The moment his body was thrown out of the system, Xander opened up a hole in the system and threw the 2 kids out, then pulled them back in within the same moment their father's body was completely removed by the system.
The system, detecting that new data appeared, began to cleanse the foreign data. The kids slowly vanished into specks of light and were directly thrown into the cycle of reincarnation of the ordered system. Xander nodded to himself. After all, he never said that he would ensure they would live healthy lives, he only ensured that they wouldn't be kicked out by the system and essentially, save them from a life of being hunted by void beasts and wanderers.
This was the only way Xander was capable of doing to trick the ordered system to allow the kids back into the universe, for now. He didn't have the ability to twist the rules of the universe right now. Maybe he could use the third G.o.d spell, [Origin Universe], and create a small ordered system near the universe where he was in, and let the latter absorb the former, integrating them into one system.
He didn't opt to do this because for one, he is lazy to do it, and it may take millions if not billions, of years to actually happen, even if there was only 1-centimeter s.p.a.ce between the two universes. Afterall, the fusion of ordered systems wasn't done immediately.
Xander, upon checking everything is in order, collapsed the pocket s.p.a.ce, producing another sphere-like substance, but it had no attractive power at all. However, it did have around 5 kilometers worth of land inside, where time flows faster and the elemental particles were abundant.
He thought for a bit before snickering and then wrote a few runic writings on the surface of the sphere. He then teleported to the nearest civilization which was 12 lightyears away from his current exoplanet. He then threw it randomly into the planet, and disappeared.
Of course, it was quite random. He just made a binding rune on the sphere, in which it binds to the very first intelligent being that it comes in contact with.
Not only that, he also placed a protection procedure; under the threat of death, the owner is sucked into the sphere and the sphere remains to where it is. However, time is accelerated inside, as well as the concentration of elemental particles is increased as well.
The sphere could only be pa.s.sed on to another being if the contracted being consciously and willingly gives it away to someone else.
At the same time, once the binding is complete, they would hear my voice in their mind, translated into their language.
"h.e.l.lo, can you hear me? This is a creation I made. I was bored and decided to throw it to your planet while exploring. Here are some information on magic cultivation if you don't have any yet. Have fun with it, I guess? If you survive and grow long enough, we might meet in the outer s.p.a.ce again. Ciao~"
Of course, he made a failsafe system to it. If ever he detects it within a distance of a lightyear, the sphere automatically moves to where he is as well as the contracted being.
Little did Xander know, his actions caused a chain effect to occur in the civilization he just disrupted.
Eteria, Year 2057.
Xander woke up from his sleep, a bit groggy. He realized that he only had 4 more days to complete his exploration as a mercenary.
He immediately finished taking a bath, dressed up and ate breakfast at the fancy breakfast restaurant he always ate in upon reaching Verdant city.
Afterward, he walked around town before losing all those following him and he appeared near the Ruin Et64. Although he could appear in Capsule city and explore it, he had purposely caught the attention of the Eta government and the ruling clans and conglomerates. One was for the sake of warning, another was that he wanted to begin changing the future he had seen.
He had attempted to check 20,000 years into the future earlier today, and the planet was still existing. Upon extending to 30,000 years, Xander sighed a relief. However, when he extended it to 50,000 years, the same sight appeared: A s.p.a.ce carrier casting a gigantic magic array to refine the whole planet. The difference was there were still living beings at this time, but they were slowly being gunned down by robotic machines whose attacks were infused with elements using technologically advanced artillery.
So, he only managed to delay the collapse by 20,000 years? That's good progress. He began to trace the origins of the attack, since he could see longer now. He specifically changed the designation of his search to "Eteria planet descendants" and he instantly had a omniview of the locations they were in.
Huh. It seems I made a mistake.
The ones attacking the planets near Eteria and Eteria itself were... Descendants of Eterians. This was just so confusing.
Whatever, I give up. The change was too big to comprehend. Maybe they were harvesting planets now since their civilization had grown so well? But what about their people? Ugh. This is really to confusing; the human heart is indeed fickle. He even wanted to teleport to that time period and slap silly the leaders.
