Lei, seeing this, attempted to control the attack once again, and realizing that he couldn't control it, his face changed, and immediately launched his attack to dissipate the spell.
They were now in a predicament. They couldn't damage or even hinder the empress, while the 3 other men were fighting an uphill battle with 4 other G.o.d-4 cultivators.
The problem was that they didn't recognize the 3 other women. They were completely unprepared for how to deal with them, as they didn't have any information about them.
They could only play it safe and test the waters, causing the current situation. Those in Elema planet watching the situation were fearful when they saw the figure of Anya and the Empress of Shadows appearing, as they had seen records of their fights as well as their prowess.
If they won, didn't that mean��everyone in the auction house would be killed? d.a.m.n it, we want to get out of this planet! These were some of the thoughts running in the minds of the Divine and DemiG.o.ds in attendance. However, for the Sages present, they remained calm, because the organizations that they represented, or those that have a close connection with them, is enough a deterrence for these crazy women.
Although the Black Order advocated women superiority, they also know they cannot win an outnumbered fight. One organization versus hundreds of thousands of others that were roughly the same power as them: It's a no-brainer situation of who will win in the end.
Not only that, but there was also an opposing organization called the Purified Ones, consisting of males alone. Their goal was to enlighten everyone that women and anyone else besides men are unnecessary and can be replaced easily.
Elgors was part of the Koeman Group and a member of the Purified Ones. With the command from the head honcho of the Group, he gathered members from the Koeman Group and the Purified Ones to ambush and eliminate Anya; they plan on eliminating her through humiliating her in public…s.e.xually.
It sounds cruel, but for almost all sentient beings, reputation is an important commodity. How else can you show your might if you heard someone say, "oh hey, that's the girl that was s.e.xually abused and broadcasted all over the universe."
Hailey, on the other hand, was quite bored.
"Anya, Tessa, Mary, Clarissa; are you girls finished? These two guys are delectable and I wanna bring them back~"
"Pfft, Hailey, dear, control your p***y! Once we kill these three, we'll join you get those b.a.s.t.a.r.ds, haha!" Mary shouted, her body covered in blood that seemed to come from everywhere, continuously flowing and las.h.i.+ng out to the men who had to launch their attacks to nullify its movements and damage.
"Sis, just wait for a bit more…good, the spell's taking effect now. Teehee, handsome, don't you feel your body becoming a bit harder to control, and manipulate? Feeling a bit lightheaded and hot all over?" Clarissa murmured, her voice reaching the man she was having an intense fight with. Upon hearing this, he did notice that his cultivation skill and magic and elemental energy inside his body was losing order, becoming more chaotic.
"I-I… d-d.a.m.n it, I was drugged. Alex, use purification on me, quick!"
"Wait, Jose, are you sure? Your avatar will be canceled when I cast it to you." Alex responded, however, he was already preparing the spell.
"Just do it, Alex!! Quickly! It's a poisonous aphrodisiac!"
"Bingo~ It's far more potent than the strongest one in the universal market~," Clarissa said, laughing. When the 3 men heard this, their faces fell, before circulating rapidly their cultivation skills to purge out the poison from their bodies.
After all, they knew the effects of a magic-based aphrodisiac; they had used them over their countless interactions with other men and women, after all.
As they continued to cycle their skills, a pale, pinkish mist slowly dispersed from their bodies, before being eradicated by their domains.
They were unsure how the mist even managed to survive their domains in the first place, so they began to be in defensive mode towards the ladies they were fighting. Alex also prepared a ready to deploy purification spell for the men, just in case another similar situation would occur.
Anya, however, used this opportunity to launch her deadly attacks, as well as another pet.i.te-looking girl, Tessa, with scales all over her skin, and a pair of curved horns on her head. She had the bloodline of an ancient dragon and the Serpent Emperor, Ouroboros, a G.o.d cla.s.s magic beast.
The 3rd man, Georgy, nullified their attacks by using his earth/metal G.o.d spell, [Prison of Solitude], locking the 4 women and their attacks inside the spell.
It generated an eternal maze, meaning, it was a maze with no exit. The only way to break through the spell was by using brute force or await for the caster to lose magic energy.
