Maybe, it could get affected by Time stop, but how long would it last? 30 seconds? 1 second? or not even at all? Before continuing to replicate again in the ordered system of the pocket garden, slowly corrupting everything residing and born in it. Create a black hole and eject the runic lifeform? That involves completely removing the runic lifeform from the ordered system, and right now, he doesn't have the capacity to do that.
Xander thought for all possible, non-destructive ideas before vetoing them all in the end, and what's he's left was one option. Eradication of the pocket s.p.a.ce.
First and foremost, after he had surrounded the pocket s.p.a.ce with origin elements, he then disconnected every single karmic thread and every single dimension the pocket s.p.a.ce had access to the ordered system outside. At the same time, he wanted to chuck in the pyramid-shaped remains of the pocket s.p.a.ce ruins into the garden, but once again, his senses indicated severe danger if he did so. With the help of the System, he a.n.a.lyzed the situation and came up with two conclusions:
The remnant can be used by the virus to activate the dead part of the runic life form, allowing it to have a complete existence once more, which might allow it to escape the binding he had placed.
The remnant may actually contain a living part of the runic life form, indicating that his initial destruction of the pocket s.p.a.ce was not enough to kill it. Which would indicate that the runic lifeform was a life form beyond G.o.d cla.s.s.
After complete isolation, he left the beasts and sprites inside, asleep. They were never to wake up again from their beautiful dreams. It was a hard decision for Xander. He loved them, loved each and every one of them, especially since he got to know them more and more clearly.
To kill them is basically mercy for them right now. He had seen that there was a fundamental change in their being, especially those recently born. They were, in a nice way, formed crippled, demented, or crazy. Those who lived for a long time in the garden, even before the change into a pocket s.p.a.ce, were also slowly changing, their abilities distorting, their biological aspects morphing into something else.
Although he loved them as his own children, he was technically just 7 years old. He quite valued his life, thank you very much. He also rationalized to himself that he can just create more of them in the future, anyways. Although that sounded callous to anyone who might hear it, that's just the cycle of life. Even if he destroyed this pocket s.p.a.ce, because of its semi-independent nature from the ordered universe it is placed in, there is still a connection between the two, such as the reincarnation system for the idea of 'existence' and 'soul'.
He closed his eyes and took one last look at the garden. This time, he forcefully commanded the ordered system in the pocket dimension to self-destruct, destroying and annihilating every single thing. As soon as the command was issued, the ordered system was destroyed, and the remnants of the runic lifeform could be visibly seen this time appearing in the collapsing s.p.a.ce-time dimension, screeching at the direction of where Xander was, who could see it even without activating [Divine Eyes].
The elves were still in deep sleep, unbothered that slowly, their bodies were disintegrating, evaporating into pure motes of light. The sentient gra.s.s, who remained in the dimension, merely sighed in sadness and waved his final goodbye to wherever Xander was, before disintegrating into motes of light.
After a while, no magic beasts, sprites, or sentient beings were alive, and only the runic lifeform was still struggling, attempting to find a way out of the collapsing s.p.a.ce. Xander began to collapse the pocket s.p.a.ce, forming another crystalline orb, floating in the air. Xander then activated two of his spells, [Void Hole] and [Shattered World].
This was to ensure that s.p.a.ce, where the pocket dimension was placed at the moment, was completely separated from the universe before he opened up a hole and chucked the s.p.a.ce around the crystalline orb into the void. After chucking it out, he closed the void and he used [Ragnarok] on the remaining s.p.a.ce that he disconnected from the universe, causing everything to collapse and be destroyed within 10 seconds, and the area looked like a primordial soup of matter and broken elemental particles and their rules, representations damaged and distorted by the Destruction rule of the Chaos element.
After 10 seconds, the area began to coagulate and compact itself, creating a spatial void in the area. Everything in it, the elements and the material and immaterial matter, it's all reduced to the purest, creation energy, before coalescing into a Seed of Life, which he immediately kept. With his enhanced sensitivity to the will of the universe, he saw that the void began to fill up with the power of the ordered system.