Although he could now physically time-travel at further time periods (in this case, up to 100,000 years) due to his comprehension, he still hasn't done it because although he can only travel into the future, but his future self isn't present at all in the future. Although he had access to time clones, these were the what-ifs of his existence; they ran parallel to his existence but they have defined endings. Currently, his timeline, he has no defined ending. Yet at the same time, he can see into the future of his timeline, he just doesn't know where he is in that future. It was as if he was existing already outside of time.
Although that sounded cool at the beginning, it's not. Even if he time travels to the future, if he changed a bit in the current timeline, that future he traveled from would disappear or distort, producing a different future.
Weirdly, however, he can't travel back in time at further time periods; he can see the past up to 1,000,000 years ago easily, but he could barely time travel back in time for more than 1 hour that had pa.s.sed. In fact, no matter how hard he tried to travel back in time, he reached the limit of 60 minutes into the past for now. He's not sure if he could travel more than 60 minutes even if he improved his comprehension of s.p.a.ce-time, since he was only able to travel a maximum of 60 minutes even when he had 2% comprehension. This was why Xander was apprehensive of traveling into the future: it might be a one-way trip for him.
Maybe there's another element or factor required when time traveling in the past? Xander thought of the possibilities.
Does it maybe require a certain level of cohesion, maybe a perfect cohesion, of s.p.a.ce-time elements before freely traversing the records of the ordered system? It could hold true. It's also possible that other origin elements are required?
As these thoughts were running in his mind, he finally reached the entrance of the ruins. There were guards stationed in the watchtowers, and Xander merely scanned his smart.w.a.tch on the terminal to verify his ident.i.ty. At the same time, he was standing in front of a scanning device that recorded the current traits and physical attributes of Xander, to ensure that it is still him when he exits the ruins and not some monster. Currently, he was the second mercenary group that entered today.
He immediately entered the ruins.
Unknown to him, upon his scanning of the smart.w.a.tch, the government officials and military were alerted to which set of ruins he entered.
Ruin Et64. This confused the officials and the military. There wasn't much to see in this ruin; although they haven't fully explored it, there have been more than 20 floors discovered. As they were throwing inferences and hypotheses about why Xander visited the ruin, never would they think that it was a matter of convenience.
Upon entering the ruins, he immediately felt what was different with the set of ruins and confirmed his suspicions. These so-called ruins, are actually stable pocket s.p.a.ce!
However, it seems that it doesn't have its own ordered system, meaning it is still connected to the ordered system, and still follows its rules and regulations. He immediately did a thorough scan with his s.p.a.ce-time elements and quickly, he got a result of the size of the ruins.
There were a total of 100 levels, with the levels becoming more and more larger as you go down; the whole thing looks like a pyramid. However, since it exists in a different s.p.a.ce, even if one would dig directly under it, nothing would be discovered; after all, this had been tested before millennia ago.
All the hidden areas in both explored and unexplored areas were revealed within his mind. Using his smart.w.a.tch and the system, he transmitted his thoughts into a drawing schematic that was transferred by the system into the smart.w.a.tch, detailing the pathways and areas to these hidden locations. At the same time, a general schematic of the floors were drawn as well.
Xander did notice that the s.p.a.ce structure per level was quite stable. Although it would be easy for Xander to pierce a hole directly to the bottom, or even bypa.s.s them altogether, the structure couldn't help but remind him of that game in his previous life, Bunker Buster. Basically, you enter a bunker of different schematics and you try to explore and piece the stories of each bunker. From the casual glance he did in the undiscovered floors, there were books, papers, and runic diagrams scattered all over, as well as magic beasts and magic puppets scattered. None of the papers or books as well as runic diagrams held any attraction to him; there weren't mentions of the origin elements, so he couldn't really care less.
Xander had a sudden idea: Is this a form of a magic bunker? Doesn't that mean that in the distant past, there must have been a greater civilization? This requires more time of experimentation and understanding of this bunker then.
Overriding the pocket s.p.a.ce default settings, he wanted to initiate a kick-out of all beings, including magic beasts and puppets existing in the s.p.a.ce. He didn't bother caring about the consequence because the government has their military probably converging to this ruin when he scanned his smart.w.a.tch.
