The second floor was a canteen, with the dishes being served the same as the previous canteen in the other building. The third floor was a small library. When he attempted to go in, he was stopped by an old man who was dozing off in the counter by the entrance.
The old man looked quite unkept and had a feeling of vagrancy. He gave Xander a piece of paper that contained the rules and regulations of using the library.
1. This library is for internal use only; only students and fellow teachers can use this library.
2. No books can be brought outside of the library. If a book acknowledges you completely, you may bring it out.
3. Do not damage the books. Any damage to the books is payable, at minimum, 500 SCPs and 10,000,000 Etas.
4. Every hour you stay inside the library will cost you 1 SCP, and for teachers, 1000 Etas.
5. No photocopying or scanning of materials allowed.
6. Please remain silent.
By entering the library for the first time, you consent to the rules of the university. Any student or teacher discovered to break any of the rules are to be punished accordingly by the university, ranging from expulsion to death sentence.
Xander carefully read the rules and returned them to the old man. The old man just waved his hands and signaled him to keep it. Since Xander wasn't going to go to the library, he headed downstairs and ate lunch.
After an hour, He finished his meals; it had cost him 15 SCPs and 10,000 Etas in total.
He checked the time and saw that would begin in 15 minutes, so he headed downstairs and saw that there were roughly a hundred or so students present. There were some new faces, but roughly half of these people were from his first cla.s.s. He randomly selected a vacant mat to sit on and checked the curriculum outline for the course.
Elemental Control
Description: Teach the students the fundamental theories of elemental control, as well as give the students practical experience and training in using the elements.
Elemental Theory (1)
Elemental Theory (2)
Elemental Control: Outwards
Elemental Control: Inwards
Elemental Control: Repulsion
Elemental Control: Attraction
Elemental Fusion (1)
Elemental Fusion (2)
Practical uses of Elements in day-to-day life
Training (1)
Training (2)
In a few minutes, a figure appeared by the entrance of the building, and upon seeing her, most of the students became quiet. It was a young woman with long, blonde hair. Her eyes were emerald green, hiding behind her pair of She wore an open lab coat, allowing it to look like she's wearing a cape.
Upon seeing this, Xander couldn't help but roll his eyes, and branded her as an attention seeker. After all, no one actually uses in world, not even commoners. For some unexplainable reason, since 200 years ago, no one has had a case of bad eyesight. Nowadays, were merely a fas.h.i.+on statement, and has no practical use. Of course, it's possible that it serves as a magic artifact, one related to sight.
This was unlikely for their new teacher, however. Xander had investigated her like Ms. Sandra Lim. Miss Amelia Wineheart, one of the tenured professors in the university, age 36 years. She has another ident.i.ty, which is the 13th out of 18 protectors of the university. Her power is no joke, however, as she is a Legendary-6 powerhouse. According to the latest information about her, no data about any known magic artifact relating to or sight was recorded.
Magic artifacts are basically items imbued with runic writings and elemental energy, giving them certain functions. Only 1 out of 1,000,000 people can successfully be an artifact maker. The problem with magic artifacts is that it uses the magic circles of Master magicians and above.
10,000 years ago, ever since the great war, every racial representative, which is basically the strongest amongst their own kind, met and came to the agreement that every single magic artifact must be recorded and strictly monitored impartially worldwide.
1. Anyone, regardless of their methods, may actually get a magic artifact; however, they must immediately register it within a year of receiving it. Upon registration, a specialized runic writing is placed on the artifact to ensure it is not unregistered.
2. Everyone has access to the database where the magic artifacts are registered in, however, only the names of the artifact, quality, and function are available for perusing.
3. Every year, there will be a world-wide magic artifact check; magic artifacts that resonate during the check are not registered, while those that stay inert are registered. At that moment, every non-registered magical artifact's location and energy signal is recorded by the satellites. When non-magic artifacts resonate, they broadcast a copy of the life energy of the person or being that holds them, allowing enforcers to identify them immediately. Anyone detected to have a non-registered artifact is subjected to the death penalty.
4. Magic artifact owners are liable to their own artifacts until they report it missing. Upon reporting it missing, they are now considered non-registered artifacts and the owners absolved from liability. If the owners are then detected to still have the 'missing' magic artifacts, they are subjected to the death penalty.
5. Governments may use the database to track potential threats to their respective countries, allowing them to view the latest information about the magic artifact and the current registered owner. To view this information, they must have a certain clearance avalable for them.
6. Magic artifact makers may create artifacts for purposes of auction, not for sale, only. Upon the creation of one, they must register it to the database. The owner it is registered to would be the auction company that they decide to sell it to. If they decide to use it themselves, they must register themselves as the owner of the artifact.
7. For any disobeying magic artifact makers, government of the maker's country must enact either of the 2 proposed solutions: Complete memory wipe, or death penalty.
8. Any government attempting to use magic artifact makers for purposes of military might or espionage automatically allows their country to be unilaterally targeted by all races and countries with justification for war, and their lands divided.
Over thousands of years pa.s.sed, and no one dared to violate these rules set forth. Of course, when this was initially pa.s.sed, there were those that attempted to do so, but were immediately dealt with and their lands, properties, seized and distributed. Some tried to modify their magic artifacts, but they still reacted with the yearly scan.
Those magic artifact makers tried to play tricks as well, like forging the runic writing seal, but even so, the unregistered artifacts still reacted to the scan. After thousands of years with no way to circ.u.mvent this, a lot just gave up and followed the rules set forth.
Little did they know, the material that was scanning for the artifacts, both registered and unregistered, was from a Sage-cla.s.s cultivator.
Miss Amelia, however, has a magic artifact registered to her, which is her lab coat. According to the database and the files he had on her, the cape's general function is for protection, repelling physical materials targeted to the wearer. It's secondary function is actually flight.
Miss Amelia, upon reaching the front of the cla.s.s, looked at the students and smiled.
"Students, welcome to Elemental Control cla.s.s. I am your Teacher, Miss Amelia. You can call me Miss Amy. For today, we are going to discuss about elemental theory. After all, you can't learn to run if you can't walk in the first place; this applies to controlling the elements. To control the elements, you need to understand them."
Amelia paused for a moment, and looked at the students intently. "So cla.s.s, my first question to you all, what is an element?"