Thousand Face Demonic Concubine - Chapter 173.2

Chapter 173.2

Chapter 171.1 - One less love rival

“Someone of no importance?” Zi Li rubbed her chin, why didn’t she feel like that was the case?

The anger that briefly flashed in his eyes didn’t escape her eyes.

Someone that’s able to make Feng Yege that angry but also make him able to suppress his anger so that he doesn’t say a single bad word about her?

That didn’t seem like someone of no importance.

When Ye Ji and Xiahou Qing left the residence, Ye Ji still hadn’t wandered out of the scene where Feng Yege saved her.

Xiahou Qing’s expression was bad.

The two people hopped into the carriage, Xiahou Qing gripping his chest as he leaned against the carriage seat.

From the corner of his eye, he saw Ye Ji’s still flushed face, unable to help but mock her, “He was just doing it as a pa.s.sing gesture, do you really think that he likes you?”

Ye Ji felt like he’d thrown cold water at her.

Her face coldened.

“So what if I like him? Does that impact your plans? Stop minding me!”

“But your stupid lovestruck face makes me wonder about the intelligence of the helper I’ve chosen.”

“What does that mean?”

“Exactly what the words say.”

“Really? Even if there was something wrong with my intelligence, it’s not like you’re that much better. Didn’t you get rejected by brother Ye too? He doesn’t want to heal you.” Ye Ji choked and tried to snap back.

Originally, she’d already been in a bad mood because of Zi Li, who suddenly appeared and managed to suppress her.

But who knew that Xiahou Qing would kick her while she was down, her face grew colder.

“Hmph, I didn’t plan on getting him to help me today anyway.”

“Then what do you want?” Her eyes fell on Xiahou Qing’s chest.

There was blood seeping from the bandage which made him look even more pitiful so she looked him up and down before jerking a mouth corner, “You’re really good at faking illness.”

Xiahou Qing’s eyes narrowed dangerously, “You think I’m faking it?”

“What do you think?”

He thought she was ridiculously stupid.

What type of person was he, how could he let someone have the opportunity to him?

Ye Ji was just too lazy to ask and wanted to see what he was up to.

But in the next moment, when Xiahou Qing opened up his lapels to reveal the heavy bandaging, her brows furrowed, “What exactly do you want?”

“Nothing, I just want to test Lou Qingwu’s heart.”

“En?” Ye Ji’s expression grew bad, “You can test it like that?”

So if he wanted to test Lou Qingwu, why did he go to the Night Prince’s residence?

“Of course, I originally was worried that the Night Prince might actually agree to help me. Luckily, he didn’t so we can continue our original plan.”

“Oh? What plan?”

“If she does like me, wouldn’t she try to think up of a plan if I died? I just want to see whether she’ll stand on my second brother’s side or if she’d stand on my side.”

If she stood on his second brother’s side, she’d only want for him to die.

But if she liked him, she’d try to find ways to heal him.

“Do you really think she won’t see through your scheme?”

“Don’t worry, I purposely found people to me, the position was carefully done. She definitely wouldn’t be able to find out. Furthermore, the poison isn’t common. When she took my pulse, I purposely controlled my blood flow. She doesn’t have inner strength so she wouldn't have felt anything.”

“And you’re that sure she likes you, in this small amount of time you’ve been with her?”

“Then you can just sit and wait. She’s a clever person but if she’s not going to marry second brother, then she’ll be on the side of the other princes.” But everything that happened lately seemed to benefit his second brother so he was growing suspicious.

And if it was what he was thinking, he only had to test her.

If Miss Lou stood by his side, she’d try her hardest.

If she didn’t try her hardest … he wouldn’t leave an enemy alive.


TL note:  

*asks person to do thing*

*person says no*

“Hmph, I didn’t want you to do it anyway!!!!”


Leave a comment and because it doesn’t seem like Xiahou Qing’s faking it? xx