Hmm, has it only been 10 minutes? d.a.m.n, I'll wait for another half an hour. Probably enough time for them to reach this area in the province. In the meantime, let's pillage some research papers and items to sell~
Xander didn't even need to enter the hidden pocket rooms per floor; he just needed to stretch his hand and the items fell in front of him, which he immediately sorted out and placed to his spatial storage. He then proceeded to the next floor, repeating the same sequence over and over again, until he reached the very last floor. The puppets and the magic beasts that he met the moment he teleported to the floor were easily dealt with, earning him considerable amounts of magic cores and element crystals powering the puppets as well as puppet remains as well. In the very last floor, there was huge scaly magic beast, and all over its body were runic writings that were wriggling like they were alive.
Xander, upon seeing the beast, looked incredulously at it. A dragon?'s a modified dragon, it's neither alive or dead, but both. What powers it isn't its magic core, but the runic writings all over its body. Weird, they form some kind of seal...huh. This is interesting.
He didn't see these runes when he did a casual scan. How could these runes evade his spatial perception? He switched into the [Spatial View] mode, seeing everything in terms of lines, dots and shapes. What he saw astonished him.
While in this vision mode, everything should be still, as in the points, the lines, the shapes are fixed, and time stands still. Usually, he uses this for a split second to discover the dots, lines and shapes that make up the spatial structure of the target or area. That split second is prolonged in the [Spatial View] mode, extended up to 30 minutes. What he saw was that the lines constructing the dragon and the runes were wriggling and moving about in the [Spatial View]! Before he could observe more closely, his danger perception acted and immediately his automatic abilities activated, protecting him from harm.
He wanted to deactivate the vision mode, but before he could, he could see the lines and dots constructing the dragon and the runes lounging at him, causing him to scream in pain, before blacking out.
In the deep darkness, Xander felt his consciousness wake up, a bit groggy, but realizing that he couldn't see anything, he knew immediately where he was: [The s.p.a.ce between worlds]. This was a special term for those who were users of Life and Death elements; basically, this is a rift that separated living and the dead, as well as where time does not exist. This is where the life essence dolls from Dimension:LEO entered once the bonds that tethered them were shattered, snipped, or broken off.
He was supposed to be in a state of stasis, like other life essence dolls that pa.s.s through this area, and the only reason he could think at this moment was because of his own fusion with s.p.a.ce-time elements, allowing him to finally experience what it meant to rewind s.p.a.ce-time.
He instantly activated this capability of his, causing the area around him to s.h.i.+ft and change, multi-colored rays of light surrounding his consciousness. He wasn't sure how long it had been since his death, but decided to rewind it up to 5 hours. The area of rewind? Well, let's make it the whole planet of Eteria. Immediately, a rippling and ripping sensation covered his entire consciousness, and the next moment, he was now back in his hotel room, changing his clothes in front of the mirror.
His eyes, blinking, and clarity returned immediately, with the knowledge and information that had just happened in the next 5 hours. Huh.
I died, Xander thought to himself, the experience felt awkward. it was like reloading the previous save file, but the experience he gained were carried to the that save file. If he could turn back time for a total of 180 days, how would the experience be, Xander thought.
Oh well, it seems he needed to strike preemptively. After eating breakfast, he immediately moved to the outskirts of Capsule city, a few hundred meters away from the ruins.
He immediately used the system to send an alert to the people in Eta government and military, as well as the government officials and military officials of other countries, as well as the patriarchs and leaders of clans and conglomerates in Eta, giving them his current location and information about the ruins.
The message was quite simple.
"Hey. The ruins you lot have discovered in the past few millennia are basically pocket s.p.a.ces that act as bunkers, coming from an ancient civilization much more older than the Heavenly Sprite Tree. Pocket s.p.a.ces are well, small dimensions. Their structure was similar to s.p.a.ce s.h.i.+ps that you have been theorizing for the past thousands of years. Most likely, it was these bunkers that seeded life in this planet. Good news is that you can get lots of information about the ancient civilization and even revive their old technologies and raise the current level of technology! Pretty neat, huh?
