n.o.bukata answered while rubbing his beard, “If I can’t judge who acts for the good of the master, don’t you think my life is a waste? It is not important if you are a spy or not; the master himself also mentioned that in this chaotic time, another realm’s spy can become your own servant. Though you are smart and powerful, you never hurt anyone. Only with this one reason, I am sure it is right to rescue you from this prison.”
“Thank you so much, n.o.bukata. I can only tell you that all I have done was try to save the whole family from wars and their destruction.”
n.o.bukata’s sense of justice and sincere look made Sakura feel safe again. Now she was more relaxed than before. At least she had no need to weave stories. She needed n.o.bukata’s tongue to make Harun.o.bu understand her. If Harun.o.bu still had her in his heart, she would try her best to hold on to it.
“In my opinion, it is much more important for Kai to strengthen the country than to expand its territory. Imagawa Yos.h.i.+moto did the same thing, which already brought them prosperit. Suwa had been our land, and so had Kagawa. The Middle and North s.h.i.+nano had become the alliance of Yos.h.i.+moto. If the two parties fight now, n.o.body will win, but the losses will be huge.”
“You still think like this! I don’t think you should go anywhere else.” n.o.bukata put his hand on her shoulder, looking at her with some deep thought. “Sakura, I know you think that the master doesn’t forgive. It is I who want to have you two reconcile. Anyway, though your relations.h.i.+p can’t be restored to as perfect as it was before this issue, I still hope you can stay beside him. If one day I die on the battlefield, at least you will be able to protect him and Kai for me.”
n.o.bukata’s honest confession made her sad. She remembered that he truly sacrificed his life to persuade Harun.o.bu to retreat in the battle with North s.h.i.+nano in the future. She didn’t want to see this actually happen. Besides, n.o.bukata treated her so well, he was like her family. If the day really came, how could she watch him march towards his death?
She nodded. Though she had complicated feelings right now, she promised him. Anyway, she had to take this as a challenge to change history, and she’d win. Besides, Harun.o.bu didn’t say he didn’t want her to stay with him anymore. Why shouldn’t she do her own part until he made a decision? At least she could live a good life by his side. If one day she was tired of all this, she would still have the chance to leave.
She lived in n.o.bukata’s house for about one month. Based on n.o.bukata’s words, Harun.o.bu still had no plan to go out for war. He was focused on the mining, and he also called on civilians to work on diverting the flow of rivers in Kai, to prepare well to prevent Kai from flooding in the summer.
Sakura heard from him that only Harun.o.bu and n.o.bukata knew she was in n.o.bukata’s house. Even n.o.bus.h.i.+ge thought that she was still in the prison. He had pleaded for her twice, but he was sent by Harun.o.bu to Kagawa for rebuilding.
“n.o.bukata, you told me that I can go out to meet other people soon. How about now? I have been staying here alone for a month. I’m afraid I am going mad.”
Each time she asked a question similar to this, he a.s.suaged her with some vague answers, like “Don’t be so anxious,” or “Just a few more days. . . ” Sakura thought that he himself didn’t know when, either.
n.o.bukata was a reasonable person. So it must have been Harun.o.bu who didn’t want to forgive her so soon. He knew she’d be suffering from being alone; perhaps that was part of her punishment? But the man was so cold, he didn’t come to see her even once. Should she praise him for his steady personality as a master of a country?
n.o.bukata seldom came to meet her, too. If he came, it was because there was big news. For example, Madam Sanjō gave birth to a daughter. . . Yiu went back to live in Suwa, but she was discovered to be pregnant later. . .
Were these the changes of history she had mentioned? Sakura was going crazy with this news. But thinking about this carefully, did her mention of a studhorse influence him?
She started to regard this as his manner to make her sick, or to train her patience. But her enemy was Kansuke. If he continued with his intention of killing her, she had to figure out a way to let him leave, to ensure that her and Harun.o.bu’s future would be safe.
“Sakura, see who is visiting.”
Hearing this call, Sakura raised her head to find someone familiar following n.o.bukata. She was so happy when she recognized the person.
“Hua? Is it you?”
“Chief, you are here! We miss you so much!”
Before Hua had a chance to cry, Sakura gave her a big hug, which surprised the maid.