Nothing remained, not even the trees he had planted. He was standing in his bas.e.m.e.nt now, and the s.p.a.ce he was in previously now completely gone.
"Let it be once more." When he said this words, from where he was standing, s.p.a.ce, time and matter was changing, producing a dark, lightless s.p.a.ce. After a while, glowing particles began to appear and collide, compress, and interact. Soon, the very first star was formed in the dark s.p.a.ce was formed, shedding light to everything. Yet, this was not the end. Soon, more and more stars dotted the dark s.p.a.ce, creating a starry landscape. More and more things began to rapidly be created in the starry landscape. Small meteors, neutron stars, dwarf planets, red giants, stars of different colors and sizes.
Xander's gaze looked at a certain part of the s.p.a.ce, and raised his right hand and pointed at it. From there, the 5-elements series began to rapidly converge, creating a planet thrice the size of Eteria. It was smaller than Eden, but it was big enough for the purpose of the s.p.a.ce. Within a matter of seconds, Green, brown, white, and blue colors filled the planet.
However, this wasn't the end. More and more planets after this one was rapidly being made, filled with evergreen lands and clear blue seas and skies. All in all, there was a total of 9 planets. The planets, as if controlled by an unseen force, began to move towards the largest Blue star in the s.p.a.ce, and soon, all 9 planets were circling the star, all in the same radius from the star.
Xander rapidly enlarged, encapsulating the entire s.p.a.ce, and on his left hand, the planets and the stars were encapsulated.
"Let the trees bloom once more." When Xander uttered these words, there was a strong, feedback reaction from the entire s.p.a.ce, and a stirring coming from the Universe outside the s.p.a.ce itself.
The whole s.p.a.ce was shaking, and multiple streams of colorless energy began to appear out of nowhere and hit the planets' surfaces. The trees began to materialize once again in the planets, but their places were separate this time.
The 1st planet contained all the Trees, 3 of each kind.The 2nd planet contained the Trees of Creation.The 3rd planet contained the Trees of Destruction.The 4th planet contained the Trees of Life.The 5th planet contained the Trees of Dimension.The 6th planet contained the Trees of Order.The 7th planet contained the Trees of Evolution.The 8th planet contained the Trees of Chaos.The 9th planet contained the Trees of Dream.
The planets, with the exception of the 1st, 3rd, and 8th planet, had 27 trees of the said type, a farm garden, as well as the presence of mountain deposits and areas where the different elemental crystals are rapidly compressed and acc.u.mulated.
The 3rd and 8th planet only contains 3 of the said type of trees, as well as the mountain deposits and the different elemental crystals were rapidly compressed and acc.u.mulated.
Each of the planets had their own laboratory set-ups, allowing Xander to do various experiments under different situations/environments, with the first one having a "balanced" environment.
Xander sighed, before saying,
"With the 9 planets at hand, let they become the foundation of the dimension. Let Order and Chaos be borne and proliferate in the s.p.a.ce." Immediately, the 9 planets and the star they orbit began to s.h.i.+ft in existence, s.h.i.+fting from material to immaterial, an illusion to a reality. No one else besides him can every find the planets, nor even take a step inside.
"Let the s.p.a.ce be established; the s.p.a.ce is now governed, independent of the rules of the place it is in." Immediately, separation between this s.p.a.ce and that of the ordered system of the universe it was in occurred, ensuring nothing can enter or exit without the creator's approval.
"Let Time flow." Everything began to move in a steady phase, all things gaining momentum and heading towards infinity from nihility. However, if someone was to compare the time inside and outside the dimension, 1 second outside would be equivalent to 20 years inside.
"…Let Life start to bloom beyond the 9 planets." As he uttered these words, motes of dust, rock, and metal began to collide and compress with one another, far away from the 9 planets. The process had begun, but wasn't finished yet, and Xander didn't rush. After 1 day, 1.7 million years would have pa.s.sed. After a week, 12 million years.