He then used his powers to scan the surrounding s.p.a.ce and his body as well, checking the situation of his enemy, whether it managed to escape again or not. Upon seeing no anomalies around him or in his body, he heaved a sigh of relief.
He then looked around and shook his head. There was a bit of a problem: His room was totally destroyed, and looked like a starry sky, per se, but is actually more of the purest ordered system structure that can be found governing the universe. Basically, if someone was a Sage rank and was attempting to create his or her own universe, this would be a good place to look at.
Xander thought for a moment for a possible solution to fix the area before coming up with a solution: Add the origin elements in the area and let them do the job of recovering it. At the same time, he tried connecting to the ordered system, but with no avail. It seems even with his current abilities, he still couldn't influence the ordered system as he did with his pocket dimension.
Xander released and channeled the Order and Chaos elements, followed by the 3 paired origin elements, fixing up the spatial void. It was quite slow; it would probably take months before the task is finished. He tried to speed up the time, but immediately returned it to normal when he saw the starry spatial void shake violently, producing creaking sounds.
Speeding up time is out of the options then. Oh well, guess I'll have to wait, Xander said to himself. In the meantime, he connected the secret pathway to his laboratory to the room opposite to his bedroom and transferred to that room for the next few months.
Xander then headed down to the pocket laboratory to check the situation, repeating the scanning process. After he finished, he saw that everything was normal and there wasn't much to worry about. After checking up on the small garden and the mineral deposits in the small mountain inside the laboratory, he left the pocket dimension and headed to the Villa's garden once again.
The garden was bare; there were only soil and a few growing. All the cultured rosebushes, tree brush, and rows of different colorful flowers were gone. Xander momentarily felt sad, before strengthening his resolve once more. He wouldn't make mistake again.
Immediately, he utilized his abilities again to create a pocket s.p.a.ce, before thinking, how had his universe-creating spell, [Origin Universe], improved since his recent breakthrough? He checked the system and went to the description of the skill.
[Origin Universe (sealed, 11% unlocked)]: Combining all origin elements except the Void element, one is able to create a small, stable, and independent ordered system in the Great Void, existing until the ordered system set collapses. It can now absorb and convert the Void Element to origin elements to grow, stabilize and enhance the created ordered system, with a maximum size of 2^121 lightyears. The size growth is approximately 0.5 lightyears per year, taking around 5.31x10^27 giganums, where 1 gigannum is 1 billion years, to reach its limit size. In the Void, however, the s.p.a.ce it takes up does not increase but remains the same.
Xander thought about the spell's description and wondered, what if I bring my newly-created universe in the Great Void back into the universe I came from? Would it destroy my universe or devour it? Or would it cause it to reject its existence and not allow its entry?
I should test it out after finis.h.i.+ng college. Probably by then, the world hasn't ended, anyways.
Xander utilized the two spells, [Pocket Dimension] and [Origin Universe] to establish a semi-independent, living pocket s.p.a.ce. Time began to flow in the pocket s.p.a.ce, and elements began to exist within the s.p.a.ce, appearing and multiplying, their rules solidifying and creating conformations. Light appeared, creating a light-day cycle in the pocket s.p.a.ce. At this moment, it was still empty, no physical matter existed even, besides Xander.
Using the soil he got from the garden, he began replicating them in tremendous amounts, exponentially increasing them to the point of creating several octillion tonnes of soil all over the pocket s.p.a.ce. He structured the pocket s.p.a.ce like a Mobius strip, so the living s.p.a.ce is actually manifesting itself as a one-sided ribbon configuration. Within that dimension, the land was uneven, with plains, mountains, hills, valleys, crevices, canyons, and large gaps between the similarly-leveled land, creating the foundation of oceans, seas, rivers, and lakes, where everything just loops back to each other. The size of the s.p.a.ce if one walks through it would be 2 lightyears in length, looping back to its original starting point. The area, or how wide it is, however, was limited to 1 lightyear in width. In terms of the distance from the end of the s.p.a.ce to the highest point in the sky, well, it was a total of 2 lightyears, from no matter what your location was in the pocket s.p.a.ce. From the topsoil to the lower border of the s.p.a.ce, it was roughly 1 lightyear.
