Thousand Face Demonic Concubine - Chapter 153.2

Chapter 153.2

Chapter 151.1 - Served with a slap

Right until the people from the palace left did Li Jingsheng wave and gesture to the housekeeper.

The wedding palanquin then slowly began to move and not too long later, arrived at the Li family.

As the wedding palanquin was put down, Li Jingsheng paused on his horse for a moment before jumping down.

He walked towards the palanquin and stood in front of the curtains.

The wedding matron spoke a few phrases wis.h.i.+ng for fortune before lifting up the curtain and at the same time, placed a red silk knot in his hand.

Li Jingsheng expressionlessly held it, standing in his wedding robes with a cold expression that showed no joy at being married.

He heard the loud wedding gongs and drums through his ears but he just looked downwards.

If his father didn’t say he was scared of offending the Ruan family head, he wouldn’t have even done this procession.

It was just a concubine.

He silently snorted before watching Lou Lianxin being escorted out of the palanquin, gripping the red silk knot tightly.

But as his eyes fell on her white and fair hands, he froze, suddenly thinking of Lou Qingwu.

Back then, when she took a knife for him, she’d accidentally revealed her fingers and they were just as slender.

He thought for a moment before something possessed him to reach out and grab Lou Lianxin’s hand.

Lou Lianxin’s body shuddered.

Her original hard resolve wavread in that moment.

Separated by the red wedding veil, she could only see a blurry silhouette.

She suddenly bit down on her lip, her eyes tearing up, “Jingsheng ... “

It was this sound that suddenly made Li Jingsheng wake up.

His brows furrowed as he instantly let go of her hand, his voice was deep as he said, “Let’s go.”

Lou Lianxin’s heart dropped.

The higher her expectations were, the more it hurt when they weren’t met, her heart ached.

She silently gripped the silk knot that was pa.s.sed to her hands, silently looking down at it and following Li Jingsheng, step by step.

They walked until they quickly reached the ancestral hall of the Li residence.

They were only a few more steps before they suddenly heard a bunch of other footsteps from behind, quickly chasing up to them and stopping them from entering the ancestral hall.

Li Jingsheng was astonished, not understanding why the people by his grandmother’s side suddenly appeared?

As this question appeared in his mind, he looked up and at the old madam who was walking here, with a darkened face.

His body went cold as he quickly kept thinking.

He respectfully bent at the waist, greeting her, “Grandmother.”

“En.” The old madam Mrs Li sneered expressionlessly, not even turning her head as she walked past the two people, walking in front of them.

Behind her, was the beautifully made up Mrs Fan-Li, that is Fan Yi’s birth mother.

Mrs Fan-Li was born of the old madam Mrs Li but because she lost her husband at an early age, was collected back to the Li residence by the old madam.

She was doted on excessively and therefore, the old madam also loved Fan Yi dearly.

This time, when Fan Yi got in trouble, the old madam was most likely furious and still holding a grudge.

So today’s wedding seemed like it’d be rather rocky.

The old madam didn’t enter the ancestral hall but her personal senior aide moved a reclining couch for her and she sat on that.

Her maidservants sat on a few shorter chairs, ma.s.saging her legs for her.

Mrs Fan-Li also stood behind her, carefully and slowly ma.s.saging her shoulders.

But when her eyes fell on Li Jingsheng and Lou Lianxin, she contemptuously sneered at them.  

Mrs Fan-Li also stood behind her, carefully and slowly ma.s.saging her shoulders.

But when her eyes fell on Li Jingsheng and Lou Lianxin, she contemptuously sneered at them.  

Li Jingsheng’s lowered eyes grew cold but his face was still as respectful as ever, “Grandmother, you’ve come?”

“What? My grandson’s getting married and I, as your grandmother, can’t come?”

“Your grandson didn’t meant that.” Li Jingsheng quickly tried to explain.

Even his father had to respect his grandmother three points, so how could he dare to not?

He was concubine born so his grandmother looked down on him.


TL note:  

Fan Li - Fan nee Li aka she was first a Li and then married Mr Fan but now that she’s widowed, she’s also Mrs Li.

Fan Yi - being the guy who got caught flirting with the future second prince’s consort, egged on by Li Jingsheng who got him drunk. Uh oh.

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