Ironically, this pocket dimension, which he decided to call Laboratory, was bound to the bas.e.m.e.nt, different to Eden which looked like a strong ribbon. The good thing, however, was that Xander can shrink this bas.e.m.e.nt and carry it wherever and whenever.
He left the pocket s.p.a.ce, and realized that it was already 7:30 pm. Xander shook his head, as his plans had been delayed for nearly 2 hours because of the sudden enlightenment. He wasn't angry though, since all of his comprehensions had a large increase in understanding.
s.p.a.ce-time increased by 8%, rising to 39% comprehension.
Yin-yang increased by 9%, reaching 29% comprehension.
Order and Chaos increased by 4%, both were now 20% comprehended. It was these two that allowed him to realize greater mysteries and truths concerning the flow of time and structure of s.p.a.ce, how all of this plays out in the cycle of creation of destruction.
Nothing is absolutely pure besides Void element. Order contains aspects of Chaos, Chaos contains aspects of Order. s.p.a.ce, time, yin, yang, life, and death contain aspects of Chaos and Order, with one being more predominant than the other.
One could say everything is in order, but is a form of disorder, and vice versa.
He checked the description of his spell, [Origin Universe], that he used when he recreated the laboratory dimension.
[Origin Universe (sealed, 20% unlocked)]: Combining all origin elements except the Void element, one is able to create a small, stable, and independent ordered system in the Great Void, existing until the ordered system set collapses. It doesn't need continuous s.p.a.ce-time reinforcement. It can now absorb and convert the Void or other elements to origin elements to grow, stabilize, and enhance the created ordered system, with a maximum size of 2e+108 light-years. The size growth is approximately 500 light-years per year, taking around 4e+105 Giganums, where 1 gigannum is 1 billion years, to reach its limit size. In the Void, however, the s.p.a.ce it takes up does not increase but remains the same. If this is used inside another universe, the newly-created ordered system is not recognized as a foreign one and can continue to leech off from the universe for materials.
The description was obviously updated, the limit of the maximum size of the s.p.a.ce created, and larger size growth. Using it with [Pocket Dimension], he can finally say that he can make self-sustaining s.p.a.ces. His current limit of pocket dimension's size was a radius of 1.12e+15 light-years, and he would need to reinforce it every day. However, he didn't need reinforcement now since [Origin Universe] helps with this automatically. This was the size limit that he had enforced when he remade the laboratory.
He then connected with his mirror image inside the Garden, overlooking Eteria planet. All the sages were in front of the Garden, prepared to launch their attacks the moment they detected any fluctuations of magic or elements whatsoever.
Looking at them, Xander let out a smile. Time to screw with them~_______________________Eteria, around 5:45 pm.
All around the world, the panic was present.
5 minutes ago, the sky had darkened completely, unlike a regular sunset in Eteria. It was then the satellites began to beep loudly in each and every country, showing different footages of the surrounding area.
What they saw horrified them.
It was a ma.s.s of green, squirming roots, stems, leaves, and flowers, branches and trunks of trees were seen rising gigantically into the endless s.p.a.ce. The satellites they had could barely see the top and the bottom of the thing. Inside, they saw countless creatures of varying shapes and sizes, basically giving birth to their wildest imaginations.
Immediately, the countries had called for and rallied different conglomerates and families to inform the sages of the current situation. However, they didn't need them at all to learn of its presence; they detected it once it came to overshadow the entire planet.
The sages could feel a powerful life force coming from the thing that appeared in front of Eteria, and when they left the atmosphere to see it clearly, they were smacked with the enormity of the thing, as well as how dense the power it seemed to contain. Some of the sages could even feel some sort of attractive and absorbing power present in the thing.
They weren't sure if this was a magic beast of some sort, or another unique being in the universe. However, they all had a horrifying thought: Was this the danger that Ms. Carolyn had predicted? After all, the warning was given more than an hour ago.
Without waiting for anything else, they began to ready their strongest spells, aiming them at the thing in front of them, alert and waiting for a signal of some sort to start attacking.
If it came in peace and was pa.s.sing by, good then, they'll just greet it, even giving some specialties of the planet, and let it go to its destination.
