Thousand Face Demonic Concubine - Chapter 157.1

Chapter 157.1

Chapter 154.2 - Only as a concubine

Bonus half chapter as an apology for the late chapters, I’ve just flown back to my home state and I’m so happy that I’m seeing my friends and family again <3>

(also a thank you to everyone who’s been commenting and following TFDC, I love you all dearly as well!)


He turned to the side to see that Lou Qingwu had already, some time ago, moved to face him.

But she only took a look before quickly turning around.

The empress found this strange, “Night Prince, why are you here?”

The Night Prince stopped gracefully to look downwards before his thin lips curled into a smile, a rare bright and clear smile, “This prince has seen Miss Lou a few times and knowing what today is, how could I not come by and join in to celebrate?”’

He spoke casually so even though the empress thought it was strange, she thought of the half true and half false rumours spreading around and didn’t say much else.

She gestured him to take an empty seat near her and continued to bind Lou Qingwu’s hair with her hands.

Lou Qingwu was still facing downwards but she could feel Feng Yege’s eyes on her.

She silently let out a sigh of relief.

She was hoping for him to come.

After all, before knowing that her mother was still alive in this lifetime, she’d always thought that her senior brother was the closest relative that she’d had.

Her coming of age ceremony, to her, was very important.

So she really did hope that he’d attend and when she thought that he hadn’t remembered, he really did make it in time.

Lou Qingwu couldn’t clearly express what her heart was feeling …

She only felt like her chest was hot, as if something was about to jump out.

But slowly, slowly, she pressed down on it until in the end, she was calm down again.

The coming of age ceremony continued as the empress’ perfectly well kept hands continued to braid up Lou Qingwu’s long hair.

It was braided up into a cloud bun hairstyle before a golden hairpin was inserted in.

Finally, a few strands were left near her ears and when it was completed, the empress revealed a relaxed expression.

Lou Qingwu’s mouth curled up too and when she turned to the side, she accidentally met Feng Yege’s eyes.

The gentleness in his eyes as he watched her made Lou Qingwu freeze before quickly darting away, she quickly lowered her eyes.

Feng Yege’s eyes fell on her reserved face as his eyes seemed to darken before he looked at the golden hairpin in her hair.

He only wished that the hairpin in her hair was his purple jade hairpin.

But that hairpin held too much meaning and would just make more trouble for her than it was worth.

So he could only hold in this regret.

The coming of age finally ended as the empress personally helped Lou Qingwu up.

She spoke warmly to her in an almost joking manner, “You’re all grown up now, you can even be matched for marriage now.”

After she spoke, she seemed to have almost carelessly glane at Xiahou Rui.

Feng Yege’s eyes darkened but his mouth was still in a smile. “There’s no rush, she can still wait for two years.”

The empress froze, unable to decipher what Feng Yege meant.

But inside, she personally hoped that Lou Qingwu could still marry Xiahou Rui.

After all, Rui’er was so in love with Qingwu, that child.

So even though she couldn’t be a consort, she could still enter the residence as a concubine.

But this Night Prince ….

The empress was about to say something but at this time, someone else’s arrival was also announced.

“The emperor has arrived --- consort Ying has arrived ---”

Following this announcement, the emperor and consort Ying quickly entered the hall.

The emperor was in front in his bright yellow dragon robes, majestic and domineering.

Behind him, consort Ying was in pale pink palace robes, making her small face look even more youthful and beautiful, giving off a fresh and clean aura.


TL note:  

Hairpin for the coming of age ceremony - there is some sort of significance in the hairpin. It can also kind of mean that the person is "his". In previous novels, you may have seen potential suitors offer up hairpins to the female lead for her coming of age ceremony. If she chooses one, that kinda means she's into him and hints that she's considering marriage with him. It's a pretty bold move which is why Feng Yege's reluctant to give his hairpin to her to wear, even though the ceremony is quite small and personal. Feng Yege's suitors(ess'?) are crazy.

When LQW said something was going to jump out, I remembered that scene from Alien. Like is a baby alien inside and waiting to jump free? Spooky.

(my secret talent is killing the atmosphere)

Leave a comment and for some other people to ruin the atmosphere too xx

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