Thousand Face Demonic Concubine - Chapter 160.2

Chapter 160.2

Chapter 158.1 - Chasing a person for a thousand miles

Outside of the carriage, a girl in purple robes stood in the centre.

In one hand, she held a whip and she viciously whipped the middle of the carriage, shocking the horses which raised themselves up on their hind legs.

Feng s.h.i.+yi gripped the reins tightly and pulled back, trying to stop the horses from das.h.i.+ng forwards.

He rubbed his forehead at the girl in front, his head hurting.

The girl was stubborn with her whip, there was even a backpack on her back as she glared at the carriage, “Feng Yege, get out!”

The curtain lifted up but there was a puzzled girl’s face that poked out instead.

The girl in purple froze, her eyes cold, “Who are you? Where is Feng Yege?”

Lou Qingwu’s eyes narrowed, the hand that was holding up the curtain tightening.

Feng Yege had already leaned forward towards her before also narrowing his eyes, “s.h.i.+yi, send her away!”

“You dare!”

Now, the girl in purple was completely furious, her whip coming down hard again.

But this time, Feng s.h.i.+yi gripped the whip as his face instantly changed, his mouth opened to scold her before remembering the girl’s ident.i.ty and silently closing his mouth again.

Feng Yege’s cold eyes fell on the whip as he quickly palmed a needle and aiming, threw it accurately at the whip, cutting it in half.

The girl jumped in shock before quickly stepping backwards.

She steadied herself before looking at the half of the whip in her hands, her back going cold.

Half of her previous anger had disappeared as she lifted up her head, her eyes teary and she accused him, “Feng Yege! You’re too much! I suffered so much to run out here and chase after you but you’re actually sending me away with s.h.i.+yi! You’re forcing me to die! If I die, will you be happy?”

“Then you can try.” Feng Yege’s voice was cold and heartless.

The girl was dumbfounded, “You … you actually …”

“s.h.i.+yi, tie her up and send her back!”

“Yes!” Feng s.h.i.+yi quickly jumped off the carriage and headed towards the girl.

The girl took two more steps back, looking at him cautiously, “You dare!”

“Great aunt, please, don’t torment my master any more. My master’s already gotten injured for you. Just sincerely head back, please.” Feng s.h.i.+yi pleaded with her.

Even though his master had ordered him to tie her up, how could he actually really tie her up?

“Injured?” Lou Qingwu quickly whipped her head back to face him, glaring at him.

Feng Yege’s cold face froze before silently turning around, giving Lou Qingwu a weak half smile, “.... you heard wrongly.”

“Really?” Lou Qingwu looked at him disbelievingly. She didn’t say that she believed him or that she didn’t.

But when her eyes fell on the girl outside again, her face was expressionless.

Feng Yege’s head started hurting, “s.h.i.+yi, do it!”

“... Yes.” He quietly answered as s.h.i.+yi headed towards the girl.

But for every step he took, the girl took one backwards.

Even Lan Bai, who was in the carriage behind the, couldn’t help but stick her head outside.

When she saw that scene, her mind quickly imagined the scene of a girl chasing a man for a thousand miles.

s.h.i.+yi was filled with grievances but he couldn’t say anything out loud.

Exactly what did Feng Yi, Er, San do for a living, to let this girl run all the way out here.

If he did end up her, his master would be fine, but the one who would be punished was them!

Just as Feng s.h.i.+yi’s face was filled with despair as he decided to quickly get it over with, he saw three despondent figures arrive.

It was Feng Yi, Er and San.

He immediately yelled out to them, “You’re finally here! Quickly, grab her, master said to send her away!”

“But ….” Feng Yi and the others all had scrunched up faces, this woman was too annoying to deal with.

They’d only slipped up for a second and she escaped all the way out here.


TL note:  

Feng Yi, Er, San - Feng one, two and three

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