Of course, Xander has no idea what these people were thinking. If he could read their minds, he would have laughed. He hasn't done anything at all, and was just mimicking the generals he had seen in the movies.
After the meeting, Xander and the rest dispersed, beginning to do their respective jobs. Xander decided to head outside and into the garden, where he planned to get some samples for the first experiment he wanted to try: Plant sentience.
Of course, he was no plant mage, nor was he an acknowledge botanist, but he did have one thing that these professionals didn't have: the power of time and s.p.a.ce.
He wanted to check if given enough time, will biological, non-sentient beings develop sentience? It was a simple question, but it gave rise to possible implications of how special life forms besides humans, elves, and dwarves could exist, such as magical beasts and sprites.
First and foremost, he selected a simple thorned rose as a test subject. He then dug it up and transferred it into a different patch of land, one that was devoid of other plants. What he did next was quite daring; he changed the time around the flower and the soil underneath it, increasing it to a ratio of 1 second outside:100 minutes inside the plot of land, which led to the elemental particles and energies in that area to actually rapidly increase and condense. The situation inside was literally the elements continuously propagating faster than the s.p.a.ce outside. With the help of s.p.a.ce magic, he isolated the plot of land to avoid dispersing the particles to the rest of the garden.
He completed the setup 2 hours before lunch. He continued to observe the changes until it was lunchtime. There were no significant changes on the flower, or the soil; they both just seemed glossier and healthier than before. He left the garden and ate his lunch. After roughly an hour he returned to the garden.
What he saw surprised him. In that plot of land, the flower had already bloomed; and inside the flower, there was a tiny person lying down, sleeping on the flower. It looked delicate and feminine, yet it does not have any reproductive organs at all. He could barely see it as it was quite transluscent. Xander, however, recognized what it was: a Plant sprite. Xander calculated how long has it been. It has been 2 years for the plant and soil. So how could it produce such a sprite? could it be the condensing elemental particles led to a speedy development of the flower spirit? How about the soil? Has it changed drastically as well?
Xander began investigating the soil and saw that there was a ma.s.s of earth elemental energies condensing right under the roots of the plant. It seems not every sprite is easily developed; each element would seem to have a different period of time as well as elemental concentration to form a sprite.
He continued to observe that plot of land. As time pa.s.sed, the color and size of the flower sprite continued to deepen and increase, while the earth sprite of the soil continued to acc.u.mulate elemental energies.
6 hours, or 4 years later for the plot of land, dinner was ready. After finis.h.i.+ng, he headed back to the garden and continued his observation; nothing much has changed, but the soil was already in a deep brown color, while the plant was turning from radiant green to jade-green, with its thorns seemingly looking like facets of a crystal rose. The petals of the rose turned from rich red to a vibrant gradient of the sunset.
Since there wasn't much change in the development of the soil and the plant, he decided to create a s.p.a.ce barrier just in case the sprites awaken and escape, and headed to his room to sleep for the night.
The next day.
Xander woke up with a yawn; he headed down and looked for breakfast. The meal was quickly prepared and he began to browse the news today using his tablet.
He didn't see anything noteworthy; there wasn't much that would affect his plans. There was a piece of news that did catch his eyes, which was about the escalating tensions between Eta and Nema, the two superpowers in Eteria Planet. It caught his eye because Callows city was in the Delta province, which was one of the 10 provinces of Eta. At the same time, he knew that this would result to war in 200 years; a war that lasted 50 years before Eta emerging as the winner. Nema is absorbed by the country of Eta, which in turn, resulted to the formation of the parliament for the remaining 40 countries, uniting to make sure that Eta is kept in check.
1000 years later after this incident, due to multiple situations and escalating violence, both Eta and the Parliament merges, creating the Eteria Empire. The Eteria empire would have a unified universal currency, and the depreciation of the previous different currencies began. Of course, Eta was still a strong currency after 700 years of unification, only depreciating to a hundredth of its original value, while the rest of the currencies were already obsolete. What was interesting that after the unification, technological and magical development flourished, such as body augmentations, and longer lifespan for those below the Mythic cla.s.s.
1000 years after the unification, they finally were able to step into s.p.a.ce and began their planetary expansion. They were able to, for some reason, reach faster than the speed of light with the help of the magic runic spells found in another ancient ruins 600 years after the unification. It took them 400 years to develop a magic-techological s.p.a.ce carrier, allowing tens of thousands of humanoid lifeforms to enter and traverse the wide starry s.p.a.ce.
When Xander saw this future, what he wanted to do was get the augmentation, as well as get the runic spells that they had found. He thinks that the runic spells were actually the partial fusion of s.p.a.ce-time elements, given that they were able to achieve superluminal speed, roughly between 2 to 20 times the speed of light. However, he planned to go there once his comprehension of s.p.a.ce-time elements are higher and his time travelling more longer and more stable, as well as his overall power being stronger than now. Who knows if Mythical magicians or higher became a common thing in that future?
After eating his breakfast, he headed to the garden and was quite surprised to see the changes that had happened. it has roughly been 16 years for the plot of land, and a lot has changed since then. The soil wasn't that brown anymore, but contained streaks of silver and jade green color. The plant looked like it was crystallized, forever immortalized, gleaming under the sunlight, with a height of 1 meter.
The sprites' were the largest change he had ever seen. The flower sprite had fully materialized, and it was roughly half the height of the rose plant with a humanoid shape. The sprite had mysterious markings in its arms and limbs, with the symbol of an opening rose right in its chest. The sprite looked like a male elf, but had feminine features.
The earth sprite, however, had a weird shape and looked like a turtle. It was munching on one of the roots of the plant, seemingly without care of what's happening in the outside world. The plant sprite, however, was quite furious with the earth sprite and attempted to command the roots to whip the turtle, which were all evaded by the turtle, who returned to munching the roots.
Xander smiled at this and headed to the modified plot of land. Upon detecting the presence of Xander, the plant sprite was shocked that it yelped before moving in front of the flower, as if wanting to defend it from Xander. The turtle looked up from beneath the ground, but resumed feeding on the the roots after a while.