Those Sweet Times - Chapter 36 Part2

Chapter 36 Part2

Those Sweet Times

Chapter 36 Part 2

Diaochan was a pretty champion. When she used her second ability, there

was a tiny window, a fraction of a second, when she was invincible. If the

player could time it precisely, she could avoid being damaged.

Her second ability greatly increased Diaochan's survivability, allowing her to

fight the enemy in close quarters. If she was better equipped, she could fight

against three others just by singing and dancing.

In order to increase her power, she needed good items.

Diaochan needed a lot of care from her teammates, giving her gold, experience,

blue buff, all the good stuff.

When Xiang Nuan found out about it, she felt that Diaochan and Lin Chuyan

were very much alike. They all looked like high-maintenance people yet were

both lethal……

Xiang Nuan chose a support champion, Cai Wenji.

During the match, Lin Chuyan played Diaochan pretty well and without irritating

the enemy. The one who irritated Black s.p.a.ce was Cai Wenji.

Cai Wenji was a simple champion. Her most important ability was healing other

champions. Her secondary ability was stunning the enemy, but only for a short

period of time. In general she wasn't a particularly powerful champion. However,

Xiang Nuan played Cai Wenji so well in this match that the enemy grew quite

annoyed at her.

After Xiang Nuan's team won the first round, Black s.p.a.ce banned Cai Wenji for

the next round.

Xiang Nuan felt it was so unfair. Usually it was the fighting champions that got

banned. Why was the support champion she played also banned. Those champions

were cute and not much of a threat to anyone. Why ban a support?

Since Cai Wenji was banned, to coordinate with Lin Chuyan, Xiang Nuan chose

Zhuang Zhou as her champion for the second round.

Diaochan's worst nightmare was being hit by crowd control and Zhuang Zhou's best

ability was removing crowd control from his teammates. These two champions worked

well together.

The round went by even more smoothly than the first round for Xiang Nuan's team.

The enemy found out how formidable Diaochan was too late into the game after she

grew too strong. Together with Lin Chuyan's skill and the cooperation of the whole

team, Xiang Nuan's team won the second round with ease.

Except something distracted them in the middle of the game which almost made them

lost the round.

At the critical moment in one of their team fights, Xiang Nuan suddenly got a phone

call. She then remembered that she had forgotten to set her phone to do not disturb.

She rejected the phone call without even looking at it.

The call came in again.

Then she noticed that it was from her mom.

“Lili, help me call my mom back!” Xiang Nuan hung up the phone again, then quickly

gave a series of numbers to Min Lili, who was sitting next to her.

Having little to do today, Min Lili had come to watch them play. She didn't know how

to play the game and was sitting around, bored.

When Xiang Nuan made the request, Min Lili hurriedly left the room to call Xiang

Nuan's mom back.

After the second round was over, she and her teammates cheered and gave each

other high fives.  Their team was moving to the finals.

Min Lili came back with her cell phone in hand and said: “Nuannuan, your parents

are here. They're waiting at the gazebo next to the lake.”

“What? They came without letting me know in advance.” Xiang Nuan found it

rather strange.

“I don't know. I told them that you're in the middle of a game and they said……”

“What did they say?”

“They want to buy your teammates lunch.”

Xiang Nuan was confused.

Xiang Nuan felt like something wasn't right, as if she had missed some important

detail, but she couldn't really put her finger on it. She turned to look at her teammates

and asked: “My parents want to buy you guys lunch. Do you want to go?”

Zheng Dongkai and the other two all looked at Lin Chuyan. It was obvious who was

in charge of their dorm room.

Lin Chuyan looked unusually serious and said: “It's disrespectful to refuse.”

Zheng Dongkai glanced at Lin Chuyan and found him clenching his fists. It's obvious

that Chuyan was nervous.
