Thousand Face Demonic Concubine - Chapter 92.2

Chapter 92.2

Chapter 87.2 - Six stringed zither song

At the same time, Lou Qingwu finished playing


Her fingers withdrew and in an instant, the music stopped.

Everyone’s eyes fell on Shangguan Yiyun, some envious, some jealous, but more than that, there were people who lamented that they didn’t have her fate.

Lou Qingwu stood up and bowed deeply before returning to her position.

Just as she turned around, her eyes carelessly fell on Xiahou Rui’s gloomy expression.

She silently lowered her eyes: It seemed like he heard her intention.

When Xiahou Rui said that he’d drink the poisoned wine on her behalf, she was worried that things might go unexpectedly.

Before, she hadn’t thought anything of it but if she didn’t understand now, then that’d really just be fake of her.

But she originally had no feelings towards him so before things go out of hand, she decided to take the opportunity given to her to tell him her way of thinking.

In her previous lifetime, when she was the empress, she didn’t excell in zither, poems, chess or painting.

It was only because she wanted to give Xiahou Qing a surprise, that she tried her hardest to train in those arts.

Afterwards, when she was investigating some secret history, she found the previous Xiliang’s empress’


At that time, she was only curious so she practiced it for a few months before being considered reluctantly fluent in it.

After that, because she actually did like the song, she continued to practice it.

She just didn’t think that she’d use it here.

She was betting that Xiahou Rui had previously gone to Xiliang and the possibility that he knew of


So she used

to express her intentions and feelings, hoping he’d understand her way of thinking.

It seemed like this time, she’d succeeded.

The empress’ eyes wandered far away before returning to her senses in a moment.

Her expression was complicated as she looked at Lou Qingwu, before finally asking, “Qingwu, ah, what was the song you just played?”

Lou Qingwu stood up, “That was a zither score that this subject-girl had accidentally come across. It had no name so I’ve let the empress heard a joke.”

“It’s no problem, but to not get the prize this time, is a pity. As the empress, I’ll compensate you another time.”

Lou Qingwu froze before nodding, “Thank you, empress.”

The empress then waved her hands to let her sit down, nodding at the senior aid by her side.

The senior aid then loudly spoke, “After a lot of careful consideration, the empress thinks that the ministry of war’s official’s daughter Miss Shangguan, will receive the prize. Does anyone not agree?”

Everyone: “Your son/subject-girl doesn’t not agree.”

The empress looked at consort Ning, “Little sister, what about you?”

Consort Ning lifted up her eyes, her eyes carelessly falling on Shangguan Yiyun, her lips curled.

“This is big sister’s banquet, how could I dare to speak out.”

The empress was then satisfied, “Seeing as how no one disagrees, then today’s prize will go to Yiyun, that child.”

Shangguan Yiyun heard and walked over from her position to kneel at the very centre, “Subject girl thanks the empress for her deep affection.”

“Senior aid, open the prize.”

The senior aid walked in front to lift up the brocade cloth, it was a phoenix crown and red clouds cape.

Everyone froze, because even though they knew beforehand, they didn’t think that the empress would actually prepare the phoenix crown and red clouds cape set.

They couldn’t help but look enviously at Shangguan Yiyun.

The empress beamed as she spoke, “Second prince has reached a marriageable age so I wanted to take this opportunity to find a consort for him. This phoenix crown and red clouds cape set was intended for the future second prince’s consort. I don’t know if Yiyun will agree?”

Shangguan Yiyun had her head down the whole time, as if she’d been shocked by the empress’ regal face.

Hearing this, she became silent.

Just as the empress’ brows furrowed for a moment, she kowtowed, “This subject-girl agrees.”

The empress then became happy again, looking towards the Xiahou Rui who sat with the other princes.

His handsome face was slightly pale, and didn’t move.

Xiahou Liuyun anxiously pushed at him.

Then he slowly stood up, walking very slowly towards Shangguan Yiyun before standing next to her.

His tall figure casting a dark shadow.


TL note:

Notice how the empress quickly calls Shangguan Yiyun, “Yiyun, that child”. Eye roll.

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