The applicants began to enter the campus and headed towards their respective testing venues.
"Huh, Novera building, room 212. Is this a second-floor room?" Xander muttered. He recalled his past life's experience in college; three-digit rooms usually indicated 2 things: the floor where the room is, and the room number.
He asked around and was able to reach the Novera building after 5 minutes of walking. Xander headed upstairs, and looking around for a bit, found the right cla.s.sroom and entered, taking a seat. There were a few people already present in the room.
After an hour, the room was already filled up. The test proctor was already present and began the first testing phase.
"Alright applicants, open the CommLink in your tables and type in the following details..."
"... The a.n.a.lytical test is to be accomplished within 50 minutes. The test has been designed to be completed within 50 minutes. After completing the test, you may proceed to the next testing ground."
"The test begins... Now!"
Xander began to answer the questions in an inhuman speed as possible. He didn't dare use his abilities on time warping as it may affect his qualifications if caught red-handed.
There were 100 questions, and on average, he answered it in 3-4 items per minute. In 30 minutes, he was done with the a.n.a.lytical test. He immediately submitted the results to the proctor.
The questions weren't that challenging to Xander, as these questions were at most, below collegiate level difficulty. For him who had a strong intellectual foundation who already began studying collegiate level research papers as well as graduate research papers, this was a cinch.
The questions were quite diverse, however, which wasn't within his expectation. Besides the additional biotechnology, mathematics, and physics questions, there were questions on history, sociology, and even psychology.
The proctor was a bit surprised, but remembering his duties, he reminded Xander that he should proceed to the Gymnasium room after giving him the first certificate of completion.
Although normally, proctors can't check the answers of the applicants as they are submitted immediately for checking, the proctor in charge of the room where Xander tested in was someone with a high clearance in Grand Hyatt University.
Within a few minutes, he requested for the score of the first applicant, Xander Cloverfield, and was shocked to see his results.
Multiple choice section... perfect!
True or false section... perfect!
Essay section... Outstanding!
Psychological a.n.a.lysis: Stable and focused!
Score rating: S+
Recommended for the Advanced Track Program!
The proctor began checking the essay question, and was almost scared out the living daylight, letting out a m.u.f.fled gasp.
"Was t-this... an answer an incoming college student should have? This looked like someone talking to a research conference and knew what they were talking about." the proctor mumbled.
He later shook his head, and closed the results. He continued sitting by the desk, acting as a proctor.
Xander, unknown to him that he just scared the proctor, moved on and he headed to the next test, the scientific a.n.a.lysis. According to the experience of his parents, the scientific a.n.a.lysis is simple, as it measures the physical attributes of the body and its apt.i.tude towards magical essences. At the same time, the test takers are to go in a virtual reality where they are to show off their fighting capability through a simulated magic test.
Xander was not in a rush as he continued towards the Gymnasium room. Upon entering, there were no other partic.i.p.ants. The whole gymnasium floor was littered with numerous, pod-like cabins. His entrance garnered the attention of the proctors in charge of the testing.
He approached one of them and showed the certificate of completion, in which the proctor merely nodded and instructed him to go into one of the pods.
Upon entering the pod and putting the helmet on, he immediately saw the s.p.a.ce around him morph into a mountainous area. Immediately, he felt a wave of energy pa.s.s through him, seemingly laying bare his entirety for anyone to see.
However, he was only momentarily suprised, before calming again, since he knew it was only the customary scan. With the help of what he had learned from the servers of the government, this virtual machine pod was easily tricked by Xander into thinking that he only had the 5-elements as his primary elements, and the s.p.a.ce-time elements completed hidden.
He also increased the affinity of the elements to his body to the highest, legal-looking as possible. What was great about this testing machine is it only gives the primary elements the user has, as well as the rating for the affinity towards these elements; no numbers, no issue. All the data are deleted and cleared after the rating is released as well, thus giving the tester privacy.