After the land has been structured, they were further reinforced by the earth/metal elements, forming a solid foundation for the ground. Water elements began to appear, so did Air elements. Water began to fill the basins, the crevices, and concaves on the ground, rapidly filling the pocket s.p.a.ce, up to thousands of kilometers in depth of water until it reached sea level. This created more variation in the type of land being formed, refined by the other elements.
Wood elements began to appear next, covering the soil with greenery. Hidden crevices in the mountains, caves, places without light or hint of life: Life was beginning to bloom. Even the deep underwater, plant life could be seen blooming in the darkness. From the wood elements, they began to undergo a cycle of life and death, giving birth to earth/metal elements, compounding itself to the soil.
From light, came fire being manifested for the first time, on a wood element medium, giving rise to the appearance of fire elements. Deserts, volcanoes, geothermal springs, lava lakes began to appear in the pocket s.p.a.ce, creating a diverse view of the world.
Upon seeing the 5 elements being established after the origin elements, Xander felt a sigh of relief. It wouldn't be too far before the other elements appear as well, and since the set-up was complete, he can now manipulate the ordered system in this pocket s.p.a.ce.
First and foremost, he established the rule of life evolution. It was basically non-existent here because Xander hasn't comprehended a lot about the Order and Chaos elements to establish the rule perfectly, so he just removed it out of the equation, rather than be exploited like what the Runic lifeform did to the previous garden. However, with the power of Life-Death elements, he can establish the formation of sentience in the biological and non-biological matter.
If he placed a flower and it survived under normal conditions, it would probably gain sentience after a few hundreds of years, but may not necessarily produce a sprite. Similar to placing an animal here; it would also gain sentience, but not necessarily transform into a magic beast. Maybe, these sentient animals can be considered a new type of being?
Reproduction in this pocket s.p.a.ce would literally be cloning the previous generation because of the rule of life evolution. If plants decided to interbred, randomly between the two of them, one would have their genes copied and created into a new life. The same goes for plants and animals placed in this s.p.a.ce.
Second, he modified the time acceleration to 1 second: 2 years or 172,000 years per day. This was a stable value of time acceleration with the following size configurations of the s.p.a.ce. He would need to reinforce it once every 10 years. If he left it untouched, approximately 630.7 million years would have pa.s.sed, allowing sentient beings in the dimension to actually reach, well, Sage-cla.s.s strength.
Third, the formation of sprites and magic beasts. To avoid the problem of unwanted sprites and magic beasts being formed, he only made sure that sprites of certain elements can only be formed. He did not allow Origin elements to form sprites or magic beasts. Not only that, but there were also areas in the pocket s.p.a.ce where there would be no formation of sprites or magic beasts whatsoever.
After this was set up, he began putting his plans into order. For the next couple of years inside the pocket s.p.a.ce, he was quite busy.
First, he placed a total of 400 libraries with identical contents of 40,000,000 million of books, novels, comics, writings, and research papers, around 0.1 lightyears away from one another. There were also libraries underwater and above the water, and even on-air, floating like a fortress. It was made with the same strongest alloy available from the Galactic Empire, the same type he made in the original garden. He also ensured that within a 2-kilometer radius, nothing would grow in the ground, nor can any material stand above it, within it, or on it. To ensure that the libraries would be noticed by the sprites, sentient beings, and magic beasts, he basically increased the density of the elements under the Origin elements in the area.
It has the same rules as the previous library he established; no one was allowed to take a book out, and they can stay for as long as 7 days. Time is slower inside, roughly 1 second outside the library: 1 day inside the library, or 1,656 years. The library was also very big, around 10 kilometers in diameter to fit all those materials. There was also a digital terminal present in the library, allowing them to choose and read a book on the screen if it wasn't available because someone is currently reading it.
To ensure that they would be very happy, welcoming, and give respect and reverence to Xander's presence in the garden, he inserted himself in the books, adding a sketch of himself in every book, novel, comics available.
He also plastered a statue of himself, his 7-year old self, that would also change as he grows and ages.
Second, the plants he transferred from the old garden.
