sale. He expects to gain at least 5 trillion Galaxy coins from the auction of these items, hehe. In fact, when he mentioned he was going to join the bidding, he was given a credit limit of 500 billion Galaxy coins to be deducted from the final sale of the items he consigned to them.
When he saw the released list of items being sold, quite a few items caught his eye, because they weren't rare, but he hasn't seen them before yet. He wanted to investigate some of these items.
By Friday afternoon, at the end of the last cla.s.s he had to take, he told his friends that he was not going to be available for the next few days, so they should just leave a message.
He waved goodbye to them and headed home, ate dinner, and told everyone in the villa to continue their daily activities, and keep guard of the villa. He then told them not to interrupt him in his room for the next 3 days no matter what.
Xander then left a message to his parents that he was going to be a bit busy and that they should stay safe and keep themselves healthy.
He then went to his room, embodied his time clone, Homer Simpson, and teleported into the Elema Planet, on the outskirts of one of its main cities, Alemara. He did this by utilizing his mirror image clones.
His main body was actually a planet 50 light-years away from Elema, while he was controlling the mirror image of him, which had the same ident.i.ty card. There wasn't any error discovered since they both shared the same magic signatures and life essence.
Elema planet was different from other traditional planets; they had 48 hours per day instead of 24 hours due to their own rotational speed being half of the other planets, making it an ideal place to hold events that usually take up a lot of time. When Xander investigated the reason for this phenomenon, he discovered that there was something different in the planet's core compared to others he had visited and explored. It was quite good that this planet was near at the middle of the Galactic Empire; or else, this could be a place for contention amongst nearby empires.
Once he entered the city, he began to do the first thing he did: Go and eat. The city was quite big, actually having the size of one of the provinces of Eta. The good news was that flying was allowed in the area, but only low-level flying, roughly 5 meters up in the air. Beyond that, they would need a permit to actually fly within the city areas. For those who couldn't fly, they relied on numerous transportation available, both public and private.
Xander used his communicator to hire one private transport, traveling to one of the top restaurants in Alemara. The restaurant he went to was a high-end type, with his dinner price reaching up to tens of thousands of Galaxy coins in cost. After eating his dinner, he looked around for a place to stay.
Since the auction was going to start tomorrow morning up to Monday evening next week, he booked a great hotel room, a suite, for 3 days and 3 nights. The hotel itself was roughly 40 to 50 kilometers away from the auction house, and was near one of the large plazas, giving a good view from his hotel room. He paid for his stay upfront, costing him 400,000 Galaxy coins.
After taking a bath, the mirror image then fell asleep on the bed, while he entered Eden and once again did his role as the supreme leader and ruler. He also announced that in approximately 2.6 million years for them, or 15 days for him, they will be momentarily put into a deep sleep as he modified the garden. He told them that their 2 cities, Snowflake and Dewdrop, will be upgraded as well, the materials they used upgrading and strengthening.
Xander planned this because he already made some calculations. With the current population and the exponential trend of population growth, Xander is expecting the sentient population to break past 30-40 billion by then, with the non-sentient population reaching an amount of 300 to 400 billion, and the number of species breaks past 10-30 million.
The current area available, 9.025e+25 kilometers worth, is not sufficient for future growth if the population began to surpa.s.s a trillion or more. Xander was still a bit undecided about how he will design the new Eden, and if he would use the same s.p.a.ce or create a different one and transpose the entire contents of the garden inside.
Xander, after spending around 7,200 years inside, he left and headed to sleep as well. He had to wake up early and enter the auction house using the mirror image, after all.
The next day. Elema Planet was quite packed with different powerhouses, clans, ancient families, and organizations invited to attend the auction.
The auction house was structured in such a way that 8 very wide roads connect to its entrances and exits. Each entrance and exit was divided into 3 lines: Normal, VIP, and special guests. It was 13 stories tall, with a diameter of 2000 meters, roughly 6300 meters in circ.u.mference. Xander was in one of the entrances, heading to the special lane designed for special guests.
When he came close to the entrance, a man who looked like he was in his late 20s was standing gracefully, and when he saw he, wasn't disrespectful, but rather, said,
"Good Morning, sir. This lane entrance is for special and esteemed guests invited by the auction house. May I see your invitation card?"
Xander silently nodded in response, handing him the card that was given to him a few days earlier, which had the logo KAH industries, which accordingly stood for Koeman Auction Houses. This was the one ruling the auction house scene, owning different auction companies for different types of items and qualities.
When the man saw the color of the card, he paled, before his pair of trembling hands held the card carefully, and followed the procedures for checking.
After the test and confirming it was authentic, it was scanned into the terminal in front of him, which then showed the importance of the Xander to the Koeman Group.