The 4 girls were also a bit surprised, as they didn't know one of the men that Elgors called for had this kind of ability. Not even the other men or Elgors knew about Georgy's G.o.d skill.
The 4 girls were separated inside the spell, and their sense of direction and gravity was distorted inside. Although they can detect each others' presences, they could not accurately locate one another.
Anya and Tessa, the offensives of the team, began to launch a flurry of attacks towards the walls and ceilings, which caused some walls to crack, but not completely shatter. The ceilings trembled for a bit, before turning still.
Anya paused for a bit, before deciding to locate the girls instead so that they can pool their attacks at one point. Tessa, on the other hand, kept striking the same place in the ceiling, her punches roughly the same power as a G.o.d cla.s.s cultivator.
The men, seeing that the women were contained in the spell, let out a sigh of relief, before Jose and Alex headed to Elgors and Lei to help out against the Empress of Shadows.
Hailey, seeing the situation, wasn't shocked or angry; rather, she had an amused and pitiful look at the men.
"Ah, I wish you didn't do that~" she tsked, shaking her head. Elgors and the other 3 men were confused, but they didn't take heed of it and began their barrage of attacks.
Although she was demonstrating the powers of a complete counter representation, there must be an underlying limit of how much she can counter back.
Numerous spells of purification, light, 6 desires, Will, Imagination, decay, fire, water, air, Fate-destiny, and Truth-judgement elements bombarded her body, most of which were rapidly transformed into darkness and launched back to them. Of course, these elements were not purely that element, but rather, an amalgam of the other elements derived from their primary elements.
However, as they continued the barrage, they noticed that the element of Light and Fate-destiny were the longest elements to be processed.
They decided to the elements of their spells to show these traits, and after a few more attacks, Hailey was panting, albeit a bit seductively, as she continued to stand there.
"Ara, ara, you found out about my weakness~," Hailey said dramatically, causing the men to be on their guards. Hailey then laughed, and each laughter rapidly magnified her current power, to the point that the energy she was releasing was starting to suppress their domains.
"Sike, just kidding~ Thanks for the meal, by the way! Time to dig in~" When Hailey said this, her body morphed into a large, dark blob that seemed to continuously grow and devour the area where she was in, taking the 4 men into the blob.
Inside, it was pitch black, and Elgors couldn't feel, see, taste, touch, or hear anything. However, the backup Elgors was waiting for finally arrived at this moment.
Immediately, a ray of light penetrated the blob, and for the men inside the blob, they saw that ray as their source of freedom, and immediately traveled to where it originated.
Once they were out, the blob collapse, showing the injured figure of Hailey, her shoulder, and left leg had a large puncture hole.
There was no blood, as expected since their bodies were their universe. It did damage her universe, but at least her universal core was intact.
She gritted her teeth, looking at the source of the attack.
A s.h.i.+ny, humanoid figure could be seen standing in s.p.a.ce, its eyes were blank, its fingers pointing at Hailey.
"d.a.m.n it, a Rank-4 Magic Artifact…!" Her voice was quivering for a bit because she knew that this wasn't any ordinary Rank-4 artifact. Most likely, it was crafted by a Grandmaster and above that used a G.o.d-7 or higher cultivator since the attack power it showcased surpa.s.sed even her current power, G.o.d-7.
"Let there be light, they said, and there was light." The s.h.i.+ny being, Omeg2, spoke softly, and a small dot of light appeared on the tip of its finger, which quickly moved towards Hailey. When she saw this, her face was full of shock, and immediately s.h.i.+fted positions with one of the cultivators, but the light continued to chase her.
Seeing that the light was gradually becoming faster and faster, she gritted her teeth and unleashed her attack.
"Let darkness devour the light. Let nothing glow, return everything to nothing! [Immortals dream of Darkness]!"
Immediately, the whole area where the spell was and the other male cultivators were in was completely enshrouded with darkness. This was a different kind of darkness from when Hailey encapsulated the 4 men.
This was much, much more powerful, and yet at the same time, a double-edged attack.
The darkness this time contained the complete properties of absorption and devouring, the light orbs launched fading out of existence, absorbed by the darkness.