Now, here's a bad news: If you think you have explored the ruins completely, you are wrong~ There's a hidden last floor in every ruin, so if you have discovered 99 floors, there's a hidden 100th floor, if you discovered 39 floors, there's a hidden 40th floor, etc. Do you know what's inside? Well, do you remember the outside invader I mentioned yesterday? Well, it seems your ancient civilization forgot to mention that they were carrying them, and well, their powers are above a DemiG.o.d's strength. So good luck. Here's the complete map of Ruin Et64. How did I get it? Well, that's a secret. I'm going to go back inside. I'm going back not because I'm a m.a.s.o.c.h.i.s.t, but I needed to get data from this specific outside invader after all. Tata~
P.S. The placed limitation only occurs if you aren't able to control the flow of your life essence and elemental energy in your body. If you know how to disguise both of them, you can enter just fine, haha. After I'm done with this ruin, I'm going to disappear for a while~
P.P.S. From my initial scan of the planet, there are supposed to be around 2020 pocket s.p.a.ces. So, there are around 2020 outside invaders existing in your planet right now. If in the next few centuries, you discover more than 2020, I have to say, you better be prepared. Those were definitely left by someone more recent."
The moment he sent the message through the system, he was already in front of the scanner he was in before. He scanned his smart.w.a.tch again, and after the initial scan, he entered the ruins again.
First, he forcefully transferred every item existing in the first 99 floors, into his spatial storage. Afterward, he forcefully transported every living being from the 1st to the 99th floor outside of the dungeon, except the puppets which he immediately disabled by removing the elemental crystals and surrounding them with s.p.a.ce magic, and then dumping them into the spatial storage.
He teleported to the 100th floor, and saw the scaly dragon once again, with the squirming runic writings. Before it could even react or move, Xander raised both his arms and purposefully distorted the s.p.a.ce on the 100th floor, as well as the s.p.a.ce surrounding the dragon, while at the same time, spatially locking it in place. Using the system and his mind, as well as time acceleration, he began to record each and every runic formation and transformation occurring on the dragon's body in a matter of seconds.
This time, he didn't activate [Spatial View] because it seemed that it could attack that way.
Immediately he began to cast [Void Rejection] in the area where the dragon is, before casting a s.p.a.ce crush, on the area surrounding the area where the spell and the dragon was located. Not only that, he applied elements of chaos to ensure that the dragon's flow of energy, as well as the runic writings wriggling and moving around would not be able to function properly. He couldn't use [Frenzied Sunset] since it wasn't past noon yet. Taking advantage, he continued to accelerate [s.p.a.ce Crush], while at the same time, attempting to break the dots, lines and shapes that made up the dragon and the runic writing without going into [Spatial View] mode. After all, even without that vision mode, he could still instinctively detect the spatial structures and destroy the entire thing. At the same time, didn't he die while [Spatial View] was activated? It was enough time for Xander to glean information concerning the runic structure and the dragon's.
However, most of his attacks were ineffective; his [s.p.a.ce Crush] didn't work, the manipulation of Chaos elements were not enough to disrupt the flow of elemental energy and spatial stability of the runic writings and the dragon. Even his attempt to break the dots, lines, and shapes that const.i.tuted the runic writings and the dragon ended up only shaking them up, but not collapsing them at all. Seeing that his attacks had no effect, Xander couldn't help but sigh. There was another method, but that involves destroying the ruin. Oh well.
Distracting the dragon for a bit, he tried teleporting to the first floor of the ruins; it was slower due to the s.p.a.ce being destabilized, but it still worked. Afterward, he overrided the rules of the pocket s.p.a.ce, instructing it to seal the very last section of the pocket s.p.a.ce.
Afterward, he exited the ruins, and did a small gesture, with both his hands; he wanted to ensure that nothing will be left unaccounted for.
Immediately, the ruins began to collapse on itself, and barely audible, Xander could hear the unwilling roar of the dragon still stuck in the ruins. Anyways, it won't have any chance to escape. This process lasted for a few seconds, forming a pyramid-like item in the end, rather than a spherical structure.
Around him, the area had devolved into chaos due to the number of magic beasts that appeared in the vicinity.