He began to plant them in the same fas.h.i.+on as he did, placing them in one secluded corner of the world where the rule of no sprites or magic beasts formation applied. That plot of land was quite large, roughly 10,000,000 square kilometers. He planted the grown plants, a total of 120 species and 20 plants each species or 2400 plants all in all, in these places. He also modified the environment based on their elemental affinity where they grow best. Fire, Water, Air, Wood, Earth/Metal, Fortune, Misfortune, Reincarnation, Life, Death, Heaven, h.e.l.l, Purgatory, etc.
After modifying them, he then looked for a spot to plant the Seed of Life that he had gotten from his room. When he had planted the seed in the most central part of the s.p.a.ce pocket, he could feel that the elements, rules, representations, and matter had a qualitative change surrounding the area, and it was gradually increasing in the area of effect. It felt like this was similar to the effect of his spell [Garden of Eden] since it can also grow. He basically ensured through the ordered system that the plant that would grow from the seed of life would never develop sentience nor will it develop to become a sprite. He needed these things to ensure the s.p.a.ce he made would be stable. After all, what would happen if one day, the sentient Tree of Life or its sprite said, "I want to leave and explore the universe." That would destabilize the place it was put in.
He thought about the situation and realized something: He really needed more of these kinds of seeds.
Could he try and use [Twilight Sonata] now somewhere in the universe to create the Seeds of Creation and Destruction? Xander thought to himself before he checked through the system if the description for it changed. After all, it was a Sage-rank spell.
[Twilight Sonata]: Returns everything to their very origin, removing both chaos and order and all their derivatives in the target area, reducing everything into nothing, forming a seed of creation and a seed of destruction. The target area size is based on one's spatial comprehension. The number of seeds produced depends on numerous factors: Amount of sentient beings, Amount of Matter, Amount of Element particles, State of Order in the place, and the State of Disorder in the place. The spell can only be activated by casting [Ethereal Sunrise] and [Frenzied Sunset] at the same period of time of the Universe, or UTP. It cannot be used in the Great Void (for now).
It did change, stating now the different factors involved in creating a seed of creation and destruction. If the range of his spell was based on his spatial comprehension, can he use it to 1/2 of the universe? Xander thought about it for a moment before laughing at his own ideas.
It was ok to dream big. But he knew that as a sage spell, maybe the power of the spell was tied up to his comprehension, and his own power as well. Although he had an advantage over s.p.a.ce-time spells of not consuming any magic energy, he didn't have that luxury for the other elements. If he wanted to cast a spell as large as 1/2 of the universe, well, he should have at least the magic and elemental energy reserves for it to be cast, or gain complete control over Order and Chaos elements, like what he had for s.p.a.ce-time. However, this would have to come after gaining completing comprehension of these elements. There was no superior G.o.d or being that would hand him the control over these elements this time, he would have to work for it.
He'll try it out once he became a peak Legendary Magician, and check if he could at least cover the size of 2 mega planets.
Lastly, he placed some of the insects, small animals, medium-sized animals into the pocket s.p.a.ce, ranging from aquatic, amphibious, land-based, and air-based animals.
There were a total of 600 different species for each type of animal, spread out all over the s.p.a.ce. For plants, besides the ones he placed, he basically didn't know how many different species were there initially born. He also added some microorganisms, fungi, and protists; he couldn't add viruses because like they're not really living and their existence itself is chaotic, with ever-changing mutations and effects.
Seeing everything was stable, He let out the 4 sprites and magic beast from the contract s.p.a.ce in his body. He then instructed them to guide the beings that would appear in this young pocket garden.
He also told them that every around 175,000 years, he would come and visit them, to check up on them as well as the newly-born sprites and magic beasts.
He named it Eden, in remembrance to his old garden.
He left the garden villa and headed up to his new room. Using time acceleration of 1 second: 1 year, he read all the school material that would be tested for tomorrow.
He also realized that starting tomorrow, until next week, the focus of the study was magic meditation through the use of cultivation skills. I wonder where we would get ours, Xander thought to himself.
Xander then headed to his bed and slept soundly.
Morning came. It was the start of once again.