Not only that, but the cultivator's bodies were also rapidly being attacked, with the darkness attempting to absorb and devour them.
Of course, even the Omeg2 wasn't immune to this, but it was a rational being; it immediately launched 1 large-scale light spell that countered the whole dark spell, [G.o.d Days Gone], which also demonstrated devouring and absorption, but in the light spectrum.
Because of this impact, the spells began to distort the universe's rules in the area. After all, these spells used Origin elements.
As origin elements have more impact in manipulating and affecting the ordered system, they can deal more damage to the fabric of the universe than the derivatives of the origin elements.
As the spells clashed and canceled each other, s.p.a.ce rifts and dead spots appeared in the area. This can be considered mild since it didn't open up a void rift.
If a void rift opened and void creatures entered… everyone, no matter what their differences were, had to band together to slay that being or be killed.
Xander, who had been watching the situation from his room's projection, felt a bit bored. Earlier, he was still excited, because he could see the fights between G.o.d cla.s.s cultivators. However, the following events were quite lackl.u.s.ter.
He kind of pitied the women, because not only were they outnumbered, they were overwhelmed by a magic artifact, no less. He was tempted to send some help to them, although it was quite a ha.s.sle for him.
After all, his auction experience was almost affected by these women. But then again, their tenets seemed to have some truth to it, but shouldn't be completely believed word per word.
After a few minutes, he decided to just watch for now. If they planned to escape, I can at least aid with that part, hehe, Xander chuckled, before returning his attention to the projection.
Georgy had to move himself and the prison away from the fight scene, as he was focused on keeping the other girls from helping out the Empress.
However, when the two groups confronted, the resulting force caused a bit of damage in the cage, causing his face to change. He rapidly attempted to reform the damaged area, but quickly, it began to expand from the inside.
Seeing that they were about to escape, Georgy decided to regroup with the other men. He was glad that they at least decided to use Omeg2 in this operation. There were so many things they didn't know how to deal with, and it's better to destroy them using brute force. After all, scheming and tactics are nothing against absolute power.
When he arrived at where the other men were, he quickly joined their formation, merely saying,
"Prison got disrupted, the girls inside took advantage."
Elgors nodded, briefly acknowledging him. He then commanded the magic artifact to begin the process of destroying the females, which it acknowledge, before moving towards the Empress of Shadows.
Hailey, seeing the incoming figure, immediately began her process of escape, as she could deem this current expedition to be a failure.
Seeing the other women appear from the prison, she quickly signaled them, and when they saw her signal, their faces were grim, and immediately began to travel to 5 different directions.
After all, as if the magic artifact could split itself and chase us all, right?
Anyways, when they phased out of the physical dimension, the other G.o.d cultivators also phased out, tracing their trail, and after a bit, the video ended, since they couldn't transmit the scene in the other dimensions to the physical dimension after all.
Xander then waved his hands, quickly modifying the spatial signals the women left.
They already lost, after all. No point chasing them and leaving them no room for salvation, right? Xander said to himself, justifying his actions.
Now, the women wouldn't be discovered or traced by the G.o.d cultivators for the next 7 days. That should be enough time for them to change or modify their magic signatures. However, this time frame should be enough to proceed with the auction without a hitch. Whatever happens to Elema or Koeman in the future, he didn't care much, since there were other auction houses in the universe.
The power returned in all the Koeman auction houses in Elema, and the 45 women were all caught, but immediately after, they committed suicide, not self-destruction, but suicide.
Their bodies and elemental essence stones were now useless pieces of material, suitable to be dregs. However, at least they couldn't be tortured or resurrected completely since their life essences disintegrated and merged immediately to the universe.
Unless they have complete mastery and comprehension of the Life-Death elements, this kind of death is impossible to resurrect with 100% success and perfection. Of course, used in junction with s.p.a.ce-time magic, this becomes a complete certainty.
But who could afford the services of a s.p.a.ce-time cultivator? For a few measly grunts?
The auction continued, with the last item being auctioned. Everyone regained the earlier fervor by auctioning one of the highlights for today's auction: A set of 5 Cla.s.s 8 fruits of the fire element and a set of 5 Cla.s.s 8 fruits of the water element.
