Common, Uncommon, Rare, Priceless, Flawless, Transcendental, Immortal, Void
Defined as well by purity from 0 - 100%
Plant Material: basically, plants, plant extracts, fruits, leaves, stems, roots, etc. from plants exposed to a high content of element particles as well as age. The purpose is to create elixirs and medicine that can be used in junction to cultivation as well as for survival.
Defined by quality: Low, Mid, High, Perfect, Transcendental quality.
Defined by age: Cla.s.s 1-10, where cla.s.s 6 and above have usually formed a plant sprite.
Cla.s.s 1 - lower than 100 years
Cla.s.s 2 - lower than 200 years
Cla.s.s 3 - lower than 500 years
Cla.s.s 4 - lower than 1000 years
Cla.s.s 5 - lower than 10,000 years
Cla.s.s 6 - lower than 100,000 years
Cla.s.s 7 - lower than 1,000,000 years
Cla.s.s 8 - lower than 10,000,000 years
Cla.s.s 9 - lower than 50,000,000 years
Cla.s.s 10 - Age cannot be determined.
Geno Solution: Basically, a product that optimizes the genetic structure of the person, retaining their characteristics but modifying the areas that are related to diseases.
Defined by quality: Low, Mid, High, Perfect, Transcendental
Elixirs/Elemental Medicine: Basically byproducts of combining certain plant materials, metals, and elements, forming a material that can be consumed to use for cultivation progression, as well as for survival purposes. The paper Xander had published opened a new avenue for Elemental Medicines, as well as cultivation elixirs.
Defined by Quality: Low, Mid, High, Perfect
Defined by number of Stars (indicates the potency): 1 to 20 stars.
1-5: 10 to 50% potency (10% per star)
6-10: 60 to 100% potency (10% per star)
11-15: 120 to 200% potency (20% per star)
16-19: 250 - 400% potency (50% per star)
20: 500% potency (100% per star)
Usually, anything below 10 stars is sold as a byproduct, usually recycled or used to feed animals.
Currency: Money in Eteria, and in the world, in the galaxy, in the universe, and in the Great Void.
Eta currency: 10,000 Etas to 1 Eteria
Eteria currency: 10,000 Eterias to 1 Galaxy coin
Galaxy currency: 100,000 Galaxy coins to 1 Universal note
Universal currency: 1,000,000 Universal notes to 1 Void currency
Void currency
18 ranks: F, F+, E, E+, D, D+, C, C+, B, B+, A, , S, S+, SS, SS+, SSS, SSS+
same ranking for missions.
18 ranks: F, F+, E, E+, D, D+, C, C+, B, B+, A, , S, S+, SS, SS+, SSS, SSS+
same ranking for missions.
Cla.s.s I, II, III, IV, V, and X.
This basically indicates the capability of the person in the field of scientific, magic, and elemental research. Basically, these levels are to cla.s.sify what information researchers can be privy at in their respective countries and on other countries in Eteria.
However, later on, the same cla.s.sification can be seen being used by Empires in the Universe, designating people of interest for these empires.
AI Ranks:
Rank I (1) to L (50). All AIs are considered a non-biological data lifeform once they reach Rank XXV or higher. Every 5 ranks indicate a qualitative change in their computing power and emotional capacity. It requires an AI to reach Rank XV to enter the Digitalized Dimension.
Rank L (50) to Rank C (100). All AIs are considered a biological data lifeform past Rank LXXV or higher. Every 10 ranks indicate a qualitative change in computing power, emotion, and data requirements.
Rank C (100) to Rank M (1000). All AIs are considered a Void level biological data lifeform past Rank CD (400). Every 100 ranks are equivalent to 3 stages of Void cultivators.
Rank C - Traveler-3
Rank CC - Traveler-6
Rank CCC - Traveler-9
Rank CD - King-3
Rank D - King-6
Rank DC - King-9
Rank DCC - Void-3
Rank DCCC - Void-6
Rank CM - Void-9
Breaking through to
Rank M - Rule-1
Infernals and Celestials Ranking and cla.s.sification.
1 Winged - Master
2 Winged - Legendary
3 Winged - Mythic
4 Winged - DemiG.o.d
5 Winged - Divine
6 Winged - Sage
7 Winged - Sage Peak
8 Winged - G.o.d
9 Winged - G.o.d Peak
10 Winged - Traveler
Infernals' status quo:
No horn - Citizen
1 horn - Elite
2 horns - Master
3 horns - Military
4 horns - Royalty
5 horns - Leader
Celestials' status quo:
No halo - Citizen
1 halo - Elite
2 halos - Blessed
3 halos - Sacred
4 halos - Divine
5 halos - Leader
Races in Eteria:
Magic Beasts
Races in the Universe:
Magic Beasts
Magic Plants
Special Lifeforms native to the Universe (runic lifeforms, biological/non-biological data lifeforms)
Devils (Infernals)
Angels (Celestials)
Humans, Elves, Dwarves, Goblins, t.i.tans, Pixies - Follow the same cultivation
Races in the Great Void:
G.o.ds (from any race that comes from a universe)
Void Beasts (born as Void Travelers or higher)
Void Plants (born as Sage rank or higher)
Special Lifeforms born and raised in the Void (Runic lifeforms, biological data)
Races in the Great Beyond:
Those that come from the Great Voids (considered as one species)
Native Humanoids (born as Sage Rank or higher)
Native Magic Plants (born as G.o.d Rank or higher)
Native Magic Beasts (born as Void Traveler or higher)
Special Lifeforms born and raised in the Great Beyond