Xander recognized him: he was the son of an international s.h.i.+pping mogul, Faykes Valentine. He was one of the few people in cla.s.s who was already an Elite-4. What's more, he's just 16 years old as well! He wasn't from the Delta or Gamma region, but was at the Beta region, located by the seaside of Ete continent.
"Bravo! Someone finally taught that Faris a lesson, haha!" Faykes chortled, and others who knew him couldn't help but laugh as well. Xander knew that this person, albeit young, had a lot of connections already, from ranging from middle-cla.s.s families and aristocrats to government and military families.
Xander smiled and approached Faykes, raising his hand for a greeting.
"Hi there. My name is Xander Cloverfield. What's your name?" Xander asked calmly, still retaining his smile. Faykes grabbed his hand and shook it while he introduced himself.
"The name's Faykes Valentine. So you're the so called centennial genius, eh! Looks quite right to me." Faykes briefly eyed Xander, before letting his hand go, nonplussed.
"Thanks." Xander smiled in response and continued to greet the other students. After around an hour of socializing, most of the seats were already filled with students, but the teacher wasn't there yet. Xander wasn't anxious as the cla.s.s officially begins in half an hour.
For the remainder of the time, he decided to check the course curriculum.
Basic Magic Training
Description: Teaches the basics of magic formation, casting, and theory.
Magic Theory (1)
Magic Theory (2)
Magic Meditation (1)
Magic Meditation (2)
Magic casting: Magic selection
Magic casting: Instantaneous casting
Magic casting: Spell switching
Magic casting: Introduction to Spell fusion
Magic Practice (1)
Magic Practice (2)
Magic Practice (3)
While looking at these subtopics under Basic Magic training, Xander couldn't help but feel thrilled; he was learning magic in a structured way, not just by reading, but also by practicing! Xander had already downloaded the books required for this cla.s.s; he was a bit surprised since he had already read these books from cover to cover 2 years ago; he had already memorized it by heart and even received some inspiration from it.
Half an hour later, the room opened from the outside the a steady figure entered the cla.s.sroom. Everyone returned to their seats and sat down quietly. Xander observed the teacher distantly; he didn't feel the need to develop much interaction towards a Legendary-1 teacher, especially one that has been stuck on the same stage for 50 years.
Although she looked young, Xander had already seen the information about this teacher: Sandra Lim, 187 years old, Life and Wood element, majoring in Botany and a Doctor of Medicine. She had served as a field doctor in the military, as well as served in the public health division of the government.
Although she had experience and the connections, Xander immediately crossed her out from potential allies and networking source for two main reasons.
One, she was old, meaning she has experience, meaning it is possible for her to easily outwit me or even manipulate others around me. She becomes a risk factor the moment I add her. I have no leverage at all against her so I can't control her in any way.
Second, her history is quite suspicious. With the help of the system, He had watched the recording of the meeting that took place the same night after he had done the contract signing with the 2 sprites. Since their consensus is making me feel "loyal" to the country with forcing me to be, could it be they would start doing so through the people I interact with? Xander smiled grimly to himself, shaking his head.
What a pity, Xander spoke softly. It seems no one can be fully trusted. He was shaken out of his musings as the teacher, Ms. Lim, cleared her throat, and said,
"h.e.l.lo, students. Welcome to Grand Hyatt University. I am going to be your teacher for this semester, Sandra Lim. You can call me Ms. Lim or Ms. Sandra. I a.s.sume most of you have interacted while waiting for the cla.s.s to start, so I wouldn't need any introductions. Now that introductions are done, let's begin with the lesson."
With that, a projection appears behind her, specifically, a model of some sort. Others were quite confused with the model, but Xander had already seen this model countless times: A magic circle, specifically, a 2nd-cla.s.s magic circle, as it had 2 concentric circles.
"Magic circles are basics of the basics, the foundation of magic."
"To understand what magic circles are used for, let's first recall that magic casters are divided in stages, commonly known as cla.s.ses."
"The first cla.s.s is known as the Mundane stage; this cla.s.s is where one adjusts and adapts to the elemental particles around us. At the same time, this is where one begins to select a particular element as their primary element. It is quite common to have 2 or 3 primary elements. However, having more than 3 primary elements can be considered both a blessing and a curse for the magician."