When Xander saw the quality, he was surprised as these were quite high, almost reaching 10 million years of age. As a Cla.s.s 8 plant material, this was helpful for DemiG.o.ds up to Sages alike.
However, Xander didn't have much interest. Currently, there were plenty of DemiG.o.d-6 beings in the garden. Roughly 30 more days and he would have Divine cla.s.s beings, producing plant materials at Cla.s.s 9. This might be shorter, if he planned to completely make a new Eden from scratch, setting the time difference the same as the laboratory.
He didn't place any bids but saw that a lot of the disciples of renowned magibiopharmacists were furiously bidding for the item. It was quite fun to see them scurry and argue with others who were bidding out of spite or for the sake of raising the price.
"Hmph, Caleio, I'll make sure you don't get the item!"
"Tough talk for someone whose master is quite stingy in giving funds, eh? My master at least gave me 800 billion worth of Galaxy coins. How much did yours give you, Farad? 200? 300? Haha!" Caleio snapped back, raising the price for the first set to 35 billion Galaxy coins.
The price that he cited was already the highest for this kind of item. The problem was it was just too rare, and the numerous elixirs and elixir pills one can make from this item would allow one to recoup the losses.
Seeing the price rise to 35 billion Galaxy coins, Farad hesitated; he was here to purchase certain 20-star pills. However, a beeping sound in his watch sounded up, and seeing the contents, he released a sly smile.
He immediately raised the price to 50 billion Galaxy coins, surprising the others who were still thinking of bidding. They immediately retreated, leaving Caleio and Farad in the bidding race.
Caleio sneered and raised it by 1.5 billion. If Farad would raise the price again, he would leave the bid, letting him win the overpriced goods.
Even Reva and Martina shook their heads seeing the price inflate to the current amount.
Farad, however, didn't back out and raised the bid by 1.5 billion, making it 53 billion. This time, no one placed a bid, as Caleio shrugged and stopped bidding.
Although he was being given strange looks, Farad didn't mind, because his dear master gave him an additional 1 trillion worth of Galaxy coins, as well as 2 more kinds of pills to buy.
Hehe, you idiots, I'm going to grab all the a.s.signed pills, hehe. If I have some spare money, I might be able to buy a magic artifact from the Chronicler, Farad mused to himself.
He didn't bid for the other set of Cla.s.s 8 fruits, letting a Sage cultivator get it for the price of 30 billion Galaxy coins.
It was then Brady showed off a bright smile, before bowing, and then saying,
"That concludes today's auction. For those who were successful in buying their desired items, please wait in your areas until the rest who didn't buy anything have left. The auction for tomorrow will begin at the same time as today, and expect more surprises and rarities!"
When the guests heard this, they did a customary clapping, congratulating those that won their bids, while some were giving each other stares of anger and disappointment.
Xander, seeing the festivities end, called for the auction manager, and began to discuss the "additional" item to spice things up.
The auction manager, hearing and seeing the additional items that Xander had proposed to consign, had his eyes s.h.i.+ne brightly and immediately reported the situation to the higher-ups, who, upon hearing the items, quickly accepted the consignment deal. They even decreased the cut they were willing to take to 8% from 10% originally.
Afterward, they talked for a bit before Xander was escorted to one of the private exits of the auction house, where Xander left and headed to his reserved hotel.
He commanded the mirror image to sleep, before heading to the laboratory and Eden for the rest of the night.
Xander didn't know that there would be an uproar tomorrow morning.
The next day, early morning. Everyone was pumped up and excited, no matter what their current cultivations were, or their jobs or professions.
The bomb that the Koeman Auction Group surprised not only the auction bidders but also the Galactic Empire and the nearby empires who heard the news.
The Universal Auction Consortium, on the other hand, was quite happy for them.
There were going to be 10 additional items for today and tomorrow, and they were going to be kept a secret until the actual auctioning of the item.
However, the Koeman purposely leaked several key terms, "Eternal" "Comprehension" "Heavenly Flame" ���9 elements in total" during their announcement.
People here weren't idiots; they connected the dots on what they were going to be auctioning.