After the magic apt.i.tude and element affinity screenings, the final test was a simulated magical test. After all, no matter how good you are in theory, if it cannot be executed in reality, what was its point? Here, the partic.i.p.ant is asked to fight a series of targets, whether physically or using magic. The physical fight can be done by the tester using elemental energy to amplify his physical attributes for a period of time by several degrees. Using magic to fight is more complex because it a.s.sumes you already reached Elite cla.s.s and has at least a spell or two. This test is done in the virtual reality.
What's good about this is that virtual reality had already reached a level of 99.999% likeness to reality, even having the capacity to actually simulate what is happening in the body when casting spells.
The reason for this is that virtual reality here is not managed by just some gigantic quantum supercomputer, but also involves the usage of ancient magic found in the ruins. When he saw the pictures of the runic writing on the magic circles from the governments cla.s.sified research doc.u.ments, he immediately recognized the runes: It was identical to the runes unique to time and s.p.a.ce magic spells!
It made Xander postulate at that time that there were time and s.p.a.ce magicians, but maybe they existed from a distant past? After all, the recorded history of Eteria was more than 1 million years.
From the mountainous area, he was transported into a field. Upon transferring, Xander had a question in mind: how do they replicate the body of the tester then? Is it all bits and data, then imbued with magic? Or is there life-death magic involved? Could every instance of a tester in virtual reality be bits of data that gained life, but no sentience, under the command of the tester?
Xander didn't immerse too much on the details and had focused on the task at hand: he was to destroy all 50 targets within the time limit. According to the information given to him by the proctor, the faster he accomplishes the task the higher the ranking score.
Without wasting any time, he began to launch succeeding attacks towards the moving targets, which were dire wolves.
Combining Void Wind and 5 Elements Foundation, he began to showcase his elemental affinities.
"Fire Ball"
"Water Ball"
"Wooden Thorns"
"Air Blade"
"Metal Chains"
"Eroding Miasma"
"Chain Lightning"
"Eternal Iceberg"
Xander cast 15 different spells in the span of a second, with each cast of a spell hit each and every target accurately, missing no targets at all. In 10 seconds, all of the targets were down, and Xander's stamina and magic reserves were unaffected. He only managed to complete it in 10 seconds because the spells he launched had an area of effect.
"Hmm, it seems there's still a need to practice more on casting spells..." Xander muttered. After all, his spell casting was boosted by the Void Wind skill, allowing him to cast chantlessly and shortened the casting time for each spell. What Xander wanted was to increase the number of spells he could cast in a second.
Although Xander seemed disappointed with his own performance, in actuality, the people outside were surprised by the efficiency Xander showed, as they could see the results real time. Even those observing the data being projected in the real world were shocked.
"This...he's not cheating is he?" a proctor stammered, quite surprised with the result. He still couldn't believe that the test they designed was easily accomplished in 30 seconds.
"Hmph, how could he even cheat! It's obvious we have a genius in our hands!" a man wearing rebuked the proctor. It was the head of admissions, Joseph Feng.
"So how do we grade him? Direct admission? Or does he still need to pa.s.s the last test?" another proctor asked, as they were quite at a loss.
Why where they at a loss? Its because the minimum time to accomplish this test was found to be 3 minutes, and they would get an S ranking for their completion. Yet, Xander completed the test in less than 30 seconds. What grade should they give him? SS? SSS? SSS+?
"Of course he needs to pa.s.s the last test! This isn't the old times where you just have to be good in one aspect; we're looking for well-rounded geniuses!" Joseph replied, his eyes glimmering.
"I remember this test has 3 stages, correct? Unlock them all for this applicant."
"But the other 2 stages are still in testing mode; it's impossible that they wouldn't be harmed physically in the real world!" said one of the technicians.
"Hmm, is that so? Then doesn't it make it more interesting to see how he'll react? Send a letter of consent to the applicant inside, detailing the risks of the next 2 stages. However, state the rewards of completing the 2 stages as well." Joseph responded calculatingly. He knew that kids nowadays were hot-blooded.