It did decrease the number of people bothering him, but there were three people who were quite memorable: Maryann, James Corde, and the girl who retorted back at James' answer last week. After interacting with her and checking with the system, her full name was Alexa Cordonez, a 15-year old Elite-3 magician. Her family was a family of magic and science researchers, and she obviously inherited their pa.s.sion for researching the field of magic as well as science, which explained her initial disdain to James' answer.
She kept bothering Xander during the breaks, asking questions from "What do you think of Pascaz's theory of elemental conversion to physical matter, do you think it hold true?" to "What's your favorite food?" Xander of course, didn't bother answering any of the questions until she began to cough up SCPs for wasting his time, in which after he answered them succinctly and in concise form.
Maryann was different. She focused more on the elemental research topic. All her questions were above the beginner level Elemental theory, and she didn't fuss on giving me SCPs to answer her questions. After all, she saw the capability Xander had, especially on elemental conversion. She needed to understand the basics of it before she begin to choose her own pseudo-magic circles to breakthrough and progress in the Master cla.s.s.
James was what you can consider an all-rounder. He is knowledgeable up to a certain point in topics of science, magic, history, and even sociology, due to his family being descendants of n.o.bles, as he was trained to learn these things. James was also talkative, almost like Faykes, but it was mostly about these 4 topics. Of course, Xander talked to him as well, especially on the topic of sociology, where he could be considered weak at. When James was asking in-depth questions concerning science, magic, or history, he would trade it with a question concerning sociology.
James Corde had quite a pitiful past, though. His family had underwent a clan war with another family, the Bykis clan, because of conflicting economic and political interests. Both his parents died when he was 3, With only his uncle and grandpa raising him and his younger sister up for the past decade. 2 years ago, He established a small business firm focusing on marketing a product where one can store elements for a long period of time. Although the concept is not new, and companies have been marketing it for the past 1000 years, James was attempting to change the way they view this kind of product.
it's basically a modified version of element-converting power batteries used in many technological devices, such as Xander's smart.w.a.tch. The difference is that it can store magic and elemental energy unique to the owner for a later use, with a storage lifespan of 6 months, before it begins to leak out. Basically, it can be used by anyone attempting to cast a legendary spell when they don't have the magic reservoir to cast one. However, his target market was the adventurers, military, and mercenaries.
In two years, the business blossomed, becoming partners with the Mercenary guild, the government of Eta, as well as having a decent fanbase.
Xander, within a week, earned 100 SCPs, and deducting his meals in the canteen, he had a net profit of 60 SCPs.
Faykes, who didn't look nor act different, continued to hang and pester Xander to join him around the city, which Xander immediately refused. He simply had no patience for such things. Xander also instructed Faykes for him to do an optional mission: The location of the large, powerful/influential families in Eta, as well as their home bases.
Although he had improved his s.p.a.ce power, he wasn't that enthusiastic enough to search each and every area of the country; if he could ask people to make it easier, why not?
As for the reward for the mission, Xander kept mum about it, making Faykes burn with curiosity. The truth was, Xander was busy preparing something, and he hasn't thought of it yet. What he was preparing, however, was two theses related to Elemental conversion to physical matter, as well as submitting a thesis on how immaterial elements can actually transform into physical, tangible elements.
Immaterial elements are basically elements that are a.s.sumed to be tangible, those that cannot be transformed into physical matter, existing in a metaphysical to immaterial state.
The main difference between the two types of elements is that immaterial elements can't be interacted with easily; you know it's there, but you just can't channel it easily to physical objects. For example, you can say the 5-elements are tangible elements, as well as its derivatives. You can touch and create physical matter from these elements. But how about the elements such as light and darkness under the Yin-yang elements, as well as elements under life-death elements? For example, fortune, karma, heaven, h.e.l.l, purgatory, samsara/reincarnation elements? How about life and death elements themselves?
The 2 theses are actually related to one another, as the first one actually focuses on proving the theory of elemental conversion into physical matter, and the second is an application of this proof: immaterial elements to tangible elements.
The first thesis was more on converting the elemental particles into its respective physical product, one that is tangible and interactable to magicians. This thesis explains multiple factors why the theory holds true, such as the elements existing simultaneously in multiple, different dimensions, which was first reason why they cannot be easily interacted with, since their state is split in multiple dimensions and to the physical dimension where magicians are in.
Another factor would be the aspect of elemental propagation; elements are produced constantly from nowhere; if the rate continued, there should be an overabundance of elemental particles to the point of choking those that are in the physical dimension. How could this be solved? Xander believed that naturally, if the concentration is very high, it condenses into another form, producing physical phenomenon in the area, whether it might be flames, miasma, darkness or pure light, ice, lightning strike, vacuums, creating land, metal or plant life, or even instant death or life continued to blossom in the area.
Lastly, the factor that holds the most weight to why this theory is actually a law of this ordered system is the existence of sprites and magic beasts. Sprites are considered lifeforms that evolved for a very long time; their bodies are literally physical products that were converted into elements, giving elements a structured form in the physical dimension. Based on the experiments he did on the garden, he postulated that sprites had a dominant element, only 1 element that is then supported by other elements, aiding their formation.
Similar to how humans are comprised of multiple chemicals, sprites are the same, but elements that has transformed into a physical product.
Magic beasts on the other hand, managed to produce a magic core, which is the physical manifestation of their life essence/doll of life due to the influence of their element absorption of the area. The existence of magic cores was another solid, irrefutable proof that elements managed to produce a physical manifestation. Of course, he used the data observed from the cores of magical beasts in the garden.
Using the theory of elemental suppression and supplementation, it is possible to transform these immaterial elements to have a trace of materiality; if it was likened to gold bullion, where 99.999% is pure gold, and the remaining 0.001% is copper or any other chemical metal element. Basically, the immaterial element won't be purely just that element, and would contain traces of an element that can achieve physicality.
