Thousand Face Demonic Concubine - Chapter 228.2

Chapter 228.2

Chapter 226.1 - Stop digging underneath my wall

Now, everyone looked at him a bit strangely.

Shu Yunyan pretended that he didn't see the strange looks and continued to hold a straight face, “Then, can this gentleman Mu begin?”

“As you wish.” Lou Qingwu's lips curved.

Her face was clearly very pretty but Shu Yunyan could see a bit of coldness from her.

His brows furrowed.

The person across from him lifted up her sleeves, her eyes half cast as she lightly placed her hands on the zither strings.

He suddenly had a bad feeling, could she actually play it?

If he was right, she only looked 14-15 years old.

How could she have such high zither skills?

But she looked very confident in herself, making her glow brilliantly.

Shu Yunyan's eyes grew a bit suspicious.

Lou Qingwu's fingers were long and thin as they lightly plucked the zither strings, a melodious tune immediately sounded and before anyone could react, a beautiful zither song began.

But she played so carelessly, as if she was playing a seven string zither and not a six string zither.  

This shocked the music lovers in the audience.

After all, there were quite a few who understood music and had interests in zither.

As they listened carefully, their eyes grew wide.

But people who had heard “Guang Han Diao” in its entirety were few and far between.

Shu Yunyan had heard of it which is why his expression changed completely when she started to play.

He looked at her indifferent att.i.tude, disbelief written on his face as he pursed his lips.

Shu Yunyan hadn't completely gathered himself by the time that the song finished.

His expression was strange as his brows knitted together strongly.

Lou Qingwu looked at him, her eyes cold as he finally turned away, sucking in a deep breath.

The two people looked at each other quietly, reading each other's cold att.i.tudes in their eyes.

Neither of them wanted to back down.

Shu Yunyan's expression was bad.

By his side, all Xiliang Mubai knew was that she played well and it was a good song.

But when he saw the two people looking at each other, he felt a bit uncomfortable as he pushed at him, “Shu Yunyan, so how was it? Was it “Guang Han Diao”?”

Shu Yunyan looked at him, then made a small ‘en' sound.

The rest of the audience heard this and then all began to praise her in unison.

After all, they knew that Shu Yunyan were from Xiliang country and they could actually beat another country in something, made them all proud.

Xiliang Mubai's eyes grew bright as he stared at Lou Qingwu.

He kept thinking that his taste in women was exceptional.

This was the first time he'd ever seen prime minister Shu lose face to someone.

So he kept thinking that he definitely had to marry this woman as his consort, she'd look pretty just sitting there.

But as he was secretly happy, Shu Yunyan was definitely not happy.

After all ….

“Ah, it seems like the zither playing made prime minister Shu very happy.”


“Then, when will I get my ten thousand in gold?” Lou Qingwu spoke steadily, as if she wasn't aware that this was affecting the purity of art for arts' sake.

Shu Yunyan's expression grew even darker.

Lou Qingwu used her hand to prop up her chin, her lips slightly curved, “Prime minister Shu, don't tell me, you don't have that much money on you?”

“How could we not?!” Xiliang Mu couldn't afford to lose face in front of everyone so he used his finger to sneakily poke Shu Yunyan, “Hey, where's the money we brought with us?”

Shu Yunyan swept a look at him.

He didn't think that anyone could actually play it so he didn't bring that much money with him.

Xiliang Mubai instantly understood Shu Yunyan's look and his own expression darkened.

He … he'd never lost fact this bad in his whole life, to actually ….

“What are you pausing for, hurry up back to the tavern and get the money!” He turned around and shouted at his servant.

His servant immediately jumped up in shock before running out of Changle Lane.


TL note:  

Digging underneath my wall - wanting to steal someone/someone's thing, like stealing an employee from another company

Leave a comment and because I'm sorry for the lack of chapters and there'll be a WNSYM chapter tonight too xx