If it came to this place on purpose, however… they're in for a long fight.
30 minutes later. There was still no reactions from the thing in front of them. Their spells were still readied.
Another 30 minutes pa.s.sed. There was still no reactions. No one amongst the sages wanted to approach the area, becoming the sacrificial lamb of the group. They were very patient. They didn't need to rush.
Another 45 minutes pa.s.sed. There was finally movement from the thing, which rapidly moved out and about, forming crevices and holes, and if someone were to look at the thing from Eteria or from far away from the planet, they would see a face.
A sound was released from the largest opening, vibrating the s.p.a.ce and the atmosphere of Eteria.
"Huh? Oh, I fell asleep… Oh h.e.l.lo, lower lifeforms." The voice echoed all over Eteria, causing several buildings and structures to break and collapse, and the waves in the seaside countries to rise and crash inland, causing untold damage. A lot of people who were demiG.o.d and below began to bleed from their eyes and ears, clutching their heads in agony.
Of course, there were exceptions. For example, Jacks' place was quite isolated from the events, an instruction he had received from Xander earlier.
There are also some places unaffected, such as sage-reinforced underground bunkers and facilities, albeit they experienced some shaking and the like, but little to none were actually damaged inside.
A simple h.e.l.lo, however, for all countries, had caused untold damage in the economy in the local and global aspects.
The simple h.e.l.lo the garden had released was laced with s.p.a.ce and Wave powers, causing such damage in the first place.
All of the sages were unaffected, however, by the greeting. One of the sages, one of the strongest ones, Varmin Bloodslinger, a Sage-7 magician, spoke up to the garden calmly.
"h.e.l.lo, mysterious being. What brings you to our humble planet?" When he asked this question, the remaining sages casted a combined spell matrix and covered the entire planet, to nullify the damage of the voice produced, muting it to 0.01% of its strength.
"I'm under the orders of my master to look for someone here. You wouldn't understand the greatness of my master, so don't bother asking for master's ident.i.ty. Move out of the way!"
His voice vibrated, and numerous vines and stems began to extend from the being, heading towards the planet, each of them moving as fast as a Divine magician. The sages erected their magic barriers, momentarily stopping the vines and stems from reaching the planet.
However, before they could breathe a relief, their faces changed, as they noticed their magic barriers were becoming thinner at the areas where the stems and vines were hitting. After a few seconds, the barriers they erected were now filled with holes, which was the entry point of these appendages.
Before it got to the surface of the planet, though, they were all rapidly burned by one of the Sage-6 female magicians, Blair Witchpoint.
"Ow!" the garden shouted, expressing his pain. A loud tsking sound echoed in s.p.a.ce.
"That wasn't kind, was it, attempting to intrude our planet?" she said angrily, releasing a blazing field of fire that rapidly expanded as it traveled to reach the garden.
However, to her surprise, the garden merely opened its largest opening, swallowing the flame she released.
"Mmm, yummy fire!"
"Anyways, why are you hindering my job? My boss said to get the target asap because some cultivators were trying to catch him… wait, are you those people?" the garden said roaringly, immediately launching thousands of vines and stems towards each and every sage magician present. All the sages in stage 1, 2, and 3 were instantly captured, while those above stage 3 had to use their spells to destroy the incoming vines. However, they noticed another horrifying fact; those that they destroyed were quickly growing back! If they launched the same attack once again, it wouldn't be severely affected, and even absorb the attack!
"Everyone, try not to use spells to escape or reject the vines! They learn from our attacks and using it to its advantage!" Shouted by Blair, whose flames were also weakening under the a.s.sault of the vines and stems.
"Hmph, I knew it, you guys are bad! How dare you attack the direct disciple of my master! You should be punished for that!" The gigantic face howled, launching a barrage of attacks once more.
This time, it began to cast several hundreds of demiG.o.d rank spells, targeting the sages. It didn't cause that much damage to them but it was rather quite an inconvenience.
Seeing that there wasn't much effect, the gigantic-faced garden roared again, this time, targeting the spell barrier they placed around Eteria. It began to bombard the spell, slowly degrading and absorbing parts of the spell. Seeing this, the other Sages reacted quite quickly.