How is this achieved? Xander frames it as the conversion of a representation of an immaterial element, wherein a portion of the representation is cut off, and replaced by another portion that is identical from a material element. The portion that replaced the cut part of the representation of the immaterial element is same to all aspects as the original with one difference: the property of physicality, meaning the element can produce a product in the material dimension.
It's likened to the highly-conserved parts of the DNA and RNA; elements also have conserved regions in their representation, which is also the reason why fusion of elements at the Master stage onward is even possible in the first place!
Since it shows the conversion of immaterial to material element, meaning it is capable of producing physical products, proving the theory of elemental conversion to physical matter an integral part of this universe. The theory becomes a law, allowing everyone to know that this is part of the structure of the ordered system!
Xander applied for a week's leave from cla.s.s; after all, he already knew the things that were being taught at cla.s.s. The professors and the school immediately agreed, on a condition that he must take the first exam immediately after returning. Xander had no qualms about this and left the campus.
Xander returned to the villa and instructed the guards and the maids that he will be in the bas.e.m.e.nt laboratory for 1 week; under no circ.u.mstances should anyone disturb him.
In truth, he was going to publish his two theses tonight after completing it, and then leave the city.
He planned to explore the country with 10 provinces, Eta. Right now, being in the Delta province, he has not left the vicinity of Callows city. He knew that there were 3 other cities in the Delta province, and 16 small towns. All of these places were interconnected by paved roads, making traveling easier. What he planned was to explore Delta province within 7 days, under a different ident.i.ty. However, it isn't easy to travel around the country if one doesn't have the appropriate travel doc.u.ments; he also needed to use his alternate bank account, where he placed the money he earned from selling the tons of rare metals and rare materials. After all, he only needed to have a sample of the item and he can replicate them perfectly using time magic.
While ruminating on this, he suddenly thought of an idea.
He could be a contracted mercenary. Eteria was large, and even the countries in Eteria are continuously discovering new things in their area of jurisdiction, such as ruins from the past, or even magic beast colonies, as well as areas known for rare to priceless materials being produced or reported to exist there. Rather than themselves go there and search, people often post job requests for mercenaries to peruse and accept.
As a mercenary, he can go to these ruins, jungles, and mountainous areas where rare materials were supposedly found. He could also meet new kinds of people, as well as have a chance to hack into the mercenary's database.
Accordingly, they only had 2 requirements to be a mercenary: Proof of ident.i.ty, whether it be birth certificate,, or any government issued license with your name and date of birth registered, and pa.s.sing a small test held in the Mercenary a.s.sociation.
Using his watch, he immediately created a new ident.i.ty for him to use while traveling. After a few minutes of hacking around in the government database system, he produced a new person: Homer Simpson. Before he finalized the other details, such as photo, fingerprints, and signature, he first changed his body's appearance and fingerprints by summoning a time clone of his, making him look like he was in his mid-20s. This time clone originated in a timeline where the war between the two superpowers Eta and Nema escalated quicker than his own timeline, forcing him to join the military at the age of 15 and trained under the special operations unit. By age 22, he was already leading the special operations unit with a rank of Colonel. By age 24, he was already a Brigadier General, one of the youngest generals in Eta's history.
His body was developed differently; this is due to the military experiments he had underwent when he was 18 years old. It was to imbue the body of supernatural strength, greatly enhancing the fitness of the person, as well as muscle and bone development. However, it only had a success rate of 30%, and Xander was one of those lucky ones that succeeded.
In this timeline, he didn't have any time and s.p.a.ce powers; what he did have, however, was the 5-elements as his primary elements, causing his power to reign supreme amongst Master cla.s.s magicians. It was a pity, however, that this alternate him had his future cut short; he only lived until the age of 40, after promoting into the General of the Army rank, as well as being a Legendary-6 magician. It was a tumultuous time, with the war reaching its peak.
Sadly, he was by his personal aide, who was actually a sleeper agent for the Nema country. Another sad thing was, this personal aide of his was his secret lover.
Why did Xander choose this timeline version of him? Because he can put on an intimidating aura of death and violence. At the same time, he would look someone professional and experienced, so he can easily take in more requests, and quickly rank up within 7 days.
Upon choosing this time clone, immediately, Xander's aura began to change; from a happy-go-lucky yet firm att.i.tude, endless bitter and murderous violence began to be released by him. His body underwent a change as well, from being 110 centimeters to slowly growing into 220 centimeters. His body muscle and bone frame rapidly changed as well, giving him a well-toned body that with one look, you know he could snap someone's neck into two. His face also began to change, showing signs of maturity, his eyes turning from the original bright silver irises to a dull green, and facial hair began to grow over his face. His hair turned from a silky blackish brown color to a muted red color, sprouting a buzz cut.
After the transformation, Xander opened his eyes and observed the changes in his body. Although it was him, it was also not him. What was good about time clones was that he could call upon their powers once he decided on one of them. He could also retreat to that specific timeline if he was facing a foe he couldn't defeat, or when he would have no choice but to abandon the current timeline due to circ.u.mstances. He then placed the fingerprints and his second signature on his doc.u.ments, before securely adding it into the population register, making sure the information put there was matching to the time it should have existed.
After a while, he completed the papers under time acceleration, and published them under 2 names: Homer Simpson, and Xander Cloverfield as a co-author. After sending it, he immediately teleported to the outskirts of Callows City, a place he was sure did not contain any surveillance methods.
He headed to the road a few tens of meters away from his current location. For now, Xander Cloverfield will be gone for a week, uncontactable. For the next few days, a name that will rock the magic research community as well as the economy of countries would soon rise to the limelight: Homer Simpson.