Thousand Face Demonic Concubine - Chapter 232.2

Chapter 232.2

Chapter 230.1 - Treating rumours as the truth

Feng s.h.i.+yi came to Qingge little building early in the morning.

He pushed open the door and saw that Feng Yege had already woke up and was reclining on a couch, his hand holding a book.

He wore a long black gown and his long hair was loose, falling over his shoulders and onto the couch.

His long gown was loose too and it hung over his frame.

His master was clearly an immortal type of person, but why did he suddenly feel a bit demonic and cold?

He felt his mood drop a bit as he placed breakfast near Feng Yege.

He shuffled around a bit, not leaving as he snuck a few looks at Feng Yege.

He then mumbled, “Master, this …”

Did you wake up early or did you not sleep at all last night?

That's what he wanted to ask but he didn't have the guts.

Feng Yege flipped over a page, not even lifting up his head, “Is there something you want to say?”

“That … that …” Feng s.h.i.+yi lowered his head, “Master, there … there's something I want to say.”

“Oh?” Feng Yege lifted up an eyelid, his eyes calm like still and dead water. This made Feng s.h.i.+yi feel even more uneasy.

“That night, I accidentally overheard something.”

“Which night?” Feng Yege's face was still emotionless.

Feng s.h.i.+yi silently swallowed. “That is … the night when the emperor bestowed marriage.”

Feng Yege's hand froze for a second before his eyes lowered, “Oh? What did you hear?”

“I heard, heard …” Feng s.h.i.+yi still felt like Lou Qingwu's words from that night were strange.

But he still couldn't understand the meaning behind them, after all of these days.

And seeing as how the marriage was steadily approaching, as well as how silently cold his master was …

He felt like, with how much he understood his master, the calmer he seemed, the more it meant he was hiding underneath.

He felt like he had a duty to report what he had overhead.

Feng s.h.i.+yi paused before hitting his chest, continuing, “I saw that Miss Lou had a black wooden box on her table. There were toddler clothes inside. Furthermore, she said some strange things. She said, she'd make her child come back to life and something about the third prince, Xiahou Qing, not worthy of becoming the child's father. But that she couldn't help but make the child come back to life? She also said, after the child was born, she'd take the child and leave, and that … that's when the child's revenge would be finished.”

Feng s.h.i.+yi's heart was shaking as he finished speaking.

He was scared that Feng Yege would think he was crazy, and that's why he said such nonsense.

But when he looked at Feng Yege, he saw that Feng Yege was frozen and stupefied.

His heart suddenly moved, nearly putting his hand on his heart to swear, “Master, everything that s.h.i.+yi said was the truth, I definitely wouldn't dare to lie! At that time, Miss Lou thought she was alone, that's why she said those things. But it's too strange so … I didn't dare to tell master. I was scared that Miss Lou might have still been dreaming.”

So if he was just giving his master false hope, wouldn't that just make things worse?

Who knew that this moment of hesitation, then become days.

Feng Yege finally regained his senses but he was still silent.

He didn't know how long it took but Feng Yege finally slowly sat up.

His dark eyes had no lights reflected in them.

“What was her expression like?”

“How was it ah …” Feng s.h.i.+yi tried hard to remember, “Miss Lou looked sorrowful and she held the child's clothing to her heart. She also looked a bit dazed. She didn't even notice me even though I was hanging outside of her window. I was also scared she'd notice so I left soon after that too.” Feng Yege said carefully.

He looked at Feng Yege uneasily before sensing that his master's silence became strange.

“That, master, what do you think Miss Lou meant? She's unmarried so how could she have a child? Furthermore, from what Miss Lou said, it seems like the child is the third prince's too. But how could a child come back from life? Also, Miss Lou only started interacting with the third prince months ago. I can definitely guarantee they'd never met each other before then too.”


TL note:  

We're finally making progress!!!

Leave a comment and because now we wait for Feng Yege to make a huge leap of faith and connect the dots xx