"The second cla.s.s is known as the Elite stage; during this cla.s.s, one creates a total of 9 magical seeds in which each one contains their own unique structure, and this structure contains a magic spell, and is considered a pseudo-magic circle."
Ms. Lim immediately showed a new projection. There it showed 9 magic seeds, each one having their own pseudo-magic circle.
"I mentioned that these magical seeds are unique to the magician, and even if you have the same spell with another person, the pseudo-magic circle you produce will never be identical. Why so, you may ask. This is because of the process how a magic seed is formed."
She flashed another projection, and showed two pseudo-magic circles for the spell, "Iridescence", a light-magic spell. When she zoomed in on the same location of the circle, the runic writings were different.
"A magic seed is formed by two things: The primary elements, and the life force of the magician. When they form, they aren't 100% complete; it requires the magician to transform the inner structure of a magic seed into the structure of the magic circle of their selected magic, turning their magic seeds into pseudo-magic circles."
"Before one reaches the third cla.s.s, the Master stage, one needs to have a thorough understanding about their set of magic seeds. This is why the very first magic seed spell you select is usually the most important; it can dictate the possible spells you can select on future stages within the Elite cla.s.s that would have the greatest compatibility with it, making the comprehension of these magic seed spells faster and more complete."
"This is a vital step if you want to break through to the Master cla.s.s, as it requires one to use their comprehension and understanding of the magic seeds to create their own Magic Circle, meaning a brand new spell, and becomes part of their foundation."
Ms. Lim showed the first projection; it was a 2nd-cla.s.s Magic circle.
"Here, you can see a 2nd-cla.s.s magic circle, with 2 concentric circles. The number of concentric circles usually determines the strength, quality, and rarity of the magic spell. Cla.s.ses of magic circle exist as well, ranging from 1 to 81."
"From 1st cla.s.s to 9th cla.s.s, it is considered to be average quality.
From 10th to 18th cla.s.s, it is considered above average.
From 19th to 27th, it is considered High.
From 28th to 36th, it is considered near perfect.
From 37th to 45th, it is considered perfect.
From 46th to 54th, it is considered Legendary.
From 55th to 63rd, it is considered Mythical.
From 64th to 72nd, it is considered DemiG.o.d.
From 73rd to 78th, it is considered Divine." Ms. Lim explicitly listed the cla.s.ses of magic circles to the students. One of them noticed what was wrong and asked,
"Ms. Lim, how about the 79th, 80th, and 81st cla.s.s of magic circles? What do we call these spells that reach this cla.s.s?"
Ms. Lim looked at the chubby kid with gla.s.ses and responded,
"Michael, right? Well, beyond the 78th cla.s.s magic circle, no one has actually seen one, in the entire history of our civilization. You kids should know about sprites, correct? The oldest known sprite, the Heavenly Tree sprite, can cast magic spells, and it only has one 78th cla.s.s magic circle which, according to records, was only cast once in the history of our planet."
"Oh I've read this! The spell's name is "Heavensfall", right? According to our history, a vicious being from the stars appeared and attempted to devour the planet! According to magic historians, it was estimated that the being was at least a DemiG.o.d cla.s.s expert!" Faykes shouted, interrupting Ms. Lim. Ms. Lim nodded, and continued,
"According to historic records, it seemed to have happened 20,000 years ago. The monster was immediately destroyed, leaving only the magic core. The Heavenly Tree sprite was then said to keep it sealed and hidden, unknown to all."
"Now, going back to magic circle quality, similar to your first magic seed spell, your first magic circle quality determines whether you would have an easier time to reach Legendary cla.s.s, and continues to affect your chances of reaching the Mythic cla.s.s!" Ms Lim lectured pa.s.sionately, igniting these group of students to be above the others. Xander just laughed inwardly at them; he could see that these students were easily riled up by the discussion.
He was wondering about something, however. Technically, the spells he had been making were Master cla.s.s spells, or advanced magic spells, with the exception of [Absolute Defense] and [Absolute Time]. Whenever he cast a spell from the 5-elemental series, however, there weren't any concentric circles at all; it was just a dot of light. When he tried focusing his eyesight on the dot of light, he could see that there were thousands upon thousands of runic writings continuously s.h.i.+fting and changing in form and structure every second.