The Koeman group follows the same ranking for Mercenaries in their VIP members.h.i.+p, but with a twist: Each rank has 10 levels each.
Bronze-I to Bronze-X, then Silver-I to Silver-X, then Gold-I to Gold-X, and so on until Adamantium-X.
The bronze to Obsidian ranks are considered VIP, but those in the Adamantium ranks are considered special guests.
"Esteemed guest, your ident.i.ty has been verified, and as an Adamantium-III rank guest, you would have your own private room for the next 2 days, as well as allowing you to access different services reserved for a personage of your level. Please, follow me!" The man said, bowing while handing the card back to Xander, with the latter taking it and merely nodding.
In fact, Xander barely knew anything about the members.h.i.+p. He didn't really care about it, to be honest.
Xander entered calmly the gateway, following the man and disappearing in the eyes of the onlookers on the other lines. Another person replaced the man who escorted Xander, standing and calmly looking for the rest of the special guests that might stop by.
Although VIPs had their own lane, they weren't treated as special as the personages in the special guests' list. Some of them were foreign to one another, some were acquaintances, while others were already gossiping about Xander's appearance and ident.i.ty.
"Wow? Who was that man? I haven't seen him before. How did he get an Adamantium-grade card from Koeman?"
"Ugh, you should stop thinking about these people. It makes us VIP people feel like those regular people on the other line," said another VIP in a disgruntled tone. To be honest, their treatment of VIPs were quite good, since they were also escorted to the area for VIPs, but they didn't have the same luxury of having a private room.
What they did have was that they can mingle with other people of the same stature, and not join the chaos of the regular auction goers in the ground, 2nd, and 3rd floors. The 4th to the 9th floor were reserved for VIP guests, after all. The last 4 floors were reserved for special guests, and each major auction house of the Koeman Group can hold 108 special guests at a time.
"Hey, Reva, what do you think about that young man who just entered the special guests' lane? Do you know who it was?" A young woman asked her friend, who was a lanky-looking man, who shook his head.
"It's weird. I don't recognize the man at all in any of the databases I have about VIPs and persons of interest in the Galactic Empire, Martina. Maybe he's an outsider?" Reva responded, a bit confused.
It was Reva's 4th time attending the Elema auction, so he was quite familiar with distinguished people who attended this event.
"Huh. That's possible. After all, didn't you see that they revised the list of items being sold? They added roughly 1000 other items! According to the rumors, these were consigned by one being who has an alias of Chronicler." Martina said, twirling her lock of hair hanging on the side of her head.
"That's true. That being must be proficient in the field of elixir making and artifact creation to create that many items." Reva agreed.
"Oh well, hopefully, he wouldn't be competing for the items we came for," Martina said, a bit hopeful. The reason they only went to this G.o.dforsaken empire was that the auction house was going to auction different types of elixir pills made by the same being: the Chronicler. The pill that caught their attention was the Immaculate quality, 20-star elixir pill, Sundries of the Ancient Sunrise, and Immaculate quality, 20-star elixir, Dewdrops of Lifespring.
Their master, who saw these two items, almost turned blue out of excitement, telling…no, ordering the two of his beloved direct disciples to buy these pills at all costs.
In fact, this reaction was a bit normal, since those magibiopharmacists at the rank of Grandmaster and Ancestor were quite intrigued with the elixirs Xander had consigned to the Koeman Group because theoretically, these specific elixirs can only be refined up to 18-19 stars, and at most, at Perfect quality.
When they confirmed that this was not a typo, they immediately sent their closest representatives to get at least one of these pills, while they themselves used up their favors with other powerful cultivators to gain the other pills no matter what means of action they use.
Of course, another reason why the auction this time was quite boisterous is because of the appearance of Cla.s.s 6 and 5 magic artifacts. It is a well-known fact that the strongest empires had their own set of Cla.s.s-4 artifacts, the highest Cla.s.s of artifact that they could own inside the universe, and these artifacts were quite rare as its main material involved G.o.d cultivators. Cla.s.s 5 and 6 artifacts, on the other hand, were considered rarities due to individuals and certain factions and groups in the wide universe. After all, it did involve materials made up of Divine and Sage-rank cultivators and resources.
There were a lot of Divine and Sage cultivators who wanted to try their luck and get a magic artifact as well as life-saving elixirs/elixir pills. Some, however, just wanted to get a sample of the pills and the artifacts to find out how they were refined and created. All in all, they were thanking the heavens that the auction was held in the Galactic Empire, where their currency was weaker than the Universal notes.
What caught the eye of the observant ones was that the name, or alias, of the being that sold both magic artifacts and the elixir products were of the same name.