Blair and a few other Sage-6 magicians immediately destroyed the vines and the stems absorbing the spell, eradicating them to dust.
However, it felt like it was never-ending. More and more of the vines and stems were appearing from the garden, continuously stressing the sages who were forced on the defensive.
It was then a melancholic sound echoed in the empty s.p.a.ce, something that wasn't possible unless you can vibrate s.p.a.ce itself. The garden's face didn't notice it, but the sages who heard this were quite happy because they knew who this skill was owned by.
"The Cadence of Souls, awaken thy blood. My body is my sword, let everything be cut."
"[Blade of Damocles: Dance of the Guilty]" Varmin shouted, causing his blood to flow outside his body, forming a small sword with a length of 6 meters, a thickness of 0.1 centimeters.
The blade floated in front of the gigantic garden, its body upright and unyielding, producing a fearsome aura. It began to curve downwards, slowly but surely, and in front of the eyes of the sages, they saw the face slowly being cut in half in the middle.
After its first cut that took 10 seconds, it was followed by several other cuts, this time, way faster than the first one, with each cut being completed in less than a second.
After roughly 2 minutes, the blade cut the gigantic face one last time, and the moment it ended, the whole garden began to collapse. The sages cheered in joy, and those who were watching down in Eteria were also cheering, as they thought the worse was over.
However, it didn't last long.
The pieces of the garden didn't dissipate, but rather, they began connecting again with one another. It was slow, and when the sages saw what was happening, they attempted to interrupt or even completely stop the recovery by bombarding it with their strongest sage spells.
Part by part, the garden fragmented and became broken. However, individually, they were still connected to one another, continuously absorbing the leftover energy from the spells cast on them, hastening the process.
After 15 more minutes, the sages were despairing, because they had launched around 200 different sage rank spells, yet the beast they were facing wasn't dead yet; in fact, every time they hit it with a spell, it was actually becoming faster in their regeneration.
It was Blair, the other Sage-6 cultivators, and Varmin who ordered everyone to stop attacking, since it was quite pointless.
After 10 more minutes, the garden was reformed, albeit a bit bigger than before. It morphed to produce the face once again and roared at them.
"What big gall you have to attack a loyal follower of our Lord! You must be punished! Punished!"
"My children, Go! Devour the planet and find the disciple! He must be brought away from these savages!" After roaring this, the garden began rapidly shrinking, and a swarm of plant-based creatures began to appear, covering the entire planet, totally blocking out the sun.
If someone was to count how many there were, they would be surprised, as it reached hundreds of billions in number of varying shapes and sizes.
Not only that, but these things also had the same ability as the Garden: siphon and absorption. Unless they completely obliterate the creature, if even a small part of them survived, they can regrow from it, and even gain the remaining energy of the attacks, adapting and becoming stronger against the same energy type.
When Xander had designed the spell, what came to his mind was the idea of Zergs from his previous lifetime; they were adaptable and evolve quickly, adapting to the situation. He just added a twist: What if it wasn't through genetic inheritance, but based on their body itself, as a living, morphing genetic body? Since the Zergs were basically extinct in the universe, he didn't have to worry that anyone would mistake the creatures from the garden as Zergs.
Seeing the situation devolve into such, the sages began to go all out with their forbidden, AoE spells. They couldn't hesitate to use them anymore; these spells of theirs would determine whether they would even survive the swarm.
Although the power of the swarm ranged from Mythic-1 to DemiG.o.d-9, they would still be overwhelmed once their magic energies ran out, and their resources were gone and dried up.
It was Blaire who first released her forbidden magic matrix.
"I summon the Incarnation of h.e.l.lfire, to purge my enemies and reduce everything to nothing!"
"[s.h.i.+va's Rage: Rise of Muspelheim]!" Immediately, the area where the planet was rapidly devolved into a different world, the dark starry skyline turning red and brown at moments as if something was coming out of the void, attempting to burn